[02] reflections

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2. Reflections

"do your late night thoughts ever lead you back to me?"

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"do your late night thoughts ever lead you back to me?"

HER NOSE WRINKLED at the sight. Tara, Lucia and Rosita had rushed forward, trying their best to pull the two apart. An especially difficult task when the big lump of muscle was angry. Eugene never moved from his place beside the truck, as expected, and Dani...

Well, she was thoroughly entertained. They grunted and huffed as they tried to over power one another and she tilted her head, baffled by how their brains were working. What was this settling, exactly? So she let them carry on. Unmoving and unbothered, she spectated from a couple feet away.

It was when Abe shoved Tara to the ground by mistake that she sprung into action. Hurrying forward, she helped her up before picking up a small pebble and tossing it at his head.


Didn't even spare a glance.

Well, they can't say I didn't try.

Abraham rolled them over, after receiving an impressive elbow to the face from Glenn, and pressed his forearm against the man's neck. Rosita yelled at him, trying her best to get him to see reason but had no such luck.

"Hey!" Eugene's faint shouts sounded through the air. Dani rolled her eyes, unwilling to put up with whatever shit he had caused this time.

"You guys look so stupid right now." She said, matter-of-factly.

Glenn threw his fist into Abe's jaw again as he stood, and she hissed, offering her audience reaction instead of helping. She was better off over here anyways. The larger man got him on the ground again, the dirt from the concrete sticking to their sweaty skin like glitter on glue.

Shots broke through their yelling and Dani flinched, her hands flying over her ears. All eyes flew to where Lucia was stood with her knife poised beside an armed Eugene, his gun rapid firing at rotters as if it was possessed.

If there was one thing to break Abraham Ford away from a fight, it was wasting ammo. He took off, running and shouting to get the scientist's attention. The others followed, Dani picking up speed to ensure her sister was okay.

"Eugene!" He tried. "Stop firing, damn it!"

Abe drew his pistol, shooting down each dead thing beside his doctor, and the others took that as their cue. In seconds, everyone was armed and wielding a weapon to get rid of the dead that had surrounded their truck. Their bodies fell limp as the bullets hit their brains, and the living group were left panting, tired from the encounter.

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