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I trot into the sick bay and see Brynna lying flat on her stomach, a towel covered in ice on her back. She's awake but not moving.
   "Brooke? Is that you?" She called, "it hurts to move my neck." I laughed and walked over.
"So, how are you feeling?" I said, Brynna answered with a grunt. We talked for a minute until she fell asleep again, I left to my room and watched Once Upon a Time until I fell asleep.
Rose softly knocked on the old blue door before pulling out the tardis key she kept on a chain around her neck. She hesitantly pushed the door open and gawked at the new console room.
"He's redocorated." She mutters.
"I don't like it." Her husband replies. The Doctor slowly looks around the corner into the console room several times to make sure he's seeing things right.
"Rose?" He walks towards Rose and his clone.
"Who are you and how do you know who I am?" She takes a defensive stance.
"Rose. It's me. The Doctor. I regenerated."
"I can see that." They sit there in silence before she runs into his arms. His arms flail around before wrapping them around her. He pulls away and hugs the clone.
"I want you to meet someone. Stay here." The Doctor enthusiastically exclaims and runs out of the room. He strides into River's favorite library and finds her on the couch with a thick tome of archaeology. He reads over her shoulder from behind the couch, but quickly gets bored and starts playing with her hair.
"I want you to meet someone." He finally says.
"Mhmm?" She absentmindedly replies.
"So follow me?"
"Sweetie. I'm reading." She looks up at him. He kisses her forehead.
"You're lucky I love you." River pushes herself up off the couch.
"Don't I know it." He grins and takes her hand in his to lead her through the halls and into the console room right in front of Rose. Rose immediately notices their locked hands and close proximity to each other. "River this is Rose Tyler. Rose this is professor River Song." River smiles and shakes Rose's hand. The doctor continues, "most people get angry when I don't tell them this. River is my wife."
"Wife?" Rose quietly says, almost whispers. She looks slightly hurt. "You got married?" She says louder this time.
"Um... Yes?" The doctor lets go of River's hand, but she only steps closer to him and slips an arm around his waist. He wraps an arm around his wife's shoulders. The other Doctor steps behind Rose, puts his arms around her waist, and rest his chin on her head.
"But how did you get here?" River asks.
"Rose fell through a crack in the universe and we somehow ended up here," the clone answers as if that would explain everything. The Doctor nods.
"Doctor is something wrong?" Rose questions. The Doctor shakes his head as if to clear a deep thought.
"You two might want to come with me." He says in a melancholy tone. He started walking away, hand locked with River's, Rose and the Metacrisis Doctor trailing closely behind.
"Where are we going?" Rose asks.
"The sick bay." The Doctor replies sharply.
They arrive and the Doctor spins around, leaving River facing the other direction fiddling with her hands. "This won't be pleasant." He simply says while pushing the door open behind him. River peels off the towel covering Brynna's back. It's cold and wet from the melted ice and is red from the blood. She picks up a new towel from a nearby chair and lays it across the young girl's back. She then softly lays more ice down from a bag next to the cot. The Doctor studies some complicated readings on a screen. Rose and the clone