Meeting Sunny

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Author Note: For Sunny's dialogue I will use "just italics" whereas Moon's is "purely underlined". Please remember this only applies in "". Keep this in mind for future chapters, I won't be repeating it.

"Hello! You're a new face, which means a new friend!", a voice said from behind me as I tried to squirm out of their grip. They walked out of the ball pit, carrying me as if I weighed nothing and then put me gently on the ground. "You're not a kid, but welcome to the Superstar Daycare! My name is Sunny, what's yours?", they said as I turned to face them. So this is Sunny... I have to admit, I'm a little scared... how are children not scared or intimidated by them?! I look up to where their face plate is. They look about 7'1, but are crouching... HOW TALL ARE THEY?!

"My name is Y/N. Jules pushed me down the slide because I just had an interview and she wanted herself and you to examine how well I am with children?", I stated, trying to sound believable. It doesn't even sound believable to me, so I have no idea how- "OH! You're the trial guest today! Well Y/N, I am very glad to meet you! Come, come, you have to meet the children and play games or draw or some other activity!", Sunny bounded with joy, their little sun rays spinning slightly as he grabbed my hand and walked me over to the play pens. "Hey kids! We have a guest, come down and meet her!", Sunny yelled out, delighted giggles growing closer after a minute. After about 6 minutes, 8 children were in front of us all of whom were giggling and squirming slightly.

"Y/N, meet Jeremy, Gabe, Susie, Fritz, Cassidy, Charlie, Mel and Leo. Kids, meet out guest Y/N. She's going to be here for a couple of hours working as a daycare attendant like me, okay?", Sunny quickly introduces us all. I nodded to them and gave them all a shy wave, afterwards my legs were being enveloped in hugs from all of them. Guess this won't go as bad I thought. I gave them all little head pats, all the children smiling up at me afterwards.

-An hour later-

The children and I have been playing games together, before we started drawing pictures together and an hour has gone by like no time at all. I looked around at the children, some yawning and other with their heads on the table. I think they're a little tired, I better go and tell Sunny. I walked over to Sunny, they were picking up teddies and toys before putting them in a box. "Hey Sunny, I think the children are tired. We need to turn the lights off and let them take a nap.", I explained, Sunny's sun rays shrinking into their head. "Nonononono! We can't turn off the lights! We need to keep them ON! Always ON!", they disagreed, shaking their head profusely. "Well, is there at least a seperate room where I can turn the lights off and get them to take a nap?", I plead, knowing those kids need some sleep. Sunny seemed to be trapped in thought for a minute or two before walking towards a door, opening it and immediately turning the light on in the room. "Will this do?", they asked, seeing my nod and smile. I quickly went to the drawing table, picking the children up who were already asleep while the others followed slowly behind me.

I put the children down on comfy mats, their heads gently lying on pillows and snuggled in blankets. I turned off the lights in the room, Sunny standing at the open doorway but still in the light outside. Charlie and Leo couldn't seem to go to sleep, so I sat down near them and gently pat their heads. Let's hope I don't embarrass myself too much, here goes nothing. "Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end~ Sun digs it's heels and taunts you~ But after sunlight days, one thing stays the same~ Rises the moon~", I gently sing, lulling both Charlie and Leo to sleep. I continue to sing until I finish the song, now completely satisfied and assured that all the children are sleeping. I quietly tip-toe towards the door, the faintest click being heard when I closed the door.

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