A Time for Change

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Si Jo had gone to every one of Daisy's friends, those she barely made acquaintances with and those who he knew personally. No one had seen her after work on Thursday. After forty- eight agonizing hours of looking for her, Si Jo filled a missing persons police report. The cops had no clue, which didn't suprize him much. What got him was after several weeks of intense investigation, not even the F.B.I. could find her, nor did they have a single clue or lead as to her whereabouts. Si Jo was completely devastated. He didn't eat for days at a time, he took a leave of absence from work, he cryed almost all day everyday, and worst of all he fell into a severe case of depression. A month after her disappearance, he was ready to go back to work. Half expecting her to come home to him, one day, with a bag of groceries from across the world saying "The foods almost ready, Jagi. Jeoungmal mianhe(really sorry), for being late. How was work?", but she never did. Worst of all, the reoccurring agony filled dreams.


Daisy had finally returned to Si Jo, frantically begging him to protect her. "Of course I will protect you! I will never let you go again!" He replied half heartbroken. What had she gone through? "Please, Si Jo, promise me! Promise me you won't let them hurt me anymore!" She began sobbing into his shoulder. "I promise, never again will we be apart! Never, ever again!" He replied. Tears welling in his eyes. "Calm down, Dai, I've got you" he managed to say before he felt a sudden yank, and looked down to see Daisey being violently pulled out of his arms. She grabbed a hold of his shirt collar and begged for him to help. He wanted to help her, but his body wouldn't move. He couldn't say anything to try and comfort the broken girl in front of him. As much as he tried his body refused. He stood there unable to do anything except watch and wish he could do something. Anything! Finally, the dark silhouette of a bulky man managed to pull her away from him, for good. She kicked and screamed never taking her eyes off of the man who promised to protect her, but had yet again failed. "Please" she begged desperately. "You prmoised" she screamed in horror the farther she was dragged away from him. After three minutes of being able to hear her screams of terror and pain without seeing either the man or his beloved Daisy, the entire place fell into a deafening silence. One you couldn't bare, knowing what must have happened to her.


Si Jo sat up straight in his bed. He was drenched in sweat, agony, sorrow, pity, and worst of all, gulit. A cold air ran past his wet skin sending a shiver through his body. "I told her I would always protect her, and I stood there while that vicious man took her, and no doubt did vile things to her. Worst of all, I didn't try to stop him. I let it happen. She saw me do nothing, nothing but watch as her worst nightmare viciously pulled her from me, the man of a thousand words but no actions. To her I must be the villain, the real bad guy. The lair who watched as she was brutally abducted and soon after killed." He thought, only then realizing what he really was to her, her worst fear.

In Due TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora