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You spend more time with him, inseparable from one another.

You'd have it no other way than this. Today was one of those days where you ended up in his little radio office alone. Apparently, even radio hosts had meetings to attend here and there. It was honestly boring, but at least you had the music to entertain you, and you were starting to get a hang of life here. You sat in a comfy chair he'd bought to fit in his office just for you. You hummed along to the music, kicking your feet while doing a puzzle.

You never would have sat down to do a jigsaw puzzle back in the day! Never! But here you are. It's a simpler life than the modern day. You do miss the internet. Sometimes you'll get a question and miss being able to just google it. Though there is enough to entertain you. Plus, Alastor keeps your mind focused on him. How could it not be though? He's well... he's Alastor.

Your eyes glance to the door as it peeps open, immediately narrowing at the unfamiliar face. You remember that you're technically not supposed to do that anymore. It's not exactly polite. Plus, it's not your office. "Can I help you?" You hum staring at the woman.

There's a small jump. Clearly, she wasn't expecting you to be here. She's not from the radio staff then. They have all become accustomed to your hanging about. There was some hesitation to let you laze around here without working indefinitely, but Alastor solved that with a few words. "O-oh uh, I was hoping to find the host in here?"

You hum, placing down another piece of your puzzle. It's not uncommon for him to have fans. You remind yourself that he truly is unaffected by others, the same way you feel repulsed when you're approached by most. "Ah, I see. Well, he's occupied with some matters at the moment."

"Are you uh his secretary or something?" You shake your head, moving the pieces around that remain to find one you can place next. "Well uh then... I-I'll just come back later."

You hum with a little sigh. "You can place whatever you need to give him on the desk." You point to where he usually sits for his shows. "Or by the door." He won't so much as look at it though. You've seen him toss countless gifts and admiration notes from fans of his radio away by now. At first, you found it a little rude. Now being what you are to each other, you feel a sense of joy.

The woman moves from the room, and you scoff rolling your eyes.

You finish the puzzle as the door opens again. You're going to get annoyed if she keeps coming back. You catch only a glimpse this time, but it's enough that you make a note to inform Alastor. She's interrupting your lovely time! It's so rude! You don't like people to begin with, and here somebody is coming back interrupting the space.

You move on from the puzzle, glancing up at the clock. How long will this take? It's about as boring as being home without him. You shake your head, grabbing a magazine. You look over it with your legs crossed.

The door creaks again to the same woman checking to see if Alastor has yet to return. Being the third interruption, you set the magazine down. "It's a little rude to continuously help yourself to places you shouldn't snoop around, don't you think?" You stare at the door as it shuts again.

Did you just get ignored?

You scoff, picking the magazine back up into your hands. You've taken to trying to keep up with fashion. You've thought about asking if he knows a tailor. Though you'd still be reliant on his money. You really should get a job, but at the same time, you don't exactly want to anymore. You may be bored, but you like this life. It's a bit pampered, but it feels right. You entertain each other and go with him almost everywhere.

The door creaks open twice more within the next hour. You are starting to really get annoyed. It's Alastor's office. It's a bit annoying and maybe a tad uncomfortable to think of anybody who'd be this persistent about seeing Alastor. It's not jealousy. Well, not rational jealousy anyway. You know he'd never even desire to entertain another woman. Still, you don't exactly enjoy the idea of having others around him.

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