Chapter 6

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The next morning, Hadi sat at the table next to Margaret, his behavior completely changed from the previous evening. He was calm and collected and instead of demanding anything from her, he focused on small talk and trying to create a positive atmosphere. "How do you feel today?" He asked softly, watching her closely as she gathered her food.

She looked pale and sickly, and he could see the disgust on her face as she forced herself to eat. Despite his attempts to appear normal and friendly, Margaret felt that something was wrong about him and could not put her finger on it. She felt uneasy, but appreciated the change nonetheless. " I can't eat," Margaret muttered with disgust, wincing at the sight of the food. " The smells, the sight... it's just sickening."

Hadi nodded in understanding, his brow furrowed in concern as he watched her struggle. He knew she was emotionally sick due to the trauma she had endured, and he wanted nothing more than to help her overcome it. " I understand," he said soothingly, " but try to take small bites and gradually work your way up to eating more. Your body needs nutrition"

He reached out and placed his hand on top of hers, trying to provide her with as much comfort and support as possible without being too intrusive. He could see that she was uncomfortable with any physical contact, but he hoped that in time she would learn to trust him enough to accept it.

Margaret looked at his hand and after a while allowed him to continue holding her hand. She was surprised by her own behavior, she thought that she would never allow anyone to touch her again.

Hadi smiled faintly, relieved to see her gradually letting go of her initial resistance to physical contact. He continued to hold her hand gently, noting the fact that she didn't pull away or seem particularly bothered by it. " Thank you," he muttered.

He squeezed her hand reassuringly, wanting her to know that he was there to offer her whatever comfort and support she needed. He knew it would take time for her to fully recover from the trauma she had suffered, but he was willing to be patient and supportive throughout the process. "How do you feel?"

Although Margaret was pale, her sharp tongue betrayed itself when she answered only Hadi's question: "Irritation. Everything annoys me"

Hadi frowned slightly, worried by her answer. He saw that she was still struggling with her emotions and wanted to find a way to help her deal with them in a healthier way. " I understand that you may be feeling irritated," he said softly, " but try not to let it consume you."

He squeezed her hand reassuringly, hoping that his presence and support would provide some comfort amidst all the turmoil she was going through. He knew it would take time for her to learn to manage her emotions effectively, but he was determined to be there every step of the way, offering any help she needed.

Hadi stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do or say. He could see that she was clearly having a hard time, but he didn't want to put too much pressure on her and make the situation worse. " I just want you to treat me like a wife, not like a slave or sex toy," Margaret muttered quietly. "I'm not even talking about your harem"

Hadi froze for a moment, puzzled by her unexpected request. He released her from his embrace and stepped back, studying her face carefully, trying to understand her concern. "Don't you want to be part of my harem?" He asked quietly, trying not to sound too shocked or disappointed.

She shook her head, meeting his gaze defiantly despite the vulnerability evident on her face. " No," she answered firmly: " I want to be your wife, and not one of many. I want you to treat me as an equal partner, not as someone whose only goal is to satisfy your desires. And..." she added, looking at him decisively. " I want to choose my own clothes, wear my hair the way I want, and control my life."

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