Getting my Uniform

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I walked towards the Pizzaplex, making it there at 7:45. Great, 15 minutes before I start my job. That's pretty good timing to be honest. I pushed the doors open, looking around for Jules before I started walking towards what I believed to be a security office.

"Y/N, you're here already? Great timing on your part, I wasn't expecting you for another... 10 minutes. You must be eager to get started.", Julia's voice rang out behind me. I turned to face her, smiling as I saw her familiar face. She motioned for me to follow her and I quickly did so, hot on her heels. We walked into a room that initially looked like a staff room, and then into one of the branching rooms. She quickly stopped in front of a grey, tall locker and I opened the door, expecting something to leap out at me like a sick, cruel trick that would've been played in high-school. Luckily there wasn't, but there was what I assume to be a uniform of sorts, and a few little essential things like snacks, name badge and a towel. I looked to Jules, my eyes slightly teary since this was something really sweet and kind. I'd never had somebody do something like this for me, or a friend like this.

"Thanks Jules. This is definitely not what I was expecting.", I sniffled as I rubbed the back of my neck shyly. She smiled at me sympathetically and pat my shoulder, before leaving me alone in the room and shutting the door behind her. I took this chance to change into the 'uniform', which consisted of a white t-shirt and a pair of long overalls, before I clipped the name badge onto one of the straps of the overalls. I looked at myself proudly in the mirror that was there and quickly took my hair out of its' ponytail and readjusted my hair into a half up-half down. I smiled at my reflection, happy with what I saw. I walked over and tapped on the door that Jules went through a few minutes ago. The door opened, Jules smiling at me and extending her hand towards me. I took her hand and we started walking towards the daycare.

"You look really pretty Y/N. I'm almost jealous of you suit your uniform so easily and well.", Jules complemented me after we got to the doorway of the daycare. We have about 5 minutes before the Pizzaplex and the daycare open. Need to make sure that it's clean... I smiled at Jules and nodded my head, accepting the genuine complement. I quickly waved her goodbye as I pushed the door open and entered the daycare.

"Oh, Y/N! Before I forget, Sunny May look a little... different... than what you remember. Just a warning.", Jules yelled through the door and I chuckled slightly.

Sunny couldn't look that different, could they?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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