The Inheritance

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Katerina and Mason were in the study, which was lined with bookshelves with books and knick knacks on them. Katerina was reading a book as Mason did paperwork for his company when there was a knock on the study door. "Enter." She stated. "Madame, there is a man needing to speak with you." He told her. She nodded and sat up. "Send him in." She said softly as she set her book aside. "Hello, I am Nathaniel Walker, Mr. Black's Lawyer." He said as he opened his briefcase and took out a few pieces of paper. He walked over to Katerina. "I am Katerina Black, how may I assist you?" She asked him as she gestured for him to sit. "I am here because of Nathan's Black will." He said looking at her. She looked at him confused as Mason came up from behind her. "Were you not aware of this?" He asked her. "No, he told me nothing. So I wasn't expecting anything when he died." She told the man as she looked up at her fiancée. "He left you everything he had including his remaining assets which were three billion dollars and his mansion in New York City." He said as he looked at her. She looked at him then looked at her fiancée. "Three billion dollars you said?" She asked him. "Yes." He stated. "Is that everything?" She asked him. She handed the paperwork to Mason and Killian who looked over it. "It seems legitimate, my love." He said handing her the paperwork back. "One other thing. I need you to read this then sign here at the bottom." He said as he handed it over to her. She nodded and read through it before she signed it. "You now officially inherited 3 billion dollars, congratulations." He said before he bowed and left. "I'm a billionaire, now and I have a mansion in New York City." She said smiling at Mason. "Yeah, so I guess you don't need to live here anymore." He stated. "What do you mean? I'm your fiancée, I'm not going anywhere, my darling." She said, looking at him. She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. "Isn't that cute girl Ariana coming?" James asked her. "Yes, all my friends are coming. We are going over final touches for the wedding. Why? Would you like me to introduce you two?" She asked him. "Could you? I would be so grateful." James said. "I'll see what I can do. Just don't do anything stupid." She said as she stood up from the couch. She leaned over and kissed Mason gently. "It's fine. Go have fun with your friends." Mason said smiling. "Thanks, babe." She said smiling and left with James. Marie walked over to Mason and touched his shoulder. He looked at her suspiciously. "Master, why have you chosen this girl as your partner when you can have a much more experienced one." Marie said as she began undressing herself in front of him. "No, I command you to stop this foolishness this instant." He said, staring daggers at her. "Guards, escort her to the dungeon." He said and they took her away.

Katerina got changed and smiled as she waited in her room for her friends. She had invited Charlotte, Ariana and Maria over for last minute wedding preparations. Kyla and Killian worked together to prepare everything that was needed. They set out the last of the food as Charlotte, Ariana and Maria walked down and joined Katerina at the table. The small table was full of treats that included cookies and little small sandwiches. The table also had a teapot with milk, sugar and four cups and saucers set out. "This is quite the spread of treats." Ariana said smiling as she sat down. "Yes, did you do all of this for us?" Charlotte asked her. "Of course, you guys are my friends." She said smiling. "How have you been, Katerina?" Charlotte asked her. "We heard about your dad." Ariana said. "If you need anything we are here." Maria said. "Thanks girls. Actually his lawyer showed up this morning and apparently he left me everything. Three billion dollars and a mansion in New York City." She said looking at them. "Imagine the things you could buy with three billion dollars." Maria said looking at her. "I know, you could buy anything you could ever want." Charlotte said. "What are you going to do with all that money?" Ariana asked her. "I was thinking of donating some of it to the local charities and then paying back my debts." Katerina said softly. "You're so innocent." Charlotte said looking at her. "I'm aware." Katerina said. They all got changed into their dresses and the tailors made the last few adjustments that needed to be done. "So tell us about Mason Hunt, is he as wonderful as everyone says?" Charlotte asked her as they took off their dresses and placed them back in the closet for tomorrow. "Yes, he is amazing. He took me in just to help out an old friend in need. He has been so kind and patient with me and my needs." Katerina said looking at her. "Is he a good kisser?" Ariana asked her. "The best kisser." She replied smiling. "Do you love him?" Maria asked her. "I do love him, very much so." She said smiling happily. "Do any of you have significant others?" Katerina asked them. "I'm engaged to Jacob Mathers. He is actually friends with your fiancée." Charlotte said looking at her. "The man with the silver hair?" She asked her. "That's the one. Handsome isn't he?" Charlotte asked. "Definitely. But no one can compare to my Mason." Katrina said smiling. "What about you two, any romantic encounters in your lives?" Charlotte asked them. "No I'm single." Ariana said looking at her. "Maybe if you're open to it, I could introduce you to a friend of mine that I think you will like." Katerina said smiling. "I would like that very much. The men here are some of the most handsome I have ever seen." Ariana said. "Kyla, could you fetch James and Jonas for me?" She asked her maid. She nodded and left. "He should be here soon." She said. "He hasn't shut up about you, to be completely honest. He's completely smitten with you." Katerina said looking at Ariana. There was a knock at the door. "Enter." Katerina said and James came in as Katerina stood up with Ariana. "James there is someone who I would like you to meet." She said smiling as he got to them. "James, this Ariana Haven. Ariana, this is James Johnson." Katerina said as she introduced them. "Pleasure to meet you, my lady." He said bowing gently. "Would you like to take a walk around the garden?" James asked her holding out his hand. "I would be delighted to." Ariana said as she placed her hand into his. They left to explore the gardens. "Now that, that's taken care of. Where were we?" She said as she sat back down. "Those two are going to be together for a long time." Maria said looking at Katerina. "Yeah, I think so too." Katerina said smiling happily as she looked at the other girls. "Maria, do you have anyone special in your life?" Katerina asked. "No, sadly. Do you have any more handsome men at your disposal?" Maria asked jokingly. "Actually I might." She said as Jonas appeared. "You summoned me, my lady?" Jonas said. "Jonas, this is my friend Maria Dona. Maria, this is Jonas Mills. Why don't you two take a walk and get to know one another?" She suggested. "My lady?" Jonas said offering his hand to her. She smiled and placed her hand in his as she got up. They walked away and began talking. "You're quite the little matchmaker huh?" Charlotte said looking at Katerina. "Yeah. I suppose I am. I just have a feeling of who might get along with each other. It's honestly like a super power." She said smiling as she watched the two pairs talk with one another, getting to know each other. "They deserve to be happy." Charlotte said. "Yes, they do." Katerina said smiling as she looked at Charlotte. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Charlotte asked her. "A little bit. I'm so happy and excited but I want everything to be perfect. I know that Mason has handled everything already but I'm just still nervous." Katerina said looking at her friends. "You're getting married tomorrow, it's okay to be nervous." Charlotte said encouragingly. "Thanks." Katerina said smiling.

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