A Day for Play: Daisy

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After Daisy finished her virtual conversation with Si Jo, which was the only interaction they had lately, and nothing more, she got dressed in a white knee length dress which had an assortment of splashes of color and flowers. She braided her hair to one side, wore her favorite beige flats with a big bow in the back, put on light makeup, and brought herself to life with a  spritz of her favorite perfume, Killer Queen by Katy Perry. She grabbed her phone, purse, wallet, emergency makeup, coupons (just in case), a bottle of green tea, and her headphones and headed out the door ready to conquer the outside world that she was so often deprived of. Her day only seemed to get better the more she thought about it. Her first stop was a small hole in the wall grocery store which always had the freshest groceries and most vibrant flowers. She bought enough groceries to fill her fridge for the next month. She also decided to buy an assortment of flowers to set the mood later on. Today she knew that if she had anything to do with it, not only was she going to imprison Si Jo for the day, but the whole weekend. She needed his attention after a month and a half of deprivation. The thought of everything they had done to each other made her checks turn a light shade of pink. One of her favorite memories was the first time she and Si Jo had sex. First time she had sex in general. He was always so kind and flirty, but when he was in bed he became a new person entirely! He hadn't bothered to be gentle, at all, their first time. Infact, he left her marks all over her body. Including bite marks, red marks (that slowly turned to bruises, that she never dared let him see), a headache from the positions and pounding, not to mention how incredibly sore her ENRIRE body was, and, to be completely honest, she wouldn't trade it for the world! That man, that vicous vicous man pounded her world to paradise the whole week that summer. She had never experienced anything like it, nor has she since, but that was her ultimate goal for this weekend, to set a new record in every category! First and foremost, she had to give him a meal he would never forget, and after that, a weekend he would never forget. This time she was going to call the shots and bring him to her mercy!>:)

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