She'll Be Back Soon

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The last two hours of work had gone agonizingly slow for Si Jo. All he could think about was Daisy. What Daisy was wearing. What she made for dinner. What she had been doing for the past two weeks, without him. Most of all, what was going to happen tonight. How would he make up for all the lost time? He knew that he would repay her in a way she never knew possible. The thoughts running through his mind made him all the more eager to get to her house. To get to her.


By the time he made it to her house his pants were growing increasingly tight. All he wanted to do, at that moment, was ponce and straddle her eventhough he hadn't eaten all day waiting for the dinner date, he had a different type of hunger. One that could only be cured by Daisy herself. He walked into the apartment to the warm glow of candlelight and the soft smell of lavender. Lavender was Daisy's signature scent. It drove him crazy whenever he smelt it. The effloresce in the room only increased his lust as the background Symphony set the mood. He walked in, closed the door, and began his search for the craving that hadn't been cured in what felt like an eternity. He began his search in the kitchen. The food looked great, and it was almost ready, but he needed her, now! She wasn't there. He looked in her bedroom, but to no avail. He began to search the house eagerly to only have his luck falter. She wasn't here, but there were no signs of her being elsewhere. The food on the stove, the music playing in the background, the candles lit, all the lights on, but she wasn't there. The only thing missing was her phone. He sat at the couch and dialed her number; it rang but she didn't answer. He tried three more times before deciding she would be home any minute, and had gone to the store for some last minute grocery shopping.The day had been long, and had really exhausted him. He sat on the couch awaiting her return when he decided to close his eyes due to a headache. "I'll just close my eyes until she comes back. She'll wake me up when she gets home." He thought slurring the words in his head.


Si Jo woke with a start. He sat up immediately seeing the sunlight shine through the sheer white curtains. He rubbed his eyes as he stood up, fast. With the speed he stood up he got lightheaded,and had to lean against the couch for support while rubbing his eyes trying to calm the dizziness. His mind started to whir. Why was he sleeping on a Daisy's house? He looked up from his hand and saw the apartment just how it was when he feel asleep. Exactly the same, which only heightened his senses and made worry consume his entire being. Where was Daisy? Did she come home at all last night? I grabbed my phone and dialed her number. Immediately it went to voicemail. He continued to call with no luck. He got the same result each time, straight to voicemail. He ran around the apartment searching desperately for her, or any sign she was there at one point in the night. Nothing. He ran out of the apartment, and hailed a cab. He wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do, but he knew he couldn't sit idly by waiting for a return...that, eventhough it hurts to say, may never come. At that realization his body went numb. His mind went numb. His whole being went numb, yet he felt the worst pain he ever had before. She didn't come back, which wasn't like her. Daisy was gone. The worst part, Si Jo had no clue where to look or any possible motives linking to her disappearance. As the cab pulled up, he decided to start his investigation at her friends house. Well, the ones he knew of. At that note he regretted not being there for and with her 100% of the way. The way he promised he would, the day she gave herself to him for the first time. When she gave herself for the first time.

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