The Kidnapping

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Katerina was walking through the garden when she turned around and saw a strange man standing behind her. She jumped and looked at him. He took out a chloroform cloth and put it over her nose and mouth. She looked at him terrified before succumbing to the chloroform. He dropped the cloth on the ground before putting Katerina into his car and driving out of the parking lot. He drove her back to a random warehouse. He parked his car when he got there. He grabbed her and brought her into the warehouse. He tied the young innocent girl to a chair. Katerina woke up and realized that she was tied to a chair in a large black room. One of her captors stepped into the light with a tray of medical instruments. "What are you planning to do to me? My husband is going to kill you when he finds me." She said as he picked up a scalpel and came closer to her. She remained silent as he cut deep lines into her face and arms. A few minutes later Mason, Jason and James with a handful of men entered the drawing room. "You know much I hate it when someone plays with my things." Mason said as he pulled out his gun and incapacitated her kidnappers. Mason walked over to Katerina and untied her. "Are you alright?" He asked her. "No, no I'm okay. They didn't hurt me, much." She said as she hugged him. "I was so scared but I knew that you would save me." She said looking at them both. "Of course, you are my everything sweetheart. Now, calm down." Mason said as he looked at her. "They will be dealt with by me personally. No one hurts my family and lives." He said as he looked at her. She took a slow deep breath and exhaled gently calming her nerves. Killian came over with a first aid kit and took care of all her wounds. After he patched her up, Mason picked her up and carried her into the limo. He set her down on the seat and buckled her seat belt before buckling his own. Killian got in and drove to the mansion.

When Katerina and Mason got home, she had come to her senses and was hugging Mason. After her ordeal, Katerina realized that she had invited Charlotte, Ariana and Maria over for tea in the garden later that afternoon. Kyla and Killian worked together to prepare everything that was needed. They set out the last of the food as Charlotte, Ariana and Maria walked down and joined her at the table. The small table was full of treats that included cookies, cake, candy, pastries, and little small sandwiches. The table also had a teapot with milk, sugar and four cups and saucers set out. "Yay! The delicious snacks are back." Ariana said smiling as she sat down. "Yes, I see that!" Charlotte said excitedly as they looked at Katerina. "Yes and I have more variety this time." She said smiling. "Jonas is absolutely amazing. I'm so glad that you introduced us!" Maria said looking at Katerina. "It's the same with me and James." Ariana said. "Your super power seems to be legitimate after all." Charlotte joked. Katerina giggled as she looked at her friends. "I'm so glad that you guys are happy with your significant others." Katerina said smiling. "Maybe all of us could get together and hang out." Charlotte said smiling. "That's a wonderful idea! I'll ask James and you guys ask Jacob, Mason and Jason." Ariana said. "Where could we have it?" Maria asked. "We could have it here in the billiards room or hang out at the pool." Katerina said smiling. "Hanging out in the pool sounds amazing." Ariana said softly. "Yeah, I totally agree." Charlotte said looking over at her friends. "Then we shall have a group hang out at the pool." Katerina said smiling. Ariana checked the time which was 4:00 p.m. "I must be on my way. I have a dinner party with Jacob to attend." Charlotte said. "And I have a date with James. He is taking me to the movies." Ariana said. "I also have to go, Jason is taking me to Paula's Coffee Shop." Maria said as the three girls got up and said their goodbyes before they each went their separate ways.

