The Sickness

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Katerina woke up the next morning and smiled as she watched how peaceful and adorable Mason looked when he slept. When she shifted slightly as she woke up, Mason didn't seem to be bothering, stubbornly keeping his arms around her as he continued to sleep peacefully. Only maybe an hour after Katerina had woken up did he finally wake up as well, slowly opening his eyes as he looked around to see where he was. He wasn't quite registering that he was holding Katerina yet. "Morning." He mumbled, closing his eyes again, not to go back to sleep but to wait for his body to really wake up. He still felt dazed. "Good Morning, mon amour. How did you sleep?" She asked as she leaned in. Snuggling the blanket, he answered. "Really well, actually." He smiled contentedly, not able to recall the last time he slept that good and long. "You?" He then asked Katerina, his deep voice still a little raspy like it was every morning just after he woke up. "I slept wonderfully." She said as she looked at him happily. "I guess I will have to sleep in your arms so both of us can get some good sleep from now on." She said as she smiled happily. "I think that could definitely be arranged, my queen." He said as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, before running a hand through his hair.

Mason then placed his hand onto her freezing hands. "Your hands are freezing, Katerina." He said as he placed his hand onto her forehead. "I'm fine." She said looking at him. "No you are not. Stay in bed." Mason said. He went over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed a thermometer. He came back to her side of the bed and looked down at her. "Open." He said, she reluctantly did as she was told. He placed the thermometer in her mouth and waited until it beeped. "103.2°F." Mason said as he took out the thermometer. Mason then called for Kyla. She made a list of items to get for her. "Kyla is going to go to the store and getting some things that will help you get comfortable." Mason said as he grabbed her teddy bear and gently set it down in her arms. "Okay, could I get some tea? With sugar and honey please?" She asked softly. Kyla nodded as she left and prepared her a cup of tea. She came back to Katerina's room and handed her a cup of green tea with sugar and honey. "Thank you." She said softly as she took her tea and drank it slowly. Kyla left to go to the store to get some supplies to take care of Katerina. Kyla went to the local Walmart and grabbed some stuffed animals and blankets. She also got a heating pad, some comfortable clothing, a small trash can and some heavy duty trash bags, grabbed a few washcloths, tissues and paper towels. She also grabbed a few bottles of 200 mg Tylenol and a box fan. Kyla went to the local grocery store and got the ingredients to make homemade chicken noodle soup, ginger ale and saltine crackers. She also got a case of water. Kyla paid for her items and put them in her car. She got in and drove back to the house. She unpacked everything and gave it all to Katerina. She smiled happily as she looked at them. "Thank you so much. You are the best." Katerina said. Mason stole one of the washcloths and got it wet. He rang it out and walked over to Katerina. Mason gently placed a cold washcloth onto her forehead. Mason opened the case of water and set two out for Katerin on the nightstand. She looked at him as he opened the pills. Mason took out two and handed them to Katerina along with her tea. "Thank you." Katerina said as she took the medicine and tea. She put the pills in her mouth and used the tea to wash them down. Mason closed the medication and put it in the nightstand drawer. "Kyla is going to make you some soup." Mason said as he smiled gently. He left the room and went downstairs. Mason and James began setting up all of the blankets and stuffed animals along with her bags full of her stuff in her new room. They set everything up and organized it. They made everything easy for her to get too. Katerina laid in their bedroom as Kyla walked in with a bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. "Thank you, everyone." She said as she smiled. "Anytime, darling. If you need anything else. I'll be right here." She said jokingly. She laughed as she began to eat her soup. A couple of minutes later, Katerina finally finished eating and set her bowl and spoon aside. She looked at Mason smiling. "Shall we continue our game of getting to know each other better?" Mason asked her softly. "Yeah, I'd like that." She said smiling. "Favorite Food?" He asked her. "Oh a cookie cake or frosted sugar cookies." She said. "What's your favorite song?" He asked her. "Mockingbird or When I'm Gone, both by Eminem. You?" She asked him. "What's your favorite band?" She asked him. "Queen, You?" He asked her. "I love One Direction. They are my all time favorite." She said smiling softly. "Oh your favorite book? The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. Right?" He asked her. "Yeah it is, yours?" She asked him. "The same." He said, they both got a flashback of when she was still in high school.

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