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In the secluded chambers of the mansion, Noor, adorned in her bridal attire, felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation. The intricate details of her lehenga shimmered in the soft glow of candlelight, and the floral adornments in her hair added a touch of elegance to her ensemble. The weight of the ceremonial jewelry reflected the significance of the formal wedding about to unfold.

As she stood before the ornate mirror, she caught a glimpse of herself – a bride on the verge of a transformative journey. The courtyard beyond the chamber seemed to echo with the soft strains of music, heightening the sense of occasion.

The rhythmic beat of the dhol and the melodious tunes of the shehnai signaled the commencement of the ceremony. Noor took a deep breath, her fingers delicately tracing the intricate patterns on her lehenga. The scent of fresh flowers and incense filled the air, adding to the heightened atmosphere.

Door cracked open and her parents and tannu walked in with an excited and happy smile , they look at her getting emotional seeing her looking so gorgeous in her wedding attire

Her parents come forward and hugged her " look how beautiful our daughter is looking" her mother said whiping her tears

" Ofcourse who's daughter she is " her father said proudly patting her head lovingly, they chuckled at him

" On serious note you still have time to tell me that you don't want to marry that stinky guy , I'll help you to file for divorce" her father said getting slap from his wife on shoulder for talking rubbish

" Dad " noor whined at her father , she know he's just teasing her , in actual he love him the same

" Alright don't tease her anymore, tannu help her come down " her mother said and kissed her forehead lovingly before leaving as barata is here

" You are looking so beautiful, it'll definitely give hard time to Bhai " tannu said teasingly with a grine , she's really happy for them

Noor blushed looking down at her mahendi adored hands , remembering something she look at tannu who's raised her eyebrows at her asking what now

" Did you asked mayank what he talked with uncle that day " Noor asked sitting beside her on bed , tannu bite her lips remembering what happened that day , after mayank and her brother went with her father she thought they'll be getting married on the same day as noor and arjun but shockingly no one talked anything about it , it's like they never got married , everything's that normal and it's making her nervous cause her brother and father didn't said a word to her about their conversation and she didn't had courage to ask anything to mayank

" Not yet " she said getting up and going to window, looking down she spotted mayank crazily dancing with her other cousins and some of their friends, shweta and Ishu are also among them dancing happily

" Atleast ask him about it , you can't go on like this " noor said worriedly looking at her bestfriend's back

" Don't worry I'll soon , you just enjoy your day" tannu said looking at her with smile before turning around again " hey come fast look your groom is dancing" tannu said excitedly when she saw Mayank helping Arjun to get down from horse and pulling him along to dance , they're in middle of everyone dancing and enjoying themselves

Noor look at them and chuckled, Arjun look up feeling someone's gaze and their eyes meet , he smirked and winked before giving her flying kiss , she blushed at his shamelessness and went back to sit down on bed

" How romantic" tannu teased her, walking to her and she just ignored her thanking her fate that she got him.

The ceremonial entry was a momentous step, a transition from the quiet chambers to the grandeur of the courtyard. Noor, guided by her friends, took measured steps towards the awaiting mandap. Each step echoed the palpable rhythm of her heartbeat, a testament to the mix of emotions coursing through her.

As she approached the mandap, her eyes met Arjun's, who stood waiting beneath the ceremonial canopy. His reassuring gaze softened the edges of her nervousness. The ornate drapes of the mandap swayed gently in the breeze, casting a play of shadows on the ground.

Arjun, dressed in regal attire, extended a hand to noor as she reached the mandap. Their fingers intertwined, a silent exchange of support and understanding. The family elder began the ceremonial rites, invoking blessings and affirmations for the union.

In the midst of the rituals, Arjun leaned towards noor, his words a soft reassurance amidst the formality. "Finally you are going to be mine jaan" he whispered, his gaze holding hers.

" I was always yours " she whispered back while blushing

" Haye" he put his hand on his heart making her chuckle, their parents smiled looking at them and prayed for their better and happy future

Noor's nervousness gradually giving way to a sense of calm, returned a tender smile making him relived. The rituals continued – the exchange of garlands, the binding of the sacred thread – each symbolic act bringing them closer to a new chapter in their lives.

Amidst the ceremonial chorus, Noor found a moment to exchange glances with Arjun, a silent communication that transcended words. His eyes conveyed understanding, love, and a shared commitment to facing whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the sacred fire flickered, casting a warm glow on the newlyweds, Noor's thoughts meandered. She pondered the unexpected turns that had led them to this formal wedding – the clash of traditions, the family discord, and now, the symbolic resolution.

The concluding rituals marked the culmination of the ceremony. Noor and Arjun, now officially wedded, received blessings from their family members. The courtyard resonated with the joyous celebrations of a wedding that had not only united two individuals but also served as a bridge towards familial harmony...

So yeah that's all for today 😄, one more update and it'll end ..
So don't forget to comment and follow, from the starting I'm noticing you guys are soooo silent so stop being silent now 😒I'm telling you
It's nearly end dude come on

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