Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Upon entering the school building I took notice of two things. The first was that everyone seemed to be whispering among each other. The fact that some of them were using the hand over mouth non-discrete technique made it easy to realize that some serious gossip was going around the school. It was crazy to even think that people would take time out of their own days to talk about lies that were circulating around about their fellow classmates.
The second thing I noticed was that most of the people were staring at me a lot. Now don't get me wrong, I was used to being stared at as I was the town's pariah but these stares, they were different. I wasn't sure what all of these things meant but at that moment I wasn't sure if I honestly cared. So with that mentality, I headed to class.
It wasn't until lunchtime that I figured out what all the stares and whispering was about. I headed into the girls bathroom and went into a stall, which thankfully was not as bad as those at juvie, when I heard the bathroom door open. Laughing could be heard on the other side of my stall and it sounded like three girls entered the bathroom. I didn't pay them much attention as I went about my business until one of them started to talk saying, "Did you see her this morning? She was completely pathetic and practically falling all over Jason." I recognized the voice as Marnie Simpson; one of the cheerleaders on the varsity squad. A right old witch is what she really was if you ask me. She went on to say, "I mean he is so far out of her league. Honestly he probably caught her trying to steal something again and felt bad and gave her a ride." That high-pitched atrocious voice was none other than Brianna Phifer, Marnie's right hand groupie. "That or she has tricked him into giving her stuff like her man-eating mother. You know what they say about the apple; it doesn't fall far from the tree!" That comment came from none other than Amanda Potts, another one of Marnie's groupies. All three girls busted out laughing at that last comment. Thankfully after their enjoyment on my behalf, they left the bathroom.
Unlocking the stall door and walking out slowly, I could feel that familiar burn behind my eyes. Gossip, I had learned, was a terrible weapon to use against someone. It could tear someone apart from the inside out. Wiping my eyes clear of any tears, I took a deep breath. I refused to let these pretty girls' words get to me. Jason and mine's relationship, which was purely platonic if even that, wasn't the business of anyone but the two of us. With that in mind, I took one last deep breath and headed towards the library.
For me, the library was a multi-purpose room; it was a place I could study, print, read, or eat. The last one wasn't really allowed but what the librarian didn't know wouldn't hurt her. Making my way to my usual corner, I sat down and took out my blanket and food from my backpack. Unsurprisingly the section I sat in never had anyone in it considering it was where the encyclopedias and almanacs were housed so I was never bothered or disturbed while I was here. Well, that was until today when Jason showed up.
I had first heard his footsteps when I was eating my PB&J sandwich. Thinking it was the librarian, I tried to gather all my food up before she could see me so you can only imagine my surprise when the person that appeared was not the willowy old librarian but Jason's muscled form. Without a word, he threw his stuff down onto the carpeted floor and plopped down beside me. Deciding to make himself at home, he bumped me down some so he could use part of my blanket and began to eat my chips. "Um excuse me but I believe that those are my chips and not yours." Jason just swallowed his mouthful of chips and looked at me and said, "I know." I just rolled my eyes at him and ask, "So, what exactly are you doing here?" Jason grinned at me and said, "Looking for you, duh. You said you'd have lunch with me today but you never showed." "Well excuse me for not showing up but I never agreed to said arrangements," I replied. Jason just shrugged his shoulder and said, "Well you can always join me now lunch isn't over yet." I couldn't help but laugh at his statement. "Yeah and sit with all your perfect friends at your special table while being heavily judged by everyone in the room? Thanks but I think I'll pass," I responded. Jason retorted, "They really aren't that bad once you get to know them. They're definitely no perfect; trust me." I just looked down at my fingers. I twirled my blue gem ring around my finger trying to distract myself from Jason's intense gaze. "I know this might be hard for you to understand but I don't trust people easily, just like they don't trust me. I've learned that letting people close to you only leads to being hurt," I said.
I wasn't sure if Jason picked up on my double meaning. He had already wormed his way closer into my life than anyone had in a while. Considering the people that I was surrounded by on a daily basis, it was no wonder that I felt that being on your own was the way to go. Every person that had walked into my life had screwed me over in one way or another. Now I had this extremely popular but interestingly normal guy barging into my life without warning. I just didn't want to be hurt or disappointed again when he got bored with my company.
"Okay fine. If you don't want to have lunch at my table then we will have lunch here. Just you and me," Jason said. I smiled at him and replied, "Thank you." He just smiled back with him gleaming white teeth and responded, "You're welcome but I promise that one of these days you will sit with me at my table." "Okay, we will see Mr. Worthington the third," I said boldly. Jason just busted out laughing and said, "You're on Lafeyette!"
We spent the rest of lunch just talking to each other. I found out that his favorite color was green and that we both loved sushi. He told me that his favorite subject was math (shocker) and that he liked to read every now and again but that it wasn't his favorite thing to do. It was safe to say that I argued with him about that comment. Mainly though, we just had fun. This was definitely the closest that I have been to anyone in a long time; maybe the closest that I had been in forever. I just hoped that it stayed this way because I was already growing attached to the one and only Jason Worthington.

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