Gael - Here Comes The British

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Time skip to the beginning of summer

Summer finally came, luckily for me, I passed Grade 11 so I don't have to take it again. Me, Aurora and April was yapping about something. We're trying to enjoy summer before the Brit cousins come this afternoon.

"WE HAVE TO CLEAN THE HOUSE AND GET READY FOR THEM!!!" Mom was screaming at Dad all day to do that. And Dad don't listen, as he went on about his Pokemon catching business.

Honestly, who cares if our cousin come, they probably won't care about how shitty the place is. Just need to put out a few teabags and the Harry Potter series and it will be fine.

"So the baby will come in November?" Aurora said, doing calculations, "I have about 4 more months of being the youngest!?"

"Umm yes. Congratulation?" April cheered.

Aurora was not happy.

Being the firstborn, I decided to step in to share my words of wisdom.

"Let me tell you about the day you walked into my life," I spoke, "I was at an innocent age of 7, and even though it had been announced that I will no longer be an only child, I was too young to care. That was until one day, dad brought me to the hospital."

I turned to Aurora, "You were fugly as hell. And loud, annoying and clingy. But then I get used to it, and then you grow up, to become less of those things."

I looked and saw that both of them are practically asleep. Rude, my story is not that boring.

"Okay um am I supposed to feel better?" Aurora asked me, "I'm gonna get use to a younger sibling after 10 years of being the queen?"

"Eventually yes."

Princess came up to us and curl up beside us. He started to hiss and scratch me.

"Well that made me feel worse, knowing that what I'm going through isn't special." She stood up grumpily and left.

"Well it's not!" I called after her.

"Whatever! I'm still gonna be the queen! That baby is nothing but a pig!"

April was giving me mean stares. "You... need work on your communication skill." She shook her head and threw Princess at me (The princess abuse in this book is wild)


So before they come, let's get to know my British side of the family. My mother is actually British, but she moved to Italy where she met my dad, so that happened. Then we moved to Canada! The writer had decided it!

My mom have an older brother and an older sister, making her the youngest. So my uncle travelled to Australia this one time for a work thing and got eaten by some crocodile there, I don't know. That happened a while back.

Anyways, my aunt Elizabeth and her husband Charles have 4 kids, Harry (a year older than me), Edward (He's like 11), William (10) and a baba named Olivia. I just know already I'm sharing a room with a few of them.

Aunt Elizabeth is very elegant. She would cut off her pizza one by one and use a fork to eat them, holding her pinkie up. She wears old fashion clothing, and on special occasions, she would totally wears old gown with a literal metal cage underneath.

Uncle Charlie kind of follows auntie's elegant style too. He's a very romantic man and his marriage is not the verge of a divorce... unlike mom's and dad's.

Harry is wild. I don't like him. He's an "*snort snort* uM aChshuckally 🤓☝🏽" kind of person.

Edward and William are like best friends. They are also very hyper and get into everything. They also hate each other and screams a lot. And kinda cringe too. I mean, middle schoolers nowaday, they can't help but like that.

Olivia is just a baby. I like her, quiet and not problematic. I liked all my cousins when they were babas, they can't go anywhere much.


"Oooooh Aurora dearie, you had grown so much!" Aunt Elizabeth chirped as she pulled Aurora in for a hug. The family had just arrived and getting welcoming in. "And Gael! Oh my! You need a haircut! I barely recognize you!"

I don't like haircuts. I usually just let my hair grow out wildly, sometime to a point where I can put it in a small ponytail.  Occasionally, I trim it myself, because if I bring up the fact that my hair was growing too much... I might earn myself bowl cuts. Mom would never let us waste money on going to a hairdresser and she's not a good one herself.

"Erm ackshually..." Harry was about to open his yapper but my dad saved the day by shoving a shoe into his mouth.

"Well why don't you all go inside for dinner? Then we can help you move into a guest room," He announced. Everyone got into the dining room and we served leftover chicken noodle soup.

Everyone in our family actually dislike the British side except for mom. When we're around them for too long, we slip into their accent and it sometime sticks for an amount of time.

"So when is the baby due?" Aunt Eliza asked as she somehow elegantly sliced her chicken noodle soup into pieces and used a spoon to scoop up each piece one by one. Why is she like this?

Why can't she slurp them or something?

"About late November or so," Mom replied. Oh it's gonna be a winter baby. The worst type. I always despite kids with a school year birthday, they always get celebrated on at school by everyone, but the winter ones? Those are the worse. Annoying little bastard that's a full year smaller than everyone else at their age. Their birthday then BOOM Christmas.

I should know, I'm a December baby. Right on the 12th. Shortest kid in every single one of my class. As of currently, I'm 5'4. I don't think that's short, but apparently it is according to tall people.

Tall people are assholes. Instead of their heart and emotion growing, their height did instead.

"OOoooo your aunt is weird. Why is she eating the soup like that???" April asked. She went closer to my aunt and picked up one of her soup solid piece using wooden chopsticks (that she got from where???)????? Elegant power much?

She put it in her ghost mouth and ate it. "Hmm, it's actually still soup. Not even a solid chunk anymore. Actually it's really good."

"Your recipe is missing salt," Auntie said to my mom, who looked at her with fiery eyes.

"What? I cooked this with my own fire that I payed premium for!" She exclaimed, "This is the best soup you'll ever taste."

She small laughed and covered her mouth, "What ever helps you sleeps at night dear!"


"SHUT UP HARRY, YOU'RE BANNED FROM TEA TIME!" Uncle shout at him in a harsh yet calm voice.


I looked outside the window out of boredom, hoping I don't accidentally kill half of Canada by doing so, and I saw a disturbing thing. Heather was there, smiling.

She stared right at me. She knows that I can see her.

What do she want? I'm gonna keep on ghosting that creep.



i  fucking jinxed myself so now am gonna do editing work cause i cant do this no more why do my science teacher want a throughout research on a random specific powerplant????

omg, but have you seen little kids these day? I swear when I was a kid i dont try to be cool with tiktok trend, tell me why my brother is repeatedly doing the griddy and saying 'uwu' like please.

do middle schoolers infect the elementary school kids on learning trends 5 years late or smth????? because i just heard 1 2 buckle my shoe the not kid version coming out of my brothers mouth and am done

this world is bad if little kids are getting iphone 15 pro max at the age of 6 or smth and scrolling thro tiktok


Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora