Chapter 9

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Margaret slowly woke up, feeling disoriented. A wave of embarrassment washed over her, making her feel both nervous and aroused. "Hadi...?" She muttered weakly. "What are you doing?" Her voice was barely audible, but Hadi did not seem to hear her, continuing his manipulations, his tongue magically working on her sensitive clitoris. He knew she was still half asleep and didn't want to disturb her, so he continued to tease her until she began to respond more clearly.


"Hey, what are you doing?"

Hadi raised his head slightly, his eyes shining with desire as he looked at Margaret's flushed face. " Can't a man please his wife in her sleep?" He smiled playfully at her before returning to her wet folds, his tongue skillfully sliding over her swollen nub. Despite her surprise at finding him doing this while she was unaware of it, Margaret couldn't help but feel a growing sense of arousal spreading throughout her body.

"But"... Margaret protested weakly. "Early in the morning"

But Hadi just shook his head: " This is my favorite time of day," he explained. "When you are fresh and damp after sleep"

" You are an insatiable idiot," Margaret grinned, throwing her head back on the pillow.

Hadi grinned: "Insatiable? me?"

He continued to pleasure her with his mouth, gently taking her clit between his teeth before sucking it back into his warm cavern. He loved hearing her laugh and seeing her completely relaxed and trusting of his presence. "And the idiot?" He added with a grin, " Well, I guess it's better than boring, isn't it?"

As he continued to pay attention to her sensitive areas, Margaret found herself increasingly aroused, despite her earlier protests.

" You know..." she whispered, " I think sometimes you need a break from sex."

Hadi raised an eyebrow. "A break from sex?" He paused briefly. " You think so? That I'm too obsessed with pleasing you?" He looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and amusement in his eyes. " Well, I must admit that I find great satisfaction in giving you pleasure, but I never thought that you would consider it excessive". Despite his casual tone, Hadi could tell that Margaret's words had touched his soul, making him question his behavior and whether he had been too demanding in their lovemaking. " Perhaps you're right," he finally admitted.

" Exactly," Margaret nodded. "No sex today. Go for walks and read books. What am I going to do? And you will do your business surrounded by pompous turkeys"

"Good good. No sex today. You can walk around the castle and read books, and I will carry out my royal duties among the pompous turkeys"

He kissed her forehead before getting out of bed, leaving her lying there alone. She watched him walk towards the door with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation; she knew he would miss her company during the day, but she also appreciated the opportunity to have some alone time.

As Hadi left the room, Margaret decided to stand and stretch her limbs before beginning her day of reading and research. She walked to the window and pulled back the curtains, revealing a breathtaking view of the castle grounds below.

Later that day, after spending several hours in the various corridors and libraries of the castle, Margaret decided to take a bath. She stepped into a large marble bathtub filled with hot water and immersed herself in the luxurious bubbles. The scent of lavender filled the air as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath of relief.

" Ahhh... this is amazing," she muttered quietly, " I need this."

She reached for the bottle of oil that was on the nearby table and poured some of the oil onto her hand before massaging it over her skin, feeling the tension drain from her muscles.

As Margaret emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a plush white towel, she noticed a male servant placing a breakfast tray on the nightstand next to the bed. The young man was dressed in simple clothes, his hair was neatly combed back and his eyes downcast respectfully as he worked hard. The sound of the door closing behind him caught Margaret's attention, and she realized that he had not even seen her standing there. " Oh God," she muttered under her breath. " I hope I didn't scare him too much."

Feeling slightly guilty that someone might cause discomfort to someone else, Margaret walked over to the tray, took a slice of fruit and took a bite of it.

After breakfast, Margaret decided to spend the rest of the day exploring the castle grounds and indulging in her interests. She began by walking through the garden, admiring the carefully cultivated flowers and exotic plants that grew in the greenhouse environment. The scents of roses and jasmine filled the air, creating a soothing atmosphere that helped calm her down.

Later, she returned to the library and settled into one of the cozy chairs with a book, lost in the world of words and ideas. She scribbled notes in her notebook from time to time, recording thoughts and observations that came to her mind as she read. Her curiosity led her to explore different sections of the library, discovering new items and authors that piqued her interest.

As the day progressed, Margaret began to feel increasingly nauseous. At first she attributed it to the large meal she had eaten for breakfast, but as the sensation persisted, she became concerned. She tried to ignore it and focus on her business, but eventually decided to go back to her bedroom to get some rest.

Once inside, she lay down on the soft mattress and closed her eyes, hoping the feeling would pass soon. However, instead of finding relief, the nausea only worsened, causing her to toss and turn restlessly. She felt sweaty and miserable, and her head hurt as if someone had hit it with a hammer.

" This is terrible," she moaned weakly. "I don't feel good at all"

In the evening, Hadi returned to their shared bedroom, feeling exhausted from a long day of royal duties. He was surprised to see Margaret lying there, looking so restless and unable to sleep. Her face was red and she felt like she was in pain. He approached the bed carefully, not wanting to disturb her. "Margaret?" He whispered quietly: "Are you okay?"

Without opening her eyes, Margaret mumbled something incoherently before turning on her side and pulling the blanket over her head. Hadi heard her quiet sobs and felt a pang of anxiety in his chest. He sat down next to her on the edge of the bed and carefully brushed a lock of hair from her forehead.

Concerned about Margaret's condition, Hadi immediately called the palace doctor. When the doctor arrived, he examined her carefully and determined that the extreme heat was likely the cause of her discomfort. Accustomed to living in a cold climate, Margaret's body had difficulty adapting to the warm temperatures of the desert.

" It's nothing serious," the doctor reassured Hadi. "Just give her a little time to get used to the new environment"

He prescribed Margaret medications to help ease her symptoms and recommended that Margaret rest for a few days until her body adjusted to the changes. Hadi nodded in understanding, grateful for the medical care available within the palace walls. "Thank you"

" It's not my fault... for the death of my mother... don't blame me," Margaret muttered, closing her eyes. Margaret spoke in her sleep, her voice barely audible as she struggled with the emotions that seemed to haunt her subconscious. Her words were fragmentary and unclear, but Hadi felt the pain in them.

" It's not your fault," he whispered, " You have nothing to blame yourself for." He reached out and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her and calm her down. Even though he knew she was sleeping, he hoped that his presence would bring some comfort during these difficult moments. " Rest now," he added quietly, " Tomorrow will be better." 

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