[08] yo-yo's

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8. Yo-Yo's

"you have a place in my heart, no one else could have

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"you have a place in my heart, no one else could have."

AS THE GROUP let Eugene try and recover, Dani stood with Tara, taking a tiny sip from the water bottle she had labelled with her initial and putting it in the wrong position. Tara rolled her eyes and rearranged them back into the order she had begun with as Dani laughed at her own ridiculous acts.

"They've got no clue we're here." Glenn pointed out as he wandered over, his anxiety evident in his tone.

"That's great news for GREATDM." Tara sighed. "In less great news for GREATDM, we just scraped the bottom of the water barrel."

"GREATDM?" Glenn asked.

"The D is silent." Dani clarified.

"No, I mean... What is... What's GREATDM?"

"Us." Tara explained. "Group name. Solidarity. Band of brothers." She gestured at the organised water bottles. "GREATDM." Tossing Glenn's bottle to him, she added, "Thinking about getting a tattoo on my knuckles."

"I'll match with you." Dani smiled, her optimism lightening the mood just slightly. She was still worried for Abe. And Eugene. Her worry didn't extinguish the anger she felt but they were still her family. There was no way she'd turn her back on them now.

Tara let her hand run down Dani's spine as a sign of appreciation, her touch leaving goosebumps in its wake. Shivering slightly when Tara let her hand fall back to her side, she mentally cursed and glanced back at the woman, who shrugged at Glenn. "Sorry, I'm just trying to think of something else, you know?"

"Yeah." He nodded as Rosita and Maggie joined their little group meeting.

Dani turned to Maggie, her eyes flicking between her's. "Anything yet?"

"No." She frowned, frustrated with the situation.

It was a crushing feeling. To have so much hope for the future a matter of days ago just for it all to crumble around them. It hurt. A fucking lot.

Dani had said so many times that there was nothing left. There was no 'cure'. All she received was a reminder that her pessimistic attitude wasn't helping. That alone hurt to hear considering how hard she tried to keep people happy so she listened. She believed in Eugene's mind and his abilities just as she had been told to and yet that too had been a lie. She put her trust in him and it had shattered like it was nothing.

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