[03] save a life

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3. Save A Life

"for you, i would

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"for you, i would."

"ARE WE ALMOST THERE?" Lucia questioned, flicking her pocketknife open, then closed, repeatedly as she walked.

"Not sure. Either way we gotta stop. Hold up!" Abraham yelled to Glenn, who was storming ahead: a completely understandable reaction to finding out your wife is still alive. "We're stopping here. Tired is slow. Slow is dead." He lectured.

"It's barely noon." Glenn remarked, squinting at the sun.

"I don't give a monkeys left nut! None of us has slept more than a couple hours straight since we went all Casey Jones." He argued. It's all they ever seemed to do.

"Casey who?" Dani scrunched her nose in confusion.

"A railroad engineer from the 19th century." Eugene taught her, pleased by her interested nodding.

"This place looks safe. We need to rest." He reminded him, his tone kinder for a moment. "I get it. You have to find her. Well, these folks and me, we got a mission, too. Keeping that man alive, getting him to Washington, and saving the whole damn world!"

"Abe." Dani tried.

"No. We're going in that tower and we're going now." As if on cue, snarling echoed throughout the structure, drawing everyone's attention upwards.

"Oh crap." Dani and Eugene said simultaneously.

Everything afterwards happened so quickly.

The dead prick limped to the edge of the tower, its mind pinning the group below as its next meal.

"Hey, hey, hey, watch out!" Glenn shouted, running at them.

Abe's orders to run, along with his body flinging itself in front of the 'saviour', had Dani locked in place.

"Dani, move!" Lucia demanded, but before she could take a step, Tara had yanked the woman's arm so hard, she thought it might escape its socket. They fell to the ground, Tara cushioning Dani's fall and hissing loudly.

The walker practically exploded on impact as it hit the ground from its height, its thick dark blood pooling around where its face should've been.

"Shit!" Dani scrambled off her new friend, pulling her into a sitting position and checking her over. "Where did I hurt you?!"

"I'm fine." She gritted out, her face screwed up in pain.

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