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Chapter 15

Aerospace research is confidential after all. Before Su Qiao agreed, Yang Ru couldn't say too much. He could only give a rough outline of the future work environment and the work Su Qiao was about to perform.

After finishing speaking, Yang Ru was a little nervous: "Comrade Su Qiao, are you willing?"

The weather is good tonight, the moonlight shines brightly on the roof, and also casts a circle of light on Su Qiao's side face, in the quiet night , Yang Ru heard Su Qiao's firm and clear voice: "I do!"

The moment Su Qiao had waited for so long finally arrived, and she agreed immediately without even thinking about it. Yang Ru was stunned, but He quickly came to his senses: "Then let's set off now?"

The research institute has a short time and the task is bold. After tonight, work will officially start tomorrow. Su Qiao didn't hesitate and started packing her luggage very quickly.

She didn't have many things, just two changes of clothes. As for the textbooks, she just left them on the bed for other educated youths to use when they prepare for the college entrance examination next year.

The environment was dark now, and lighting a kerosene lamp would easily wake up Zhao Yue, who was in the same room. Su Qiao could only write a blank note, briefly explaining that she was leaving, put the envelope in the most conspicuous place, and then closed the door. Left together with Yang Ru.

At the entrance of the village, the captain was already waiting. Yang Ru had explained the situation to him when he came over. Although he was very reluctant to give up, he also knew that this was a good thing for Su Qiao. After all, he had known for a long time that Su Qiao There must be a wider sky.

He didn't say anything. He just stuffed two freshly boiled eggs into Su Qiao's hands and said, "Su Zhiqing, please be safe on the road."

The heat from the eggs warmed Su Qiao's cold fingertips. She also smiled. Say goodbye as she was about to leave, and say as she normally would, "Okay, Captain."

Then, she raised her hand and saluted the veteran before leaving with all his expectations.

There were very few people on the train in the early morning. Yang Ru bought a sleeper ticket, so they were the only two in the room. In order to make it easier for Su Qiao to get into work as soon as possible, he directly handed her a stack of data, which was exactly the batch of data that caused problems in the deduction not long ago.

Yang Ru said: "We are about to conduct a model experiment now, but the data doesn't match up."

Su Qiao glanced at the data and asked, "Have you checked it?"

"I've checked it three times, but it still doesn't work." Yang Ru said Frowning, it was because they couldn't find the mistake this time that they wasted so much time.

Checked it three times?

Su Qiao had some suspicion that it was not an error in the data at all, but that the basic information was wrong from the beginning.

When the Soviet Union evacuated experts and materials from our country, although they left some of them behind, they were all incomplete. In their view, even if they fell into the hands of the Chinese, they would have no effect at all.

But what they didn't expect was that the Chinese really used these incomplete data to create a space industry that shocked the world. But although the results are brilliant, the process is very tortuous. Just like now, once there is an error in the basic data, it means that the foundation has not been laid firmly. No matter how the later data is checked, it will be wrong.

But Su Qiao now has no evidence, so she can only calculate everything carefully first, and then troubleshoot errors.

Su Qiao took a sip of strong tea, forced herself to cheer up, and started the fourth calculation together with Yang Ru.

The lights in the train compartment were dim, so they could only use a flashlight, but the light was too dazzling. After checking all the data in her hand, Su Qiao felt her eyes sting.

She rubbed her eyes and said: "There is no problem with these data."

Yang Ru was stunned: "Really?"

Now that there is no computer in his hand, Yang Ru's speed is not as fast as Su Qiao's. Most of the checks are done by Su Qiao. Finished.

"Then why is there such a big difference from the standard parameters?" Yang Ru was a little confused.

"It should be because there was an error in the basic data from the beginning." Su Qiao expressed her conjecture. The previous data was incomplete. It might have been just a small mistake from the beginning, but in the end, it became irreparable. If you want to fill the big hole, there is only one way -

"Start from scratch."

The amount of work contained in Su Qiao's simple four words is too huge. After returning to the base, Yang Ru directly took Su Qiao Went to Director Ye's office.

When he saw Su Qiao, Director Ye was slightly stunned. Although he had already read Su Qiao's files, he was still surprised by Su Qiao's youth. It was not that there were no such young comrades in the institute, but Su Qiao Director Ye was most surprised to have such outstanding abilities and experience at this age.

