Mid August, 1878

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Mid August, 1878

       "There! A bunny! I won!" the girl laughed pointing at the sky as the wind carried the clouds in a slow parade of cotton shapes above Godric's Hollow.

"That's not a bunny! That's no animal at all! Where are its long ears?!" her brother answered furrowing his brows.

"You're such a bad loser, Sebastian! That's a bunny! Look! It even looks like Clover!" Anne giggled.

The freckled boy scrunched his nose and squinted his eyes at the sky, wondering where his twin might be seeing the resemblance to their pet bunny in that big mush of clouds.

"No. That's not Clover" he shook his head, giving his final answer.

"Fine. Let's ask mom and dad, then. You'll see I'm right" the brown haired girl sentenced, to what the boy nodded.

"You'll see I'm right!" Sebastian said, always trying to have the last word, as they got up form their garden's ground. With a playful push, Anne ran past him to try and race him to the house, to what her brother responded by laughing and running up to her, finally wining the improvised race, arriving first to their kitchen door.

"Sebastian! Your feet!" the girl yelled as she saw little Sebastian Sallow run into the kitchen without taking off his muddy shoes.

"Oh! You're right! Sorry! Mom would have gotten really upset at me!" he giggled as he took off his shoes as fast as he could, eager to go find their parents and ask them to tell his sister how wrong she was about her "cloud bunny".

Sebastian and Anne Sallow rushed down the stairs of their home, going as fast as their little legs could allow them to, trying to get to the cellar where their parents' study was situated. The girl ran past her brother, trying to start a race again, only to stop mid corridor, making the laughter that escaped from the freckled boy lips cease.

"Anne?" he asked, confused by her behaviour, but as he made his way to her, he understood. His head started to feel dizzy. He didn't really recognised that feeling. The closer he got to be lightheaded like that, was when his dad would carry him and start to turn as fast as he could, as he tried his best not to get sick. A weird smell filled the corridor as he grabbed his sister little hand, knowing she was probably feeling nauseous, just like him.

"Clover?" the trembling soft voice of the brown haired girl carried itself through the dense air. She slowly knelt down to pet the little bunny, that remained still on the carpeted floor.

"Clover is probably asleep, Anne. He must be so tired from jumping around all the time!" Sebastian said, putting his hand on his sister's shoulder, trying to comfort her, to what she nodded, still pouting slightly "Come on, let's go see mom and dad!" he continued, leaning out his hand for her to take.

As they walked down the corridor, the dizziness only got worse. The study door was slightly open, letting through a warm flickering light. Sebastian's tiny chest started to rise and fall quickly as his breathing pattern accelerated, almost unable to breathe at all, gasping for air as they got closer and closer to the door. Anne's hand pushed the door softly, opening it slowly.

"Mom? Dad?" she called as she saw her parents on their study desks. Anne thought they had a weird way of working that day. Normally, she would sneak in their study to distract them, but they usually worked sitting up straight, not laying on the table like they were doing that day. Anne also thought it was weird that her dad was not wearing his glasses, since he always said he couldn't read without them, instead, they were badly placed next to his face. Mom is going to be upset if dad breaks his reading glasses, she thought. "Sebastian? Are mom and dad asleep like Clover?" she asked turning to face her brother.

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