End of June, 1884

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End of June, 1884

Dear Mr Solomon Sallow,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Noctua Gaunt, you might remember me, I am Ariadne's younger sister. I would much hope this letter doesn't awake any painful memories, but I am very afraid it might do so.

It has come to my knowledge that, after the passing of your brother and sister in law, you are now the guardian of the children they left behind. First and foremost, I would like to give you my deepest condolences. With that said, I would like to address the matter of this letter. As you already know, Ariadne has not been the same since that summer, and I fear I lost my sister forever that dreadful day. My heart burdens with the memories she forgot, and I know yours does as well. For this reason, I would like to appeal to the kindness in your heart, and I humbly beg of you to grant me a favour.

Since then, Ariadne has borne three children. Two of them have inherited the dark essence of the Gaunt lineage, but the third, Ominis, stands apart. Ominis embodies the spirit of the Ariadne I knew before that dreadful summer, before her union with Dion. Unlike the other Gaunts, Ominis possesses a gentleness that sets him apart. Regrettably, my dear nephew was cursed with the tragic fate of being born sightless.

I fear that Ominis now faces a harrowing existence, as his magical abilities awaken, potentially being forced into the Dark Arts against his own and my wishes. Ariadne, once a beacon of light, has changed, no longer able to halt this descent. I implore you, with a heavy heart, to welcome my Ominis into your home, alongside your nephews, who, I understand, are of a similar age. I implore you to aid me in safeguarding my sister's son.

Do it for her, for the memory of Ariadne.

Yours truly,

Noctua Gaunt

Solomon Sallow stood in his house's doorway, his fingers fidgeting with the letter as he read it for the hundredth time. "Do it for her, for the memory of Ariadne". With his heart on his fist, he lifted his eyes to see little Ominis Gaunt, standing in his front yard, holding a small suitcase in his hands, still where his house elf had left him. Deep in his heart, Solomon hoped to see Ariadne that day, after all those years, alas, the child's parents didn't even deign to bring him to Feldcroft themselves, sending him alone with only his insufficient luggage, and a house elf to escort him. The little Gaunt was the perfect mix of both Ariadne and Dion Gaunt, his skin as white as snow, carrying the Gaunt legacy in the moles that decorated his face. The beautiful features of the boy were framed by his perfectly combed hair, shining golden under the afternoon sun, reminding Solomon of the sunsets he spent with Ariadne, caressing her blond locks, like the wind carefully strokes the wheat on a summer field. The bearded man looked into Ominis' eyes, which, despite being deprived of sight, they still inherited the iced colour of a pristine winter lake that decorated his mother's gaze. Another reminder of how Ariadne was never his.

"My name is Anne Sallow," introduced the brown haired girl "and this is my brother Sebastian!"

"You can probably tell, but we are twins!" Sebastian announced proudly.

"I'm afraid I can't tell... I am blind, I was born without sight." sighed Ominis, a hint of arrogance tainting his words.

"Is that why your eyes look so peculiar?" tilted his head the freckled boy, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know how they look, Sebastian, I can't see."

What a prick, thought the brown haired boy.

While Sebastian scrunched his nose at the posh-like attitude of the new acquaintance, his sister smiled broadly. Anne Sallow, unlike her twin, was a late bloomer, meaning that in that broad smile, she displayed an incomplete set of teeth, like an old piano that had lost its tiles. Little Anne was insecure about her missing canines and premolars, that being her brother's fault, whom made sure to call her "toothless" ever since her first incisor fell. But Ominis was blind. He wouldn't be able to see her awkward smile, or make fun of her like Sebastian did. She made an oath to herself as to how Ominis would always feel welcome in her home, maybe her new friend would help her get back at her twin for picking up on her. A new alliance, she thought happily, Sebastian won't know where to hide.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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