He stretched out his hand: "Welcome, Comrade Su."

"Hello, Director Ye."

Director Ye did not waste much time and went directly to the topic: "You suggest that all the data be overturned and recalculated? Why is this? Have you already Did you find something wrong?"

"Excuse me, director, can I take a look at the initial information created by these data?" Although Su Qiao already had a guess in her mind, she had to provide enough evidence, otherwise this statement It simply cannot stand.

After receiving the information brought by Director Ye, Su Qiao began to preview it seriously, and it was indeed what she expected, because this was the first time for China to study a launch vehicle, and there were still many shortcomings in experience, and Su Qiao The materials left behind are all incomplete, and the parameter substitution at the beginning was wrong.

Su Qiao took out a pen and clicked on the white paper: "This is it. If the data here is too large, it will cause the rocket engine to run too fast, which will lead to high temperatures and cause an explosion." After

Su Qiao finished speaking, Director Ye and Yang Confucian scholars were stunned.

As two of the top scholars in this industry, although they have not yet conducted exact experiments, after repeated calculations, they found that the possible problem is engine heating. However, Su Qiao simply took a look at the research data and already noticed it. Got this?

How accurate is this insight?

Director Ye suddenly asked: "Comrade Su, I would like to ask, where did you learn all this knowledge about rockets?"

He was really curious, because now it seems that Su Qiao is not only sensitive to data , and also have a very good understanding of the corresponding knowledge of aerospace.

Su Qiao said: "I learned it secretly when my grandfather was doing research."

This was the reason she had thought of early on. The original owner's grandfather was indeed a teacher who specialized in studying the corresponding knowledge, but very early on, because of He fell ill and passed away, leaving no powerful research behind.

Director Ye remembered that he had indeed introduced Su Qiao to her grandfather when he was looking at the results of her political review.

"Okay, there are indeed many heroes!" After Director Ye finished speaking, he looked at Su Qiao seriously: "Comrade Su, if you start the data calculation again, how sure are you of success?"

Su Qiao did not answer immediately, but After thinking for a long time, he said: "Eighty percent."

Su Qiao is indeed proficient in the production of various rockets and aircraft, but the current environment is too different from that of later generations. Su Qiao cannot guarantee that when faced with different structures, Still completely successful.

Her eyes were full of seriousness and commitment: "But I will do my best to complete this matter!"

"Okay!" Director Ye said, "From now on, Comrade Su Qiao will be appointed as the second researcher. The leader of the team, together with Comrade Yang Ru, is conducting research on a new type of rocket."

"Director!" Yang Ru exclaimed.

Not only him, but also Su Qiao herself was dumbfounded. She didn't expect that on the first day, Director Ye would give her such great power, and she was stunned.

Director Ye was still smiling and said: "Don't worry, Xiao Su has this ability, and this captain is still in the probation period. Whether he can be completely turned into a full-timer depends on Xiao Su's own ability."

Su Qiao was no longer interested . She resisted and said seriously: "I understand, please don't worry, Director!"

She knew that only by working extremely hard could she be worthy of Director Ye's trust.

Since he had to overturn all the data and start over, he had to make corresponding preparations. Yang Ru could only ask a researcher to take Su Qiao to the dormitory to familiarize himself with the environment.

The researcher's name is Jiang Xiuze.

She didn't seem to have a good impression of Su Qiao. She held her chin high when she first saw her. Apart from a blunt self-introduction, there was no other communication.

However, Su Qiao didn't pay attention to this. She was thinking about the batch of data, so she didn't notice that Jiang Xiuze was looking at her more and more coldly.

"This is where you live." Jiang Xiuze opened a wooden door. Inside were four single beds with a large wooden table in the middle. Other than that, there were no other furnishings.

Although the institute is located in the capital, the environment is not good. Because it is a highly confidential engineering project, it was directly selected to renovate an abandoned factory that was particularly hidden in the suburbs. This factory has been around for too long, and peeling walls can be seen everywhere. Damn, some of the windows are broken.

These are not the most uncomfortable things. The cold winter and hot summer temperatures are the most terrible. As soon as Su Qiao came in, she felt like the surrounding was like a furnace, which could steam people up. Although the institute distributed a mat to everyone, it was of little use in the hot temperatures.

