[05] forlorn hope

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5. Forlorn Hope

"I swear when she smiles I forget how to breathe

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"I swear when she smiles I forget how to breathe."

LOVE WAS HARD TO FIND. In the old world, finding a person to love and want to spend the rest of your life with was something that happened to the luckiest of people. Sure, relationships were common enough but that endless kind of love? That was a rarity. In the apocalypse, it was somehow easier for some. It brought together people who would've never even passed each other before. Like Maggie and Glenn. Tara doubted the two of them would've met before, what with Maggie being a farmer's daughter and Glenn: a pizza delivery guy. It was unlikely but not impossible.

She longed for a love like that. She thought she might've found it with Alisha, but that didn't work out. Evidently.

She watched the couple in front of her hug, like they couldn't go so long without some kind of touch from the other. An uncontrollable tug lifted her lips into a soft smile as she watched the two, that yearning in her heart screaming extra loud.

A few feet away, Dani watched Tara. Her expression matched hers, the sight of her smile warming her insides. As she turned, their eyes met and Dani was sure she'd be able to see her heart trying to escape her chest. It raced and tripped and stumbled as she grinned at her, never slowing, not even when Tara looked away to talk to Rick.

She was vaguely aware of Abraham joining her side and watching on, but she paid him no notice. There was something very wrong.

She couldn't even fathom tearing her eyes away from her.

"Good job she's coming with us to Washington, huh?" He said.

"What?" Dani asked, watching as Rick chuckled, bumping his fist against Tara's.

"Well it would be a whole shit-pit if you had to leave her without telling her how you feel."

"I don't feel anything."

"You haven't looked at me once." He pointed out.

Finally yanking her gaze away, she glared at him. "That's 'cause you're ugly." It was childish but she had nothing better to say at that point.

He laughed and folded his arms across his chest. "Defensiveness is your tell, Dani. You're not doing yourself any favours." She rolled her eyes and looked to her damaged sneakers, kicking up the dirt slightly. "Just tell her. If you ask me, I think she'd feel the same."

"Yeah, well I didn't ask you." She muttered, thankful for her hair covering her face; specifically her cheeks that were getting hotter by the second.

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