The Camping Trip

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The Next Morning... They packed up all of their supplies and got into the car. They had packed snacks for the long drive. In Katerina's bags, she had an mp3 player and a set of headphones, eight bottles of water, a first aid kit, a queen sized blanket, two pillows, a lighter, two lanterns and a compass. Katerina also had two sets of extra clothes for herself, a towel, a small portable generator. In Mason's bag, he had a three person tent, two extra sets of clothes, eight water bottles, a collapsible shovel, two knives, a bucket, a towel, a small ax, and firewood. They also packed a cooler full of food. They stopped at a gas station, went into the store, and bought some snacks and drinks while Mason got gas and filled up the car. It was supposed to be around an hour's drive to the cabin. Katerina bought a drumstick ice cream cone, a bag of puffy Cheetos, a tuna fish sub, a pack of Oreos, and a two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew. He insisted that he would pay for her stuff. He paid and they left. She got into the car and got comfortable before she ate some food. As they left the gas station, she pressed play on her 'Road Trip Playlist'. She put in her headphones and listened to her music. Mason got back into the car and they started driving to the local national park.

They got to their campground and got out of the car. They set up the tent and filled it with the blankets and pillows making a small bed. "This is going to be so much fun. I'm going to take the bucket and collect some water." She said and He just nodded silently. She grabbed the bucket and went to the stream of clean water. She bent down and filled up the bucket. "We need a hole for the campfire and we need to line it with rocks so that we can accidentally cause a forest fire." She explained to him. Mason grabbed the shovel and began digging a hole for the fire. He then surrounded the hole with large rocks. When she was finished, she placed the bucket of water next to the campfire and began looking around for Mason. She couldn't find him so she went and began to look for firewood. She went around the campsite, collecting dry sticks to use as firewood. She walked back to the campsite and set the sticks and logs down in a pile next to the fire. She saw Mason coming towards her with a small bird. He grabbed a knife and looked at her. "Can you go look for a few more large rocks, I don't want you to see this." Mason said looking at the young girl. She nodded as she walked away looking at the forest. She walked into the forest as she looked around at the plants. She collected multiple large rocks and placed them in her bag. She used her mp3 player and began listening to All by Myself by Celine Dion. "When I was young, I never needed anyone and making love was just for fun. Those days are gone. Living alone, I think of all the friends I've known. But when I dial the telephone, nobody's home." Katerina listened as she walked around collecting large rocks. "All by myself. Don't wanna be all by myself anymore. Hard to be sure. Sometimes, I feel so insecure and love's so distant and obscure remains the cure." Katerina sang as she finished placing them inside her bag. "All by myself. Don't wanna be all by myself anymore. All by myself. Don't wanna live all by myself anymore." Katerina touched the bark on the trees before twirling around while looking at the sky. "When I was young, I never needed anyone and making love was just for fun. Those days are gone." Katerina sang as a tear fell down her cheek. "All by myself. Don't wanna be all by myself anymore. All by myself. Don't wanna live. Oh, oh, no. Don't wanna live by myself, by myself anymore. By myself anymore. Oh, oh, oh. All by myself. Don't wanna live. I never, never, never needed anyone." Katerina collapsed by a tree, she slid down and sat at the base of a mysterious evergreen tree at their campsite, crying. She took off her headphones and laid them next to her as she cried. Mason turned around and saw her laying against the tree. "Katerina, what are you doing?" He said as he walked over to her. She looked up at him all puffy. "What's wrong?" He asked her, actually seeming concerned about her well-being. "Just a song bringing up some feelings." She said. "Anything I can do?" He asked. "Just sit with me." She said softly. "Okay." He said as he sat down beside her. She placed her head onto his shoulder, he gently placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into an embrace. "Is this okay?" He asked her. "It's perfect. Thank you." She said as she leaned into his embrace. Katerina put on some music and they stood up. She put on Perfect by Ed Sheeran. "Come dance with me?" She said softly. "Of course." He said. They bowed and curtsey to their respective partners. Katerina and Mason took each other's hands and waltzed around the floor gently.  He held her hand and gently pulled her closer by her waist as they danced together. "You are a man shrouded in mysteries, Mason Hunt. I'm so glad that I became your wife." She said as she smiled as they danced. "Me too. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." Mason said as they danced side by side in the middle of the forest. "I'm really glad that you bumped into me all those years ago." She said softly. "Me too. I wasn't sure at first but I have found something that is worth living for." He said as he looked at her. "What's that?" She asked him. He twirled her around again before pulling her back and dipping her gently. "You." Mason said as they danced around the forest together. "That's so sweet of you to say." Katerina said as she held onto him. He pulled her back up into his arms. She smiled happily as she looked at him. The song ended and they went back to their campsite and Mason began cooking the bird he hunted and killed. They set the large rocks around their campfire so no one could get hurt or harmed by the flames. Soon it was finished. He checked on the bird and took it off of the flames and split it between them both. They both ate in silence before they finally finished. They kept the fire going as they both got ready for bed. They took off their shoes and climbed into the tent. They laid down on their separate sides. "Goodnight, Mason." She said softly as she used the blanket to cover them up. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep exhausted from their day. "Goodnight, Katerina." He said softly as he laid down unable to sleep he just watched her until he finally fell asleep.

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