Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen
The rest of the week had gone by uneventfully. Jason and I went to my house for the rest of the week because his dad was in town. I had thought it was a bit strange that he didn't want to be around his dad. Considering that his dad was never home, I guess things between them could be a little awkward.
My mom and Robert still weren't back from wherever they were at. It had been almost a week since they had left. Throughout these past couple of days, I had come to realize how big and empty the house was. It honestly scared me at times with how silent every room was.
Tonight it was a Friday and Jason was over at my house again. We had studied for only an hour as school was out for the next two weeks for Christmas break. It felt nice to finally have a break from everything school related. Currently it was five o'clock and I was starting to get hungry. I had been eating take-out for the past four days and really wanted a hot home-cooked meal.
Turning on the light in the kitchen, I pulled out a packet of chicken from the fridge and set it on the counter. I was getting out my cutting board when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "What are you making," the voice asked. I looked over my shoulder. Rolling my eyes at him I released myself from his grip and walked over to the fridge, "First off, you can cut up these peppers and onions." Jason saluted me like the moron he is and got to work.
Working in the kitchen with Jason felt natural. We both worked cohesively together and knew the others next step. With Jason, everything just came easy. If someone would have told me a year ago that I'd go to juvie only to get out and hang out with Jason Worthington and his friends, I would have laughed. Sometimes though, the good comes with the bad. If it weren't for me going to juvie, then I never would have gotten to know Jason or his friends.
After about an hour, we had a home-cooked meal. I grabbed two plates from a cabinet above the stove and handed one to Jason. We both packed our plates full of stuffed, baked chicken and vegetables. I grabbed us both a water and went to the dining room table. I set down the waters and went to grab my plate from Jason when he raised it out of my reach. "Uh-uh, I got it. You just sit down," he said. I smiled at him and took my seat as he set down my plate and pushed my chair in. Then he sat down and we began to eat.
After dinner, Jason helped me clean the dishes. Needless to say, I think more water ended up on us than on the dishes themselves. After we finished the dishes we went and sat on the couch to watch a movie. About halfway through the movie, I realized that I was bored out of my mind. It was at that moment that I had an amazing idea.
Shutting off the TV, I jumped up and grabbed Jason's hand yanking him off the couch. "Come on," I demanded. Jason just laughed at me and followed me up the stairs. Going into my room I let go of Jason's hand and walked over to my window. "Is this your room," he asked. I glanced quickly over my shoulder before returning to my task at hand and replied. "Yeah, it is." He responded, "It's nice. Not too girly like I thought it would be." "Oh, shut up. You know---ah there we go," I said. Finally, I had gotten the window open as I ordered, "Grab my comforter Jason."
Doing what I asked, he drug my comforter off my bed and walked up behind me at the window. "So where are....what are you doing," he asked. My body was already halfway out the window when I turned back towards him. I replied, "I'm going to my secret place. Now come on." Jason followed me out of my window and onto the roof. This was my favorite place to go when I just wanted to get away and think. "Wow, it's beautiful out here," Jason responded. I looked back at Jason who was staring up at the stars. "It really is. This is where I come when I just want to get away and think," I replied. Jason walked beside me and sat down. He then covered us both up with my comforter.
Resting my head on Jason's chest, I was lost in my own world of contentment until Jason's voice broke me out of my reverie, "Go out with me tomorrow." Startled I looked up at him, "Like on a date?" He looked down at me as he ran his fingers through my hair, "Yeah, like a date. I like you Evangeline." I said excitedly, " I would love to go on a date with you but why me?" Jason just chuckled at my question and laid back as he said, "Why not you? You might find this hard to believe but I've had a crush on you since second grade. I've just never had the guts to really talk to you." I raised my eyebrow at him skeptically, "Really? Why? I'm not special."
He leaned up and grabbed my face, "Evangeline you are special. You've always been so independent and strong but at the same time you are caring. You make everyone smile and never let anyone stop you from being you. I've always admired you and your courage." I could feel my eyes start to water from his words. "I'll definitely go on a date with you now." Jason laughed and kissed my forehead. We both laid back down and spent a good part of the night talking about nothing and everything.
When it was time for Jason to leave, we climbed back through my window and into my room. Jason helped me put my comforter back on my bed before we headed back downstairs. Once there, I helped him pack up and grab his stuff. Going out the front door, we walked to his car in my driveway.
When we got to his car he opened up the driver's side door and turned to me, "So, I'll see you tomorrow at six?" I smiled at him and replied, "Sounds like a plan." "Bye Evangeline," Jason said. He kissed my forehead one last time before getting in his car and driving off in the night.

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