the portrait of a lover pt2

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Eren's upbringing was akin to navigating through a maze of affection. Love not only graced him within the familial sphere but also radiated from friends and even earned nods from teachers. This constant stream of adoration sculpted a belief in him that his magnetic personality left little room for dissenting opinions. Blessed with an enticing blend of charisma, striking good looks, affluence, and intelligence, Eren was cognizant of the allure he exuded. While occasionally revealing shades of pretentiousness and brattiness, these quirks seemed mere blips on the radar, easily overshadowed by the overwhelmingly positive aura that enveloped him.

Fortunate to have grown up in an environment of privilege, surrounded by privileged individuals in an opulent apartment, Eren sensed that even among this exclusive circle, he remained the most favored—a person everyone sought to befriend. In the midst of this privileged existence, Eren continued to navigate the complex dynamics of his social sphere. Despite being the coveted figure among his peers, he couldn't escape the complexities that life threw at him.

As he entered adolescence, a revelation about his family added a new layer to his already intricate life. The news of an older brother, Zeke, emerged, casting shadows on the once seemingly perfect family facade. Eren grappled with conflicting emotions, questioning the very foundation of the love and stability he had taken for granted. The revelation prompted a series of confrontations within the family, as Eren struggled to reconcile the image he held of his parents with the reality of their secrets. His mother's silent struggles and his father's seemingly callous handling of the situation left Eren in a state of turmoil.

As he navigated through the complexities of his privileged existence, Eren came to a sobering realization that perhaps he had grown up a bit too naive. The adoration he had perceived from his social circle, what he thought was an abundance of love, now appeared to be a more superficial form of affection. In this revelation, Eren grappled with the stark difference between love and adoration. The distinction between the two became more apparent, challenging his previous understanding of the dynamics that shaped his relationships. It was a moment of self-discovery that prompted him to reevaluate the authenticity of the connections he had formed and question the depth of the emotions that had seemingly surrounded him throughout his life.

Caught between the allure of his privileged lifestyle and the unraveling complexities within his family, Eren faced the challenge of defining his own path. The veneer of perfection cracked, revealing the vulnerabilities beneath, and Eren embarked on a journey to understand the true nature of love, loyalty, and self-discovery.

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery, Eren made the pivotal decision to move out of his family home, opting to navigate the intricacies of living independently. This newfound freedom became a canvas for him to explore life on his terms.
During this period of solitude, devoid of the familiar constructs of school and work, Eren confronted the raw truth of his immaturity and dependence on the adoration he had grown accustomed to. The experience of living alone became a crucible, revealing facets of his personality that he had shielded from the world—a self he hadn't fully grasped until now. Confronting his own arrogance and selfish tendencies, he grappled with the unsettling realization that he had looked down on others, considering them inferior to his perceived level of superiority. The sheltered world of his previous privileged circle seemed like the only realm capable of understanding him.

This internal reckoning set the stage for a transformative encounter that would reshape Eren's perspective—his meeting with Zeke.
In the presence of his older brother, Eren was confronted with a reality that defied his preconceived notions. Zeke, displaying a wisdom and ease that felt almost like encountering a familiar stranger, brought forth a different perspective that challenged Eren's accustomed worldview. Zeke, in his own way, became a guide and mentor, unveiling realms of knowledge and experiences previously unknown to Eren. The encounter with his brother exposed him to a broader understanding of the world, forcing Eren to reassess his own beliefs and assumptions. The journey with Zeke proved transformative, pushing Eren beyond the confines of his comfort zone and into uncharted territories of self-discovery.

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