~The Radio Host~

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With a blazing gasp, you sit up. How long did you sleep? Why didn't your alarm go off? You'll be punished for this.

When the panic settles, you finally notice the pain in your abdomen. "Am I still dreaming?" You mumbled to yourself, reaching to touch your wound.

"Ah-ah! I would not do that if I were you!" You move your hand away from the wound with a groan. Some stranger helped you? Why the hell would somebody help you? Glaring the stranger down, you see him cautiously poking at a metal tin. "Good, now that you are awake, you may turn this... contraption off." Ah, that is why you didn't wake to an alarm.

You snort, most certainly not in your time. He looks way too young to not understand a cell phone. He delicately lifts your cell phone from under the tray cover and drops it in your hands. You type your passcode in and turn the alarm off, glancing at the battery. You're glad it's still at 90% and with only a little crack. "It's called a cellphone... but before I explain that, where am I? What do you want? And I promise I am worth nothing."

The man stares at you with his hazel eyes, a short amused laugh leaving his lips. "Why darling, you are on my couch! I assure you this is but a good deed." Too easily caught for prey. Though her tone and animations are pleasant. He'd like to nurse this one up, then release it for an exciting hunt. Worth the trouble with such a sweet face and snappy attitude.

"Ha, in this world? Yeah, like I believe that shit. I'll cut you to ribbons if you don't talk. Who are you and why did you help me?" If she's really in the roaring 20s, then she's walked into hell in a way. The mafia, prohibition, World War Two, and more.

The man takes a seat in a rocking chair across from the sofa. He does find you entertaining. Such foul talk from a dame, a doll at that. "Would you rather me let you die out there in the forest to be eaten by dogs? You were roughed up dear. Don't be a sap now."

Frustrated by his wording, you huff. "I don't speak slang, good sir." You snap at him, and he seems a bit taken aback by it.

"Haha, you come from old money then! You must!" The brunette shakes his head, clicking his tongue. "Yet, the manners suggest the slums!"

You know that one. Old money is still a term used in your century. "Kinda..." You whisper, staring at the floor. Your father was from money, your mother was not. She got to marry rich because of old deals. She remarried because she couldn't handle herself, and the pressure from her social circle alongside your shitty grandparents was heavy. That and she thought he'd be different. You wonder if she's okay...

"Kind of? How would one be kind of from money? Ah, but how rude of me! I have not introduced myself. Alastor, the radio host." Oh? That explains the fancy motions and attire. Also explains his way of exaggerated speech.

You snicker, feeling your guard slowly drip away. "That does make sense. You certainly have the pizzazz."

"The what?"

"Uhhh... like showmanship? You are animated in how you talk and act. I would have taken you for a podcaster or influencer. Shit, no wait fuck uh you don't know that. Pizzazz is the 30's, I think? Wait uh... I'll think of the slang for it. I actually used to be really into the 20s. I mean I am probably dreaming. Otherwise, I need to rethink my entire life because this is soooo not normal. Not possible either. So, this isn't real so... haha." Stopping yourself, you cover your mouth. You didn't mean to ramble on like that.

"Pardon me?" Alastor stared at you blinking, as if you had just told him he was living a lie.

You fidget a bit holding up your phone, and... right, the internet came in the 80's. You find a game that doesn't need Wi-Fi. Classic solitaire. "I probably sound insane to you. If I were you, I'd probably gauge my heart out in this scenario." She hands him her phone. "Uh, so this is a phone. You have the spiny ones. Uhhh landlines? This is a mobile phone. It's got a screen and you can touch it." You show him the directions. "This is solitaire. Classic game, really easy to play. Whole card game in a little device. Uhh, you got like... sockets? Err the thingies you plug appliances in?"

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