Su Qiao quickly packed up her things without any complaints, and then asked, "Where is the canteen?"

Jiang Xiuze reluctantly replied, "It's right next to the laboratory building. Everyone has a limited meal limit every day. You must not take too much."

Su Qiao frowned slightly, and when she was about to speak, she heard a knock on the door: "Team Leader Yang told us to come over quickly!"

After hearing this, Su Qiao knew it was hers. The opinion was adopted, so she walked out. Her memory was good, and she remembered the direction of the laboratory building even though Jiang Xiuze only introduced it briefly.

Behind her, Jiang Xiuze looked unhappy: "Why are you running so fast? What's the use of people who don't know anything?"

She became particularly unhappy after knowing that new people would join. For no other reason than the institute had already It has been established for so long, and the scientific researchers who should join have already joined. Even if there are some who join midway, they are all talents who have made great achievements in this field.

And Su Qiao, who is this?

No one in the entire institute knows her, which means that this person has no experience or contribution in this field at all, and some people also heard that this is the person who Team Leader Yang decided to bring back after he left for a day. , for this reason, I went to discuss it with Director Ye for a long time.

Doesn't this mean that Su Qiao was brought in because of her connections?

What a joke. In such an important and solemn place like the institute, a relative who knows nothing about anything has entered. Everyone's heart arose with disdain and anger, especially Jiang Xiuze, whose love for the aerospace industry exceeded everything else. Therefore, she will never allow anyone to ruin the purity here!

Before Su Qiao arrived, Jiang Xiuze was the first to express her dissatisfaction with her and emphasized that unless Su Qiao voluntarily left the institute, she would never give Su Qiao a good look.

Not only Jiang Xiuze, but also several other comrades who hated evil also expressed the same view.

So, when Su Qiao came to the conference room, she received a row of dissatisfied looks.

Su Qiao naturally understood the reason for this, but at this time, all her mind was occupied by the data, and she had no time to think about it.

After everyone arrived, Yang Ru also revealed the reason for this emergency meeting: "There is a problem with the model data of No. B3. After discussion with Director Ye, I decided to restart a new round of calculations."

" What?"

Everyone was shocked.

They knew that there was a problem with the data, but they had already started an emergency investigation. They believed that it would not be long before they could find out which link had the problem. The amount of work to restart the calculation would be too great.

"Team leader, is there no other way? Now we don't have a large computer to use, and the time cost is too high." Someone said, and others almost had the same attitude.

Jiang Xiuze stood up suddenly and pointed at Su Qiao: "I know why, whether it was this comrade's idea, but she doesn't understand anything!"

Jiang Xiuze knew that Su Qiao had just arrived from the train station, so he went to see Director Ye Now that the director has changed his mind so quickly, who else could it be if it wasn't her?

But this person doesn't understand anything at all!

Yang Ru said seriously: "Comrade Jiang, please pay attention to your words and deeds. First, the new round of calculations is the result of discussions between Director Ye and I; second, Comrade Su Qiao is an excellent scholar, and she He will become the leader of the second team and lead everyone to work together."

Team leader?

This time, let alone Jiang Xiuze, even those who had no feelings for Su Qiao were very unconvinced at this time. Why could a newcomer become the team leader?

Su Qiao was very calm from beginning to end. Faced with everyone's calculations, she just explained: "I know what everyone thinks. You can supervise and inspect me in my future work. If there is anything unqualified, I will He will be dismissed from his position as captain immediately."

The literati were dismissive. Although Su Qiao said this, most people still had no reaction. They felt that Su Qiao was a well-connected person, so what she said was just a nice word.

So when Yang Ru announced that he would conduct a group study and he and Su Qiao would lead the teams respectively, more than half of the dozen or so people chose him. Only three people stood behind Su Qiao after hesitating. Among them, There is Jiang Xiuze.

After the meeting, someone grabbed Jiang Xiuze and asked her, "Aren't you very unhappy with Su Qiao? Why did you go to her place?" "

Huh, didn't she say that we should supervise her carefully? I will keep an eye on her 24 hours a day." Follow her!" Jiang Xiuze said, "And researching such an important thing, I can't let her ruin it because she doesn't understand anything."

