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Unfortunately, with only 2 weeks left of summer, we are not allowed to go hunt the pick-mes.

I don't get it. It's not like I have to go to school anymore. Gael does. Shaking my head these high schoolers. Back in my days- well I don't know. I'm sure I must be older than him by a few months.

The French decided that another few weeks couldn't hurt, because everything in France is too French right now with the tourists.

Their aunt Elizabeth took Aurora and Gael to Back-to-School shopping while their mom is still in distress.

There are pencils and pens to be bought.

"Alright Aurora, grade 6 will treat you well," Aunt Elizabeth said, reading the check-list, "Why do you need... Kleenex boxes?"

"I don't know, they ask for that every year," Aurora shrugged, "I mean, it can't be too different from last year, right?"

"In some places, grade 6 is the transition from elementary to middle school. Which is like high school but there's no credits," Gael told her, "So yes, it's a bit different. Not here though."

"I didn't asked," She said.

The 3 of them entered the store. There are a bunch of worried mothers, dragging along their bored child or children to get supplies.

"I NEED 7 DUOTANGS! " Aurora screamed, "THEY SAID COLOUR CODED BUT I WANT THE ONES WITH THE PUPPIES ON IT!" She ran toward the section with a bunch of duotangs and folders.

"What's a duotangs?" Elizabeth asked, walking toward that section, dragging Gael with her, "Oh... you meant... folders?"

"No! Duotangs!" The girl opened one up, "See?" It's like a folder, but it got the metal lines for hole-punched papers to get in securely. "And I need 7 of them!"

The older woman nodded, worried about what the hell is going on in this place, and quickly grabbed 7 different coloured ones.

"And you need a new binder?" She turned to Gael.

"Yup, 2 of them," He nodded. Then he quickly changed his mind, "Wait, 3."

They went to the section where there are binders, the type with a handle so you can carry around.

"Oh, I forgot about this," I said, "Ask her about her powers." I hoped he heard me. I'm kind of irrelevant here.

"Umm... auntie? Do you... have like... superpowers?" He asked, catching up to her as she inspect some pens. That must've really caught her attention, because she seemed startle.

"Why? Do you?" She replied with a question in a nervous manner.

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you. Do you?"

"Well do you?"

"I think you do."

"What make you think so?"

He looked at me for answers. Seriously, why are you so useless?

"She cut soups." Gael rolled his eyes. Okay, that's like a really big evidence thing, cutting soup into solid pieces is not normal.

"I saw you cut soup into pieces..." He said sheepishly.

"I- okay... what about you?"

I looked right at him as he looked at me. Okay weird. To change up the mood, I decided to go and check out the very interesting 2 rings binders. How fascinating. 1 ring binders.

"He can see ghosts. So can I. Only one of them though," Aurora replied carelessness, "We also need notebooks!"

Gael had also suddenly developed a deep interest in notebooks.

Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now