Saturday, 31st of May, 1890

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Saturday, 31st of May, 1890

TW: this chapter contains mentions of a possible eating disorder and malnourishment

        Eleazar Fig walked down the cobblestone streets of a very quiet Northbury, very early that Saturday morning. He looked up, as his attention was caught by a bird singing on the branch of a tree. The May weather was already drifting off to a warmer June, causing Professor Fig to take off his corduroy jacket and put it in his bag, while pacing back and forth in front of the moss-covered picket fence that stood in front of the Y/L/N's home.

The house was not big, and it certainly was not special, in fact, it blended perfectly in that family neighbourhood, in that little wizard town near Belfast. If one were to close their eyes, they would almost hear the kids playing in their gardens in the summer, and feel the heat coming from the homes in the winter. Owls flew back and forth, over the orange-coloured brick houses, delivering letters. Eleazar Fig carefully observed every fence and every garden of the neighbouring homes, noticing the beautiful scenery, beautiful flowers and plants filling the view, making Northbury almost worthy of being in a Renoir painting.

His gaze travelled back to the Y/L/N's house in front of him. Again, nothing special about it, it almost looked identical to the rest. Almost. Professor Fig rose a brow as he analysed the garden. The plants and flowers looked slightly different from the rest, they looked less tended, less taken care off. Wild weeds filled the floor, blending with the green moss that filled the stone path that led to the door. An inattentive eye would never doubt that everything was perfectly normal in that house, no one would ever guess what happened inside. Eleazar Fig's eyes followed that stone path to the wooden door that slowly opened to reveal a man behind it.

"Mr. Y/L/N? I'm Professor Fig." introduced himself Fig as he stood still outside of the picket fence.

"Morning." Theodore Y/L/N walked to the grey haired man and shook his hand firmly.

"Is Miss Y/L/N ready?" asked the professor to break the awkward silence that stood between the two men.

"She is." Mr. Y/L/N responded before turning to the face the house "Oi! Come, now! Don't make Professor Fig lose his time, so!" He proceed to shout at the door.

"It's alright, really! We're not in a hurry!" smiled politely Fig, waving his hands.

"It's a long ride, isn't it? Ye should be leaving as soon as possible." sentenced Theodore, furrowing his brows.

Eleazar Fig wanted to reply, but he was caught mid sentence by the sight of the girl that walked out of the house. The first thing he noticed about her were the bags under her eyes, carrying themselves on top of the defined cheekbones that framed the young girl's face. She looked malnourished and weak, to the point where Professor Fig had to fight the urge to walk up to her and carry her to the flying carriage himself. His gaze scanned down along her arm to check her luggage, the size of it making him furrow his brows.

"Is that going to be all you're bringing with us? Remember you won't be coming back home before going to Hogwarts..." asked in a concerned tone the grey haired man.

"She's got everything she needs." Mr. Y/L/N answered in a cold tone, crossing his arms to make notice that his patience was reaching its limit.

Professor Fig nodded, not wanting to indulge more in the discussion, before handing out his arm towards the cobblestone street, where the flying carriage stood awaiting to take flight.

"Shall we go, then?" Y/N nodded at the old man's question before looking up at her father for the first time.

"Goodbye, Papa." whispered the young girl, her eyes searching for a hint of affection in the emotionless gaze of the tall man.

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