the portrait of a lover pt1

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In the vast narrative of life, you were an open book, your simplicity and ease making you just like any other girl. Some perceived a barrier, a facade veiling your true self, but the reality was that you wore your heart on your sleeve.

A cavernous heart, yearning to be filled with love, defined you. Your search wasn't confined to a reciprocal affection; instead, it was an earnest quest to shower your love upon someone deserving. You carried a profound need to love, a sentiment that transcended expectations or conditions.

Amidst the backdrop of a small town, your formative years unfolded in relative solitude, yet loneliness eluded you. In the quietude, you found solace and grew to appreciate the company of your own thoughts.

Back in those days, friends weren't a prevalent part of your existence. It wasn't a void that caused this absence; rather, it was an admiration for your parents' relationship. They, too, had grown up without a multitude of friends because, in each other, they found all they needed. Their love, deep and unassuming, created a cocoon of contentment where complications and messiness held no sway. In witnessing their harmonious existence, you harbored a simple yet profound wish – to lead a life as effortlessly serene as your parents'.

This desire for simplicity and ease followed you into adulthood. As you navigated the complexities of life, you sought the same straightforward beauty you had witnessed in your parents' relationship.

Yet, life has its way of introducing twists and turns. In the midst of your pursuit for an uncluttered existence, you found yourself entangled in the unpredictable web of emotions. Eren, with his enigmatic allure and turbulent nature, became a deviation from your envisioned path.

In the presence of Eren, you discovered an unfamiliar emotion – fear of love. The prospect of falling for him ignited an internal struggle, a delicate dance between longing for reciprocation and the dread of unrequited feelings. You pondered the depths of his emotions, wondering if Eren, too, could navigate the intricate realm of profound connections and reciprocate the sentiments swirling within you.

But Eren doesn't love. Eren fuck, Eren hate but he wouldn't love you, you thought to yourself.

The morning unfolded, casting a soft glow on the room as you found yourself nestled in Eren's tight embrace. The allure of staying, basking in the warmth of his skin fused with yours, whispered temptations to your senses. Yet, in the delicate dance between desire and restraint, the very contemplation of such lingered thoughts became the catalyst for your departure. The room held echoes of shared moments, each breath shared and every heartbeat resonating in the quietude.

In the hushed ambience of dawn, a poignant realization clung to your thoughts — a delicate admission that attachment with him could only be a fleeting dream, a whisper carried away by the transient winds of passion. Determined not to tether your heart to a realm of ephemeral connections, you opted for a silent departure, threading your way through the hushed tapestry of the room, your footsteps tiptoeing on the edge of memory.

His slumber-clad face, an epitome of tranquility, beckoned you to linger, a rare tableau of innocence amidst the shadows of intimacy. In the silent observance of his serene repose, you found a poignant beauty, a moment suspended in time, tender and elusive.

In the tender embrace of dawn, Eren's whispered plea lingered in the air, a plea that echoed with the resonance of unspoken desires. "Stay," he murmured, his eyes still veiled in the soft shadows of slumber, his voice resonating with a depth that stirred something within you.

"I can't," you protested gently, but his strong arms encircled you, pulling you back into the warmth of the bed, creating a sanctuary next to him.

There, nestled beside him, his arm forming a protective cocoon around you, an unexpected sense of comfort enveloped you, weaving a tapestry of emotions you wished to resist. "I regret it, Eren," you confessed softly, the words carrying the weight of vulnerability.

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