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I don't wanna be good
I wanna be the best
Wanna be over the moon
The way that I am with you

Fine by Ian McConnell

got to give you a smut warning for this one (oops)

New Year came in a heartbeat after Christmas. Suguru has actually started to work with those sorcerers and he's been hyper enthusiast about it, while I haven't been on many missions surprisingly. I've been around his house a lot, since Yoko went to Sapporo for the holidays with her family and Sugu was just starting his new career, I was the only one around to take care of Matcha.

After visiting the shrine with my classmates for the new year, though, I've been called on duty more often. I've been sent to the other side of Japan twice in a week and now I just got back from an extracontinental mission, which took me two full weeks to complete. Although we've been texting and calling, different time zones are one hell of a nightmare and it's been hard to keep in touch with Suguru. He surprised me at the airport earlier, there's nothing in the world that could've made me happier because I'm these last assignments have worn me out like never before, I seriously need to improve if I want to be reliable on such a tight schedule. I thought I noticeably stepped up my game after... well, after dying last summer, but the harder I work the more it becomes clear how long I still have to go. Lack of sleep is what makes everything harder, I found that not having Suguru around has a negative impact on my sleep quality, which is something scary for me. Sometimes he still feels too good to be true, and I fear of the day he'll leave me.

He, on the other hand, doesn't look like he had a hard time while I was away, on the contrary he looks better than ever. My six eyes tell me that his cursed energy has grown since I last saw him, not necessarily stronger but definitely healthier, and the way his breath tastes of peppermint instead of tar is a measure of how less he's smoking, and thus how fewer exorcisms he had to perform. I almost regret telling him about this, though, because he's been pestering me about it ever since. Apparently, he doesn't believe I can actually see that much with my innate gift and he's on a mission to distract me from my sleep-inducing meditation with random questions about my six eyes.

"You know, I tried your sunglasses before," he rolls on his tummy and holds his chin with the palms of his hands. "They're pitch black. I say you're just bluffing and can't actually see shit." He lifts one eyebrow, giving me a sassy smile.

I hesitantly open one eye, my concentration faltering and my posture slightly hunching forward. "Then why would I wear them?"

"Dunno," with a shrug, he slides closer to where I'm sitting against the headboard and holds himself up with his arms on each of my side. "Maybe cause you think you're cool?"

My will to concentrate completely dissolves as soon as he settles in my personal space. "It sounds like you think I'm cool, Suguru."

He rolls his eyes but doesn't answer, and I tentatively close my eyelids once again, hoping to go back to the right mindset. It doesn't last more than two seconds before he sits up on my lap and, since I'm sure unholy thoughts shouldn't count as meditating, I just indulge the urge to tease him. "If you wanted my attention you could've just asked." I smile at the way he blushes but doesn't try to hide it.

"Let's play a game." The innocence in his smile is in stark contrast to the way his hands casually fall on my chest.

"The porn I saw two days ago started just like that." I laugh, not regretting the stupid joke even after it gains me a playful slap on the shoulder. "Sorry, sorry... what game?"

Periwinkle - Life in shades of blue (part 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora