Waiting game

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"Okay, well. Leo and Mel seemed to absolutely love your company, Sunny seemed to like you too which is a great thing. I think you did really well. We'll be in contact with you in three days if you got the job, okay? It was nice meeting you Y/N, hopefully I'll see you again!", Jules said as we walked to the entrance of the Pizzaplex. We were so close to the doors I came through a couple of hours ago... I turned to Jules, taking the piece of paper from my blouse pocket and thrusted it towards her in a stiff motion. She stopped walking, looking at the folded piece of paper before taking it. She unfolded it, her eyes sparkling slightly when she looked at my rough drawings. Her mouth was agape when she looked back at me.

"These are some pretty interesting concepts and I can definitely see why you think these things. I'll get this to the P&S team after your picked up by BF/N!", Jules said, her voice an octave higher than usual... or what I assume as usual. "Wait, how do you know BF/N?", I asked, confused. "Oh, they haven't told you... I'm their cousin, however we don't see each other very often anymore", Jules giggled, rubbing the back of her neck. We continued walking, laughing and joking at the sheer coincidence and the fact that we didn't know about each other until today. While talking I hadn't noticed that we arrived at the door. Well, looks like I'll have to wait until Jules contacts me to see if I get the job... I look to Jules and wave goodbye as I exit through the doors, Jules waving back. I waited for 10 minutes before getting into BF/N's car and letting them drive me home. Hopefully they aren't home, or don't ask why I wasn't home... I get dropped off home, walking to the front door and unlocking it before waving BF/N goodbye and walking in.

Thankfully, nobody was home... means I got away with it for now, and nobody has to know about it. If I do get the job though, they will find out eventually... never mind, that's a problem for future me. What matters is the progress I made today! Now it's time to play the waiting game... it's only going to be within 3 days though. I can keep busy until then, how hard can it be?

Author note: Questions for my dear readers...

Who do you all think this mysterious "they" are?

Why do you all think Jules only mentions Mel & Leo, but not the others?

Also, thank you all for the support! You're all amazing.

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