Heading Out

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Author Note: I'm doing a time skip because I don't want to write about 9 days where Y/N does something when I have no ideas for it. So, I'm leaving that to the imagination of you all.

As I suspected, the 9 days breezed by like nothing at all. And before I knew it, the day where I started my job at the  Superstar Daycare had finally arrived.

I had awoken with the sounds of light rain and birds chirping gleefully streaming through my window, sunlight reflecting off of all the little droplets. I stretched and yawned, my blankets sliding off as I sat up to stretch further. I looked to the time, 6:15am. My feet walked on the cold, linoleum floor, following the usual routine I do... but earlier in the morning. I got dressed in casual clothes, brushed my hair and walked towards the kitchen... only to be met by somebody already there.

"Oh, hey sis! You're up early... what's happening today that has you awake so early?", my eldest younger brother, Lawrence, inferred. How could I have forgotten that he gets ready for school so early in the morning?! Okay, I have two options... one, lie to him and hope that he doesn't figure out I'm lying... or two, I tell him the truth and hope that he doesn't tell them. I quickly make up my mind to decide, I'm going to tell him the truth and hopefully he won't rat me out. "Well Lawrence, I'll tell you but don't rat me out, okay?", I emphasise, waiting for his response. He nods quickly, a puts his left hand on his forehead. Our solemn oath to each other. If he tells on me, I spill all the stuff I've kept regarding him. I smile to him. "I've got a job, and today's my first day. I'm working as a daycare attendant at the Pizzaplex, with the daycare animatronics they have there. They wanted a human worker there too and I had an interview with them around 12 days ago, in which I got the job.", I quickly explain while I went around the kitchen and put on a single of toast for myself. I turn to face Lawrence, completely flabbergasted and had his mouth hanging open.

We both got ready for the day together, him dressed in his school uniform and I was dressed in a pastel yellow shirt and giant overall that had faint paint splotches on them. We put on our shoes, both whispering to each other so then we don't wake anybody else up. I quickly grabbed a little satchel, putting in a children's book, my phone, a set of house keys, and slung it over my shoulder. I looked to my younger brother and smiled, letting him walk out of the front door before me. I walked through the door, the sky still tainted with the different colours from sunrise, and locked the door behind me. I waved Lawrence a quick see you later, sure that he'd ask about my day when I come home, and looked at the directions to the Pizzaplex that were splayed on my phone screen.

With a single step, I started the walk towards my first day of the job.

Our Little Star (Sunny/Moon x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now