Gael - Committing Arson on Local McDonald's

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I noticed that April is a lot gloomier than usual. I mean sure I somehow got with the girl she liked, but it's different.

It's like she's remembering her past life. And that's not going to end well.

We have about a month of school left until summer vacation. It also mean 1 month left for Heather to influence the school because her powers kind of limits to school.

I'm late to class today.

"Gael why are you late?" My psychology teacher, asked. I hate psychology first thing in the morning, but it's one of the only interesting choices for grade 11. My timetable suck.

Would he believe me if I tell him I got held up because I was walking up and down the stair until it feel right? Nah.

"I don't know sir, my body just lack time telling system," I told him.

"You lack humour and respect for people system," April snorted. Still salty about the Heather thing.

"Eat a clock I don't care, be better," he told me and went back to talking about the part of the brain that control your hunger, anger, and sexual desires (all 3 are controlled by the same spot).

At least it's not law. At least I don't have to do the psychological baby experiment until next year. Or make a social experiment.

I can't wait to leave the school, even though I have to go to work this afternoon.

Unfortunately, I had been turned down by every company except for McDonald's.


I met some guy who worked at the same McDonald's, who was supposed to be training me.

"My name's Dikk," he introduced himself to me. That sound really familiar, now where have I heard that before..?

I had a flashback moment to the therapy arc.

Dikk is a blondie with hockey boy hair. I mean he might be a hockey boy too. And blue eyes. There is no doubt he's related to Karen.

"Dikk White?" I asked for confirmation.


"Hmm so you have at least 2 sisters named Karen?"

"And my aunts and female cousins and grandmas and mom."

I have questions, like he said 'grandmas' so like do they all mate within the family or is it coincidence to meet another someone with the name like that? Or do they have a tradition where they gather all the Karens and Dikks in the world, force them to change their last name and adopt them??? Then make them mate???

Or do they find love the normal way but forces that person to change their name to either Karen or Dikk to match up with the rest of the family. And they have to change their last name to White???

Like how does it work? They all look the same though, so do they mate the same guy to get this gene????

Who the fuck name their kids Dick???

Stop overthinking this, he's just in a silly family.

"And this is the ice cream machine, don't ever turn it on. We don't have the money to afford electricity for it," he told me, snapping me out of disturbing thoughts.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows

"Ight that's cool, so we're actually a one star McDonald's, we don't really get clients. So yeah, Imma take my 15 minutes break," he informed me and left.

April herself did a little investigation of this place while we had the tour.

"This place is infested with bugs. And the chicken are still alive. and the buns and beef are fake. They are probably artificial made. YOU COULD HAVE NOT PICK A WORST PLACE TO WORK. DUMBASS" April informed and ranted at me.

I shruddered at how unhygenic this place is.

The door opened and a customer came in.

"EXCUSE ME! YEAH YOU. CAN I GET A NUMBER 3 AND A NUMBER 18?" He screamed at me. Man he got that greasy ah hair.

What if you give him a live chicken, wouldn't that be funny.

Yeah I should give him a live chicken. One that had been rolling in dirt and I'll put ketchup on it.

I tapped on the counter while waiting for him to finish ordering the whole menu. Then I went to the back and turn the deep fryer on and off a lot to make noise, just in spite of him. And for a better outcome of this whole situation.

"BE FASTER GODAMMIT" He yelled from the front.

It had been like 20 minutes when is Dikk coming back?

"YOU CAN'T RUSH PERFECTION" I screamed back because nowhere in the employee manual said I have to be polite.

I didn't want to kill chickens and get blood on me so I keep the deep fryer on.

"Hey April can you get the fries-"


"What's your problem."

"First you stole the pretty girl of my dream. Then you work at McDonald's OF ALL PLACES AND I FORCED TO BE HERE WITH YOU."


"WHY DON'T YOU GET THEM YOURSELF HMM? TOO SHORT TO REACH THEM?" This is why she doesn't earn the knowing how she died.

Beside I don't this is the right time to tell her, even if she is remembering. I know I do have to tell her before she figure out.

"AM NOT SHORT" I stomped over to the high stack of uncooked potatoes and tripped over because I lost my balance.



I turned back and saw flame going out of it, I don't know how that works but I hurried to find some big sheet of something to put it out.

"THE WATER IS RIGHT HERE" April yelled, taking a bucket and pour it over top of it.



"I AM GIVING THIS PLACE A 0 STARS!" The costumer guy said when the kitchen literally exploded and charcoal ashes powdered on his face.

He walked away angrily and cussed at everyone and everything.

Dikk ran back along with the manager who's loading his gun.

I quickly ran away before I do more dumb stuff with the fire or get myself killed.

"YOU'RE FIRED" The manager screamed and was going to shoot me. But as a moving target, his lazy ass just gave up before he started.

I hope Dairy Queen is better.



Idk if this apply to everywhere but in my school, we have psychology classes and they give out baby dolls for you to take care off as a learning this idk.

I was gonna publish a new chapter but too lazy so i edit instead

congratulation for @RoseGoldStars_ for being alive again


Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora