Chapter 4

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The next morning, Margaret wakes up to find Hadi watching her intently from across the room. He seems pleased with her performance last night, and his expression is smug and confident as he approaches the bed.

"Get up" he commands. "Today we have a lot of work to do.

As Margaret slowly rises to her feet, he helps her dress in the traditional clothing he has chosen for her. It's revealing and sexy, designed to highlight her curves and seduce other men.

" I expect you to behave yourself today," he said.

Margaret stood in front of the mirror, her reflection adorned with the outfit chosen by Prince Hadi. The dress was the epitome of sensuality, its light and flowing fabric highlighting her curves and attractiveness. Delicate lace adorned the neckline, tracing a seductive path along the collarbone, while sheer panels hugged the waist and hips, leaving little to the imagination. As she adjusted her clothes, she couldn't help but feel a rush of embarrassment at her outspoken nature, a stark reminder of her status as a pawn in the prince's game.

Prince Hadi's presence loomed nearby, his gaze lingering on her with a mixture of approval and possessiveness. With a short command, he urged her to hurry up, reminding her of the important tasks that awaited them that day. Margaret complied, her steps hesitant as she followed him out of the chambers and into the corridor beyond.

The corridor was full of activity, the air buzzing with anticipation as they made their way towards the great hall. Lush greenery adorned the walls, their bright leaves contrasting sharply with the surrounding stone and marble. The walls were occasionally decorated with bouquets of flowers, their sweet scent mingling with the scent of incense that permeated the air.

As they entered the great hall, Margaret's heart pounded in her chest at the sight of the important guests gathered inside. Nobles from all over the kingdom mingled among the opulent surroundings, their voices muted as a sign of respect for the prince and his wife. With a sense of trepidation, Margaret took her place next to Hadi, preparing for the challenges ahead.

Margaret stands next to her husband, Prince Hadi, as they greet guests and interact with important dignitaries from neighboring kingdoms. Even though she is surrounded by luxury and wealth, she feels isolated and alone, trapped within her new life. She tries to maintain a polite smile, but it seems forced and artificial.

An elderly man, dressed in rich clothes and accompanied by several servants, approaches them. He bows deeply to Prince Hadi, showing respect for the ruler of this great kingdom.

Speaking in a formal tone, the elderly man addresses Prince Hadi: " Your Highness, it is a great honor to meet you. May your reign be long and prosperous"

He returns the bow with the same formality, speaking briefly. "Thank you for your kind words, Your Eminence. Please, let's continue our conversation in private"

They move away from the crowd, leaving Margaret feeling even more isolated and forgotten. She watches them disappear into the next room, feeling abandoned and betrayed. She wonders what secrets they share while she is left behind, ignored and neglected. Her heart aches with loneliness and despair, and she would like to escape from this suffocating life into which she was forced.

While wandering aimlessly around the palace, trying to distract herself from her feelings of isolation and sadness, she notices a small group of maids chatting near a window. They notice her approach and immediately fall silent, their faces full of curiosity and suspicion. One of them whispers to the other, then they all look at each other before running off in different directions.

Meanwhile, Prince Hadi and the older man sit down in a comfortable chair and pour themselves glasses of wine. They discuss business issues, exchange information and agree on terms. The older man is impressed by Hadi's intelligence and determination, and can say that he is a force to be reckoned with. He also notices how beautiful Margaret is standing next to her husband and makes a mental note to try to get closer to her later.

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