After a couple hours sitting in the garden because she wasn't allowed in the house as Mason tortured the two kidnappers. She was finally allowed back in, she walked to the library and grabbed a book. She walked over to the recliners. She sat down in the chair that was facing towards the window. She was looking out into the night. She smiled when she saw the full crimson moon that was illuminating the room in a soft red light. She looked back at her book and closed it gently. Mason walked slowly behind Katerina the red light cascading against their dark faces with the soft glow of the moonlight. Mason put his strong hands against her shoulders, his silver rings leaving shivers down her spine as they pressed against her neck holding her gently. Mason gently wrapped his arms around her, embracing her in a tight grip. "That's the thing about friends though isn't it? The more you love them, the more it hurts when they go." Katerina read aloud from her book as she looked up at Mason. "That's deep." Mason commented as he looked over at Katerina softly. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you Mason. You have always been my best friend, you are my everything." Katerina added as Mason leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. She kissed him back and closed her eyes. "Can we stay like this for a while?" She asked as she smiled as she closed her book. "Of course we can, Mon Amour." He said looking down at her. "But I have a surprise for you." He whispered. "Oh yeah? What is it?" She asked. "Come with me and you'll see." He said releasing her from his hold. She smiled and nodded as Mason picked her up and carried her out into the gardens. They went into a small clearing and saw a large willow tree. There was a picnic blanket placed on the ground at the base of the tree. Surrounding the blanket with multiple candles and on top was a picnic blanket which had two freshly made plates of homemade macaroni and cheese made with elbow noodles and extra sharp white cheddar cheese. To drink was red wine placed in wine glasses. She looked up at the night sky. The stars were shining in the midnight sky. The moonlight was lighting up the gardens. "You remembered!" She said excitedly. "Of course I did." He stated as he looked at her. "This is beautiful, mon amour." She said softly. "Look up." He whispered into her ear. She looked up at the night sky. The stars were shining in the midnight sky. The blood-red moonlight was lighting up the clearing. The stars were twinkling inside the milky way. "Oh, how cool. A blood red moon." She said softly. 'It's beautiful, but kind of ominous. I feel it might swallow me up if I look at it too long.' She thought to herself. "How's that old adage gone? Blood on the moon means trouble is not far behind..." The one she found most foreboding of all alights directly at her feet.

'A twenty year old Mason and a sixteen year old Katerina were sitting on a local park bench talking about dating when Mason turned to her. "What's your ideal date? If you could have anything in the world what would it be?" Mason asked her as they sat on a park bench enjoying the warm summer weather. "I would like a moonlight picnic in a garden with beautiful flowers surrounding us. We would eat homemade macaroni and cheese and drink wine. That would be my perfect date." She said softly as she looked over at him. "That's so simple and beautiful. I can't wait to do it for you." He said looking at the young woman next to him. Anyone around them could obviously tell that they were in love with one another.' Katerina came out of her memories and began walking towards the picnic. "Where do you suppose you are going?" Mason said, smirking as he pulled her into his arms. "To the picnic, silly. We don't want the food to get cold." She said softly as she turned and looked into his eyes. There they are again, those piercing blue eyes. They're such a mesmerizing color that she felt as if he could bend her to his will, if she were to look too long. "No, I suppose not." He said as he picked her up and carried her to the picnic blanket. Gently laying her down onto it. "Mason." She whispered as she pulled him down on top of herself. "Yes, my queen?" He replied as he switched them around so she was laying on top of him. "Can we stay like this for a while?" She asked innocently. "Your wish is my command." He said, smiling softly as he held the young woman in his arms. 'They say that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Whoever wrote that clearly never experienced real love because it makes you want to be alone. The main fact is that you can't lose something that you never had.' She thought to herself as she looked at Mason.

Soon, they sat up and began eating the homemade macaroni and cheese. 'When we were together, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Filled with battles and hardships. And yet, the enchantment of that bright, pretty place enveloped her and she found that, against all her expectations, she was very happy there.' Katerina thought as she looked over at him. She smiled as she finished eating her food and took a sip of her wine. She smiled as she relaxed against Mason who had also finished his plate of food. They laid there for a while underneath the moonlight. Soon they had both finished their drinks. "It makes me feel safe knowing your always gonna be here." She said as she looked at him. "You are the most important person in my life, Katerina. I don't think I could survive in a world when you didn't exist." He said as he looked over at her. "I am?" She asked curiously. "Yes, you are." Mason said in reply as he leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. She kissed him back, deeply and passionately. She smiled as she pulled away and laid her head onto his chest. "We should go camping sometime." She said softly. "Yeah? That could be fun. How about tomorrow?" He asked as he looked down at her. "Yes, definitely!" She said excitedly. They soon packed up everything and went back inside. They went up to their bedroom and got ready for sleeping. When they were both dressed, they climbed into bed. "What do you want to do tomorrow?" Mason asked her. "Let's go camping." Katerina said as she looked over at him. "I'll make arrangements." Mason said as he got up and left the room. "Sounds great. I'm gonna go pack." Katerina said as she got up and started to pack her bags deciding what she wanted to take on their weekend camping trip. She was so excited to be going camping with her husband for the weekend. She climbed into bed and used the blanket to cover herself up. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep exhausted from their day.

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