Jiang Xiuze's professional ability is good, and he is considered the top among the new generation in the entire institute. That one, that's why I have the confidence to say such things.

But Jiang Xiuze didn't expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

The reason for doing it in groups was to speed up the data calculation, so after entering the classroom, Su Qiao didn't say much, just picked up the improved data, distributed it, and said while calculating on the blackboard: "The previous data The parameters do not consider the engine specifically. We should also add external conditions such as temperature and vibration..."

As Su Qiao's words sounded, the other two people except Jiang Xiuze became extremely serious and took out their notebooks. I kept writing in a hurry.

These researchers already knew this batch of data very well, and Su Qiao didn't spend much time. After the lecture, everyone was ready to start calculations.

"Wait!" Jiang Xiuze suddenly said, "I think there are so many computing tasks now, how about we divide the labor?"

"Division of labor?" Su Qiao looked at her.

"Yes, after dividing the work, you can complete your own work to avoid others taking advantage of troubled waters." Jiang Xiuze emphasized the last few words.

Su Qiao raised her eyebrows: "Okay."

She understood what Jiang Xiuze was thinking, but Su Qiao had never been afraid of anything when it came to calculations.

Although there are only three researchers in Su Qiao's team, there is also a female comrade, Xie Lan, who specializes in calculations and uses a small computer to verify the results calculated by everyone.

Xie Lan and Jiang Xiuze had a good relationship. From the beginning, Jiang Xiuze had told her that once she found any errors in Su Qiao's calculations, she would announce them directly and not save her any face.

Xie Lan had never had direct contact with Su Qiao, so he thought that she was just like Jiang Xiuze said, an incompetent person with connections, and happily agreed.

But soon, she realized something was wrong.

Because he was a checker, Xie Lan's work basically had to wait until everyone's data had been calculated before Xie Lan's work could begin. However, the day after the task started, Su Qiao came over with a stack of paper, which was densely packed with various information. numbers and formulas.

"Thank you for your hard work." Su Qiao left after saying that.

Xie Lan was left alone with a confused look on his face. What was going on? This comrade actually figured out so much so quickly!

She quickly took out her computer and started checking it, wanting to know what Su Qiao's calculation results were. After the last number calculation was completed, Xie Lan was dumbfounded. All the data here were correct, without a single error!

Is this really the relationship account Jiang Xiuze said?

What kind of relationship can be so powerful?

Xie Lan didn't expect that this was just the beginning. The further she went, the faster Su Qiao would go. Basically, she would have to give her data several times a day for calculation. As expected, all of these data were correct.

Xie Lan was already numb. On the fourth day, she looked at Su Qiao who came over again and asked, "Comrade Su, haven't you completed all your tasks?"

Su Qiao shook the document in her hand. : "These belong to other team members. I'll help you read them together now that I have nothing to do." Their purpose is not to compete, but to race against time and calculate the results as soon as possible.

So after Su Qiao completed her task, she went to find other team members to help with calculations.

Su Qiao thought Xie Lan wanted to help herself, so she smiled and said: "If you are too busy to check, you can call me at any time."

Xie Lan nodded repeatedly: "Okay, thank you Comrade Su!"

She also responded at this moment. Come here, Su Qiao is not like Jiang Xiuze said at all. This lesbian is obviously very good and kind, and by the way, she smiles beautifully!

So, on the fifth day, when Jiang Xiuze finally completed all the tasks and came to Xie Lan with dark circles under his eyes, he found that his former good sister had become Su Qiao's crazy fan.

"Is she really as powerful as you say?" Jiang Xiuze asked suspiciously.

"Of course, when have I, Xie Lan, ever lied? Xiuze, don't let yourself be harmed by a little prejudice." Xie Lan said meaningfully.

Jiang Xiuze's face was red, and he was about to go back to the classroom. On the way, he was pulled by another person: "Great, the data we calculated is correct, finally!"

This person is from Yang Ru's group, and their There are many people on the side, and the calculations and verifications were completed yesterday. After careful calculation, everyone found that the data they calculated this time was finally completely correct!

Although we are all scientific researchers and are destined to deal with data files for the rest of our lives, the feeling that no matter how long we calculate, the answer is still wrong is really uncomfortable. Calculation again and again is like a swamp, which is completely frustrating. There is no hope.

But now, after overturning all the original data, I only tried it once, and it succeeded!

Everyone was simply ecstatic. When they learned that this proposal was made by Su Qiao and that she had improved the parameters, everyone's prejudice against Su Qiao had long since disappeared, leaving only overwhelming admiration and conviction.

Someone else said with a grimace: "If I had known, I would have gone to Team Leader Su's group. Maybe if we stayed together for a long time, my brain would be enlightened." "

You kid, you are looking down on me. Yang Ru deliberately laughed and cursed, but he was also very grateful to Su Qiao, and even firmly believed in his heart that perhaps bringing Su Qiao to the institute was the most correct decision he made in his life.

Since only Jiang Xiuze's data was left to be calculated, Xie Lan made rapid progress and had it all completed in the afternoon.

At this time, the results of Su Qiao's group were already confirmed. Like Yang Ru's, the newly calculated results were exactly in line with the predicted parameters. In other words, this time, their experiment could finally begin.

"Great! I finally don't have to stay in the classroom. I want to go out! I want to do experiments!" someone shouted excitedly.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet." At this time, Director Ye walked in. Although the experiment can now be carried out, there are still many precautions that need to be explained.

After saying this, he smiled and said: "You may all know that Comrade Su Qiao was just an intern captain at first, but now, she has successfully completed the task, and I think she can become a full-timer."

Director Ye is I came here to ask for everyone's opinions, but this time, no one raised any objections. After all, everyone is watching Su Qiao's performance these days. Whether it is computing power or corresponding knowledge reserves, Su Qiao is better than them. So many, they were convinced.

Scientific research staff are a group of very pure people. They love knowledge and regard knowledge as everything. As long as you are good enough in the professional field, they will completely accept you and tolerate you.

This is why Su Qiao did not choose to build a good relationship with everyone at the beginning, but started to work directly.

She is confident in her own abilities and equally confident in her comrades in the motherland.

"Then starting today, Comrade Su Qiao will officially become the leader of the action team of the Fifth Research Institute!"

As soon as Director Ye finished speaking, strong applause broke out in the conference room, especially Yang Ru, who applauded the hardest , the palms of my hands are red.

Who would have thought that five days ago, Su Qiao was a newcomer who had just arrived. At that time, no one was willing to accept her. But in such a short period of time, he has become a role model in everyone's mind.

Director Ye smiled kindly and satisfiedly, looking at Su Qiao who seemed to be shining in the crowd, and couldn't help but think proudly, that's how good his vision is!

After the meeting, Su Qiao was about to prepare measurement data when she was stopped by a figure.

It was Jiang Xiuze. Her cheeks were red. She didn't dare to look directly at Su Qiao. After hesitating for a long time, she gritted her teeth and said, "This is an apology for you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't look down on you. You... you are really great!"

After saying that, she stuffed something into Su Qiao's hand and left quickly.

Su Qiao lowered her head and looked at the tea eggs in her hand, somewhat dumbfounded.

In this era, not only were the people's comrades honest, but even the gifts they gave were also very simple.

However, Su Qiao understands that this tea egg is very rare. They work in a profession and not only have less time to rest, but also less time to reunite with their families. They cannot go home even once every six months.

This was the last time Jiang Xiuze went home. Her family cooked it specially for her. Normally, she couldn't eat such good food in the institute.

Su Qiao smiled and said thank you in her heart.

The formal experiment will be on the second day. Although it is a model experiment, it is also very confidential. There happens to be a large warehouse next to the research building. There is a large space inside, and people from outside will not notice it even if the door is closed.

"What we are going to conduct today is mainly a micro-experiment on the engine to test whether the engine can start normally under normal conditions." Yang Ru said.

The engine, also known as the engine, is one of the keys to the success of a rocket launch. It is mainly used for the propulsion of rockets or aircraft. Because it has its own fuel, it does not need to rely on external air supply. In this way, although it can fly in space without air Burning may cause an explosion due to problems.

So from the beginning, Yang Ru placed special emphasis on safety issues.

But the current environment and conditions have very serious restrictions. Apart from observing from a distance, there are no other protective measures.

Su Qiao thought for a while and said: "I apply for close observation."

Although you can wait until the experiment is completed and observe the components to find the problem, but in this way, you will miss the most important reaction stage and ignore some aspects. Subtle issues.

Yang Ru disagreed for the first time and said: "Nonsense, this is not a child's play!"

Once it explodes, it is likely that you will not be able to escape because the distance is too short. Safety will not be guaranteed at all, and you may be injured or killed by the explosion. .


"Stop talking, this is impossible, you must stay here honestly!" This is the first time Yang Ru has spoken to Su Qiao so seriously. In his opinion, no matter what kind of research, No data is as important as human life.

Su Qiao had no choice but to stand in the distance with everyone, waiting for the experiment to proceed.

Following Yang Ru's order, the engine officially started working. Everyone crouched down and hid behind a row of chaff bags, with only their heads exposed for observation.

But at this moment, suddenly, a figure rushed out, climbed up the stairs not far away in twos and twos, stood on a high place, and carefully observed what was going on below.

"Su Qiao!" Yang Ru was furious. He didn't expect Su Qiao to be so bold. She rushed out right when the engine was running!

Su Qiao had no choice. The process and conclusion of every experiment were extremely precious, and she could not miss any opportunity. But it was not only Yang Ru who applied directly, but everyone felt unsafe and disagreed. She could only sneak over when no one was paying attention.

At this time, Su Qiao's attention was completely focused on the engine below, and she didn't hear Yang Ru's voice at all.

She observed with bated breath, not letting go of any movement.

Because it is a scaled-down model, it cannot react like a real engine, but some of the main working principles are the same and also have reference significance.

The experiment lasted ten minutes in total. As soon as the engine was turned off, Yang Ru didn't even bother to study the experiment site. He rushed over and made sure that Su Qiao was intact, and then the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Comrade Su Qiao, you are too willful. You simply..."

His words disappeared into Su Qiao's smile. Because time was too tight, she quickly climbed up the stairs. Her face and body couldn't stop. It was covered with dust, but she didn't seem to notice it, and said with a smile: "I discovered it! I finally discovered that there is a problem with the balance between the pressure of the exhaust gas and the confining pressure!"

Su Qiao's tone was full of excitement.

She had always felt that there was still a problem with the engine, but she couldn't tell it with just a bunch of data. But just now, with difficulty, she saw "snowflakes" that appeared at untimely moments in the billowing smoke. This

kind of snowflakes are the condensation of chemical substances. What is generated is essentially because the confining pressure is too low. This situation will occur after the exhaust gas expands and cools. This substance will cause the instability of the jet. Although it is not obvious now, when the rocket is actually launched, will become a big problem.

Su Qiao quickly took out a pen and paper and kept drawing. While drawing, she kept talking: "So we should adjust the diameter of the nozzle..." When

she got serious, she seemed to have entered another world, completely isolated from the rest of the world. of other people.

Looking at her extremely focused profile, Yang Ru swallowed all the blame. He finally understood that Su Qiao was not desperate for her life, nor did she think she was omnipotent. She loved this job too much, so Even if you risk it, you have to do research just to get first-hand information.

The kind of snowflakes Su Qiao mentioned didn't appear in large numbers this time, and they were difficult to detect. If Su Qiao hadn't made such a desperate move this time, they might have ignored it.

Yang Ru sighed and waved to the people behind him: "Go and see if there are any other problems."

Everyone quickly reacted and walked to the engine to start checking carefully. Perhaps they were moved by Su Qiao's spirit. Everyone just felt At this time, I was particularly motivated and the measurement speed was much faster.

Finally, after summary, it was found that in addition to the pressure problem Su Qiao saw, there was also a problem with the size of the combustion chamber.

The latter can be solved through calculation, but the pressure problem can only be adjusted by relying on the nozzle, making the research and design much more difficult.

After returning to the research building, Su Qiao was about to start research immediately when she was stopped by the guard: "Comrade Su, I have your letter."


Su Qiao originally thought it was a letter sent to her by Zhao Yue and others, but when she got it, she realized that there were several letters. The most dazzling one was the college entrance examination transcript in the red envelope.

Only then did she realize that yesterday was the day when her results were released.

I'm late!

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