Chapter 25: Lucas

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Just like Mr Adams had told Mary, we saw Iris sitting next to my dad with Lynn on his legs, doing all sorts of abominations to him. I was shocked– a girl who claimed she loved me for over two years was molesting my father right before my eyes.

But that was futile compared to the white old man about my father's age kneeling before Iris as she backed on the leather sofa. She had her hand wrapped around her head as if she wasn't feeling well.

I lunged forward, grabbed Iris by the hands, and made her stand up as she protested, but I was having none of it. I was a mess and she was supposed to give me answers.

"I don't feel so well.." she said weakly as I challenged my old man, before falling on the sofa and lying still.

"Iris!". Everyone called out in unison as we bent over as if to stop her from falling.  I grabbed her and the whites of her eyes were the only visible traits.

"Iris!" I called out, but she lay still. Mary touched the nape of her neck and checked her pulse. She sniffed around Iris and then laughed.

"She is drunk," she said.

"But she didn't drink that much, not even half the champagne I gave her," the man who was with my father said.

"What is your business giving her Champagne?" I asked furiously.

"I wanted her to relax before–"

"You're lucky I got here before you did any funny business, otherwise I'd have left you paralyzed".

My dad rose from his chair and faced me, nothing in his eyes showing that he wanted to fight me. Good, I thought. He wouldn't try to fight me in front of so many people looking.

" You don't understand," he declared.

" What is there to understand Dad? What?  I've had about enough of your games. I'm leaving with her".

" This is Mr Morris"

" I don't remember asking". I scooped Iris up and turned to leave.

" Wait boy, we can't say these things out loud!"

" Well don't make me say what's on my mind right now out loud. I have a business to attend to, and you are part of it. If you do not follow me tonight, tomorrow will be the end of us. I will make sure I seize my mother's property and leave you naked. End of discussion". I looked at the Adams siblings. "Let's go".

" Lucas". I turned to look at Lynn. I had forgotten about her. Even though her intentions were as clear as day, she had helped me in recovering Iris before she was molested.

"Thank you for telling me about this," I explained to her.

Lynn smiled. "  No problem. I can help you guys".

"Don't push your luck," Mr Morris warned. "You know you made her like this," he said and pointed at Iris".

I looked at Lynn again, wondering why I even thanked her. The air in the pub grew suffocating as loads of information were piled on me. I needed a breather.

" I'll deal with all of you tomorrow, but as for you.." I pointed at my father, " need to meet with me tonight or never again".

I adjusted Iris in my arms and took lengthy strides towards the door. Her clothes were still intact. Nothing had happened yet then, I thought to myself.

Mary opened the back door of the car for me before I entered, and I placed Iris on my lap as the siblings got up front.

"Take me to my house please," I mumbled.

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