Tuesday, 16th of September, 1890

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Tuesday, 16th of September, 1890

Sebastian's Perspective

The cold night turned even colder in that secret underground room, the air dense and humid. I felt my heart's pace slow down progressively as the minutes went by, taking my time to look around the room, processing the new information I had received, just a few moments earlier. I liked being alone. Alone with only my thoughts. However, I didn't like feeling lonely, and, lately, that feeling had taken a hold of me, specially since Anne got cursed. The Undercroft was silent except for the cracking noise of the flames filing the torches that hung from the ceiling. My gaze was fixed on them, my thoughts lingering on how perfectly the Blasting Curse was performed.

Quite impressive... And it was her first time...

"Have you finally lost your last remaining braincell?!" my mental rambling was interrupted shortly after I was left alone in the Undercroft.

"Oh... Hi, Ominis!" I turned to face him as he made his way to me, his wand leading the way with its usual red hue.

"I told you not to show the Undercroft to anyone, Sebastian!" Ominis yelled at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I shrugged leaning against a nearby table.

"Don't act dumber than you actually are. Want to take a wild guess on who I just ran into exiting the Undercroft?" I saw the red hue getting closer as he confronted me.

"She wanted me to teach her some spells... And this is the best place to do it." Ominis scrunched his nose in disapproval as he stared blindly at me.

"What has gotten into you, Sebastian?" he sighed "You barely know her. You met her, what? Two weeks ago? And now you're showing her the Undercroft? What are you doing? Has she got something that interests you? Why her, Sebastian?"

"She's got a name."

"Don't avoid my questions." Ominis commanded.

I looked down for a moment and hesitated. Y/N had captivated me from the moment she walked in the Great Hall that first day. I couldn't help but smile softly, as the memory of her running through those doors traveled my mind. There was no denying that she was beautiful, and, for my misfortune, I was not the only one hypnotised by her alluring presence. Although that wasn't what interested me the most about her. I knew she was special from the moment I talked to her, but I couldn't exactly guess what was it, until that night in the Undercroft.

"She can control Ancient Magic and see traces of it."  I finally answered.

"Ancient Magic?" Ominis blinked surprised.

"That day in Hogsmeade" I started explaining the events that took place the first weekend of classes, the same events that had people murmuring and gossiping about the new girl... "When the troll attacked, she used that magic to defend us. I had never seen anything like that, Ominis. I needed to learn more about her."

"You didn't mention anything about 'Ancient Magic' when you told me about that day..."

"I didn't know what it was then. Besides, I didn't think you would care..." I shrugged at Ominis comment.

"You barely tell me anything anymore..." he sighed.

I looked down at my hands before crossing my arms. I sighed back, feeling sorrow fill my heart, my thoughts lingering on the memories of happier times. Times when Ominis, Anne and I would spend hours in the Undercroft.

And I had brought someone else without consulting him...

"So... Do you think that her 'Ancient Magic' can cure Anne?" he asked, breaking the silence.

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