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A/n- There may be a few errors bc this chapter is the longest I've written for an x reader at nearly 5k words- Wanna thank everybody who has commented and been here for this journey! Thank you for reading!

You didn't have anywhere to really go after what happened. The little bar was the best you could do. You weren't going to go out by yourself in hell. It's a terrifying idea. Going out alone in hell. It's a cesspool out there.

You take a seat on the stool, any one of them will do. You can't recall a moment when you wanted to get so completely wasted the way you want to right now. You can hardly recall the last time you did something like this. "Ya look a mess, sugar." Your eyes trail up from staring at the drinks available to Angel.

You simply shrug, acknowledging him but not speaking up. The glass in front of you isn't filled all the way, nor does it smell too heavily of liquor. Still, enough of these and you'll drop right? Swallowing down the glass, you sigh. "I bet I do."

"Couples fight?" This time it's Husk cleaning out a glass who speaks. His eyes stare down at you as he tops off your glass.

You laugh a bit, dry and pained as you down the next glass. "More like he kept a pretty big secret and whipped that out in the worst way possible." Your fingers trail to your throat as you glare at the empty glass. You stare down at your hand, focusing on your ring. You got engaged to him through blood... of course, this thing you have was twisted. You knew and enjoyed that. It was your special thing.

"Sounds like going out would do ya some good." Angel slips off the stool, pushing his own glass back at Husk. "I could use a night out too." He stretches a little, and your eyes soften. Angel keeps his distance from you as he glances back at Husk.

With a groan husk steps from behind the counter. "I ain't draggin' either of ya back if ya get too drunk... or high."

You laugh a bit, smiling slightly as you look between the two men. You're relatively comfortable around the two of them. They make good drinking buddies.

The club that you enter isn't too bad. Nothing fancy, but that means bigger faces were less likely to show up and be around. Immediately, you Angel, and Husk take a seat at the bar. You go for something hard and heavy. You would get yourself back to the hotel somehow. However, that's a later you problem.

"Jeez, I didn't think ya were the type, sugar. What happened? Cuz I swear if that bastard hurt ya..." Angel's voice is full of concern, yet soft at the same time.

You shake your head over and over as you down a few shots. "No, no, nothin' like that... He'd never not with what we've both gone through." You probably shouldn't say things like that. Alastor doesn't like his personal life being shared. "Piece of shit fathers ya know?" You pause, shaking your head as you take another shot. You wish you got hammered faster... "What is ya drinkin' heavy anyhow?"

Angel wants to make sure you're okay before he focuses too much on himself. He's hardly touching his drink, and Husk is just being an extra pair of bartender observant eyes. "Nothin'."

"Valentino, given ya issues again?" You mumble, not wanting to be pushy. His nod and the silence is enough.

Still, it makes you feel so damn bad. Both of these men have their souls tied down to a deal just like you, but their situations are so much worse. You're a little tipsy by now as you sit there and rest your head against your hand. "Make three of us then..." You mumble, causing both their heads to whip towards you as if they just heard the most ridiculous thing ever.

"Knew ya had to be crazy to have feelings for the radio demon, but ya didn't... are you an idiot on top of crazy?" It's Husk who speaks up first. He's the one with firsthand experience when it comes to Alastor. He's been on that man's leash, at his beck and call for ages now. At first, he was cautious of you, but compared to Alastor, you've always seemed more like a doe in headlights. It freaks him out when he sees the two of you interact. You seem so much sweeter than Alastor, and never seemed as deranged or cruel as him. Sure, he could tell ya fit together, but you didn't seem to be a threat at all.

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