8 Months In The Making

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Hazel Marie, a golfer by day, and a musician by night, had moved into a new apartment complex a month ago. She didn't know anyone when she first came, but that didn't stop her from letting her inner extrovert explore the people that occupied the apartments that surrounded hers. She had devilishly invited everyone on her floor for dinner each day of her first month there. Her excuse, she wanted to be acquainted with the people she would be living next to. The real reason she did this was because she didn't have friends here yet, and she wanted atleast one. She easily made friends, but made enemies easily aswell, so she always watched what she did. Another reason she did this was due to her uncontrollable fear of being alone, physically, emotionally, and mentally. As long as she had a choice, she would never be alone! She swore on this long ago.
Today was the first day of the new month, a beautiful fall day. She was going to the first floor to do her laundry when she got a brilliant idea. She would call her friends that where visiting Seoul due to their careers. Jane Michaels, Hazels best friend since 7th grade, was a world class artist. She was especially famous for the stories she wrote herself to accompany her art. She was in Seoul doing a sculpture for the Prime minister of Taiwan from the president of the Republic of Korea. Alec Drew, a world class conductor and violinist, came with his hand picked orchestra to Seoul to practice for the "Concert of the Worlds", a concert played by the best for the best, Prime ministers, Presidents, World Leaders, ect. Alec was the conductor of the event, and he would also play a solo he composed himself.
Yes, it was true, her friends made her feel unaccomplished, but when she held her golf clubs the world felt right in place for her. She was born a golfer. She played in Middle School and High School. She got a scholarship to Duke University for her golfing skills, and she went to Duke for four years, getting her basics done. She then moved to Seoul to attend The University of Seoul in Korea for an anthropology doctorate. They had a golf team, but they weren't as determined or enthusiastic about the sport. She still played everyday of every week, though.

As all these thoughts were running threw her head as she did her laundry listening to music, she was suddenly yanked from her intial position to face a man. The man looked absolutely horror stricken and overjoyed. He then pulled her into a crushing bear-hug leaving the young girl confused and afraid of this senile man in front of her. Worse, HUGGING HER! Before she could pull back and punch the crazy man square in the face she heard him whisper "Are you hurt? Who took my precious pabo from me?". Everything in her broke. "What the hell happened to him? Why was I suddenly "his precious pabo that was taken from him"? I need a beer..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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