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Arjun opened his eyes finding empty space beside him and is a pillow in his arms where his wife was laying once , he sit down stretching his limbs when washroom door opened and noor come out adorned in a fresh set of traditional attire, it's red saree .

She's looking innocent devil to him in that red saree, he felt like she wore this saree just to tease him and test his patience level.

Her eyes fall on him and she look down shyly as he's still half naked

" Shy are we now wifey " he teased her getting up from bed and walking to her with slow steps

" Y..you should freshen up quickly we need to go down,they might be waiting for us " she said and trying to ignore him she walk in front of mirror to get ready but he hug her from behind taking deep breath relaxing completely

" You are alright, right? Is there any pain" Arjun asked looking at her through mirror, she shook her head

" No just little sour other than that everything's fine" she whispered shyly and he hummed knowing she's not in pain

" You smell like me" he whispered rubbing his face on her neck making shiver run down her spine

" That's cause I used your body wash" she said while blushing crimson, he hummed kissing her neck

" w..we'll get late Arjun" she nervously said holding his arms tightly that are around her waist

" Alright" he sighed and pulled back before kissing her cheeks

" You are looking gorgeous" he said taking vermillion box from her hand and he himself applied it on her partition before kissing her forehead, she smiled and opened her eyes

" Now go quickly" she pushed him towards washroom giggling

She put light makeup on and left her hairs open , she made the bed changing the bedsheet till he comes out and after that they went down .

They took blessings from everyone and then Arjun's mother informed her about the one sweet dish she need to cook today, she nodded and went towards kitchen

She decided to make halwa and after that helped maids to put down dishes on dining table

" Beta sit down and eat , everyone will serve themselves" her mother-in-law said smiling sweetly at her , she nodded and sit down beside Arjun who served her lovingly and everyone look at them happily praying for their healthy future

They finished eating and maid served them all with halwa, Noor look at everyone nervously biting her lips waiting for their reactions

" Did you really made it , why am I doubting" tannu said moaning on taste , Noor ignored her dramatic ass looking towards her mother-in-law and father-in-law

" It's really tasty beta" her father-in-law said smiling

" It really is" her mother-in-law said smiling at her making her grine widely and turning to her husband who's busy eating it

He look up at her and kissed her cheeks smiling sweetly " you did great Jaan" he said before going back to eat leaving her flustered, she look down at her bowl feeling everyone's teasing gaze on her

After they done with breakfast her mother-in-law took noor with her for mooh dikai ritual and after that finally it's pag phera ceremony time for which she was excited since morning, she going to return to her parents even if it's for a day she's really happy about it.

Arjun took her to her parents home who welcomed them happily

" Oh look at my daughter how weak she's looking" her father said hugging her before giving Arjun side eye

" It's literally been just a day , aren't you too much" her mother said shaking her head before slapping his shoulder

" Exactly , just a day" he emphasised ignoring them he took his daughter inside

" Come inside beta " her mother said noticing he's not moving and he just smiled warmly before shaking his head politely

" Actually I need to go mom , there's some work I need to take care of" he said

" Yeah yeah he need to check on his oil wells otherwise they would dry out if he didn't went now " he father said sarcastically making Noor chuckle but she cover it up with cough feeling his eyes on herself

" Please stay Arjun , you need to come again anyway to pick her" she said ignoring her husband and daughter, Arjun smiled and nodded lightly

They spent their whole day with her parents happily, laughing and teasing each other, at night time after dinner they decided to leave although her parents were insisting to stay but they refused and left after taking their blessings.

On their way home he stopped at the icecream shop and look at noor who's eyes are shining with excitement, he smiled at her and went out to get their icecream

After few minutes he come back with chocolate and vanilla ice-cream, he stopped seeing her sitting on car bonnet but then chuckled shaking his head

He handed her chocolate ice-cream before standing between her legs, they're enjoying eachothers company in silence when noor broke it

" I wanna taste yours, will you share it with me " she look down at him innocently, he smiled forwarding his icecream to her

" Here I'm ready to share my whole life with you and you are asking for just an icecream " he said teasingly making her blush

" And I'm ready to bring sweetness in it " she said in same tone

" And I'm ready to accept your all bad habits cause there's rearly any good one" he chuckled

" And I'm ready to be with you despite knowing i deserve much more better " she sneered making him laugh loudly followed by him

" But you are my first and last choice "

" Till death do us apart" she smiled at him and he kissed her forehead lovingly

" I love you " he look at her like she's the most precious being in whole world

" And i love you more " she leaned down putting her lips on his who took no time to kiss her ....


How's it😄, do comment down and don't forget to follow for upcoming one's
It's already end and I'm really happy about it, ❤️
do let me know if you guys want epilogue
And yeah if you guys want story of Mayank and tannu, then also let me know😁...

So Till the next one
stay safe and healthy

HIS LITTLE LOVE Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang