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The house grew silent, and you stood up from your bed. You rummaged through your things, finding everything as it had been left. At least they never went through your room. He probably saw you gone and didn't bother seeing if you'd left a sign of where you had gone. Your fingers brush over the old book and you pick it up.

You hold it to your chest, staring at it. Your way back to him.

You were found passed out in the woods by some person who'd called the cops. From there, your parents were called. Before you could run off again, you were here. To them, you'd just run away and had been living on the street for months.

Dinner tonight had been a nightmare to sit through. Nothing compared to what you had eaten. You'd adjusted to his cooking. You had begun to enjoy Alastor's meals and looked forward to them. You shake your head.

You'll get home. You'll go home to him.

Your fingers flip the delicate pages until you find the page.

You tilt your head staring.

It's gone. The words that had been on the page are smeared in red. You try to rub at the page. You even use your spit to try and clear it, but only effectively smear the ink below the red. You flip through the pages. There would need to be something else, right? If this worked, then... there would have to be something else, right? Right?

You read every bit of the book, going through it well past the normal hours of the night. When you get through it, finding nothing, you chuck the book. Staring at it for a moment more, you grab the book and your phone. There's still the little crack from when you took the fall into his era.


There's no hesitation as you google the book.

There's nothing.

No record of it online. The only article you can find is on some scary stories website. It mentions a funny little story you find impossible... but you traveled on through time, so what's impossible at this point?

The story summarizes easily. It was the year 1921, and a woman of no known name wrote a book full of all sorts of things dedicated to somebody who had died in an accident two years back. It's rumored she signed a deal with some entity so she could have a few more moments with her lover. Two years after completing the book, the woman went insane.

It's odd, but the exact year it was supposedly written was the year you dropped into. You stare at the ring. You wonder if deals can be made... if such things existed. If this worked, then would the other... suppose you could call them spells work?

Cautiously, you flip through the pages trying to find anything that would be useful. Most of what's in here doesn't revolve around the same power that dropped you into the past. Some pages are scribbled with letters. You find notes in the margins of things, but that's it. The notes talk of power, time, and the complexities of such power... all in elegant cursive.

You sigh, grabbing headphones. You look Alastor and the decade up just to see the fate he got.

You wonder if there are recordings of his radio show. Something you can hold onto. Sure enough, you find a few uploaded articles about an Alastor in New Orleans. You read the obituary... 1933. You were right then, the serial murders you two invested so much time in ended because he died.

You frown reading about how he died. It's an awful way to go out. You could prevent it though, right? If you could go back?

You can try and search more in the morning. If you plan on getting through the day, you need to sleep. You scroll through the internet, and eventually, you find several videos on YouTube that are small surviving parts of the past. You make yourself a playlist with whatever you can find and lay back. You close your eyes laying on your bed.

The Fox and the Hunter | Alastor x reader |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن