~Odd Sensations~

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The next morning you wake up to breakfast on the table and a nice handwritten note. His penmanship is even impressively beautiful. "In case you want to listen, all you need to do is turn the radio on, my dear. I do hope you enjoy breakfast. Fresh from last night's hunt! If you get snacky before I return to curate dinner, there should be crackers and jam! Till tonight darling. -Al"

You jump a bit, squealing with a spin. Gods, you feel like you are living a fantasy. You could have this as your entire life. It's really nice.

Breakfast is good if you ignore the part that whatever animal he killed last night is now in your stomach. You turn the radio on and grab a book sitting at the table. You hum along with the jazz, swing, and a classical song until static interrupts. "Good morning New Orleans! Interrupting your usual entertainment of Jazz is your host Alastor back from my little break! Just last night it was reported the killer struck again! They say the poor fella was left with no skin on his bones and a face so brutally smashed to pieces nobody could recognize the poor soul." You smile, laying your head on the table. Even doused in radio static, he's charming and charismatic. He delivers horrifying news so elegantly it sounds lighter than the true gravity of the situation. "As much as we may not have much faith in the bull these days, with how poor a job they're doing with keeping our streets clean, I gotta urge you to call if you see anything suspicious, so this killer can be caught before another corpse comes along these streets."

You smile again as static shifts the radio back to sweet jazz. You hum along to it, drifting off.

You wake from your nap a bit uncomfortable. You crack your back and neck before you stand up. You could try and get down what you... the thought of the shared dance between you and Alastor has you flushing. How could you not? You've never been around somebody like this, certainly never let somebody be that close to your body and touch you like that. You try to shake it all away.

You would never be a choice. He's helping you, and that is it. You'll find your way home eventually. You hum to yourself and try to pass the time dancing.

Boy does it get boring. You try reading, try drawing, and nothing strikes you.

One last resort... you keep the radio on just in case he comes on the air again but soften it. You're alone, so there's no embarrassment in having a bit of a concert. You have always had an imagination after all.

You sing to yourself as you fold the blankets you've been using to sleep on his couch. You do a little dusting and set the books you finished back on the bookshelf where they belong. When there is nothing else to do, you occupy yourself with singing different tunes and having your own little internal party. You were lost in your own world and didn't even hear the door open.

Alastor paused in the doorway, his ears picked up on the soft melody from outside, but he was expecting to come in to see that she had found the labels and had them going. It was a pleasant surprise to hear such an angelic voice coming from her.

He stood leaning in the doorway, seeing if she'd notice. He's not sure how many different melodies he heard come from her lips before her eyes brushed past him, then snapped back. Her face copied the color of blood, a wonderful color. However, when the dame stops singing, he chuckles. "Aw, don't stop now out of embarrassment, my dear! You have such an angelic voice!" Ah, her face is even further tinted now!

Looking out the window, you tilt your head. "A-Alastor I... I figured you'd be out until dark. I uh... well you... I was uh surprised!" Embarrassed does not begin to explain the hammering in your chest as you stare at him. He laughs a little, stepping towards the kitchen.

Alastor glances at the radio, and something hums inside his chest cavity. Did the doll sit and listen to the broadcast throughout the day? Well, at least until she grew bored and decided to entertain herself with a song... several beautiful melodies. "I don't usually work so late, my dear! I have an early day, not a late night. Anyhow, being out so late with the whole serial killer situation seems a poor choice!" He smiles, getting what he needs out to make dinner for tonight.

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