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       "What is happening?" a voice shouted, in vain. The brown haired boy did not turn to face her, instead, he stood silent, flashes of fire dancing in his eyes.

"What did you do?" the echo continued screaming "What were you thinking?"

The voice was almost imperceptible due to the deafening screams around them.

"The sixth seal has been broken!" a small creature screeched in pain.

"Sebastian! "

The boy finally turned, acknowledging her presence "I'm sorry..." he whispered.

        "Mother?" a small hand shook her awake in that narrow carriage seat. She wiped the cold sweat off her forehead as she sat up straight.

"Natsai..." she whispered.

"Are you alright?" the girl asked, eyes wide open, concern written all over her face.

"I apologise, my little gazelle... It was a nightmare..." Mudiwa Onai shook her head, trying to convince not only her daughter, but also herself that the vision was, in fact, only a nightmare.

"All right..." said Natsai, still concerned for her mother "The driver said we're almost at Hogwarts..." she continued, changing the subject.

Mudiwa smiled softly and caressed her daughter's cheek. A new chapter in their lives was about to start as soon as they crossed those castle doors, a new chapter where she hoped they could leave their past behind. However, that nightmare was still in the back of her brain, filling her head with questions and doubts.

Mrs Onai's heart sank as her gaze travelled around the Great Hall that night and recognised the freckled boy from her nightmare, sitting in his green robes, enjoying his dinner with a sad look on his face, just like her heart would sink when the other protagonist of her nightmare would show up in that same room, exactly a year later.


nothing to see here!🤭 just a prologue about a silly little nightmare!!! 🤭 right? 🤠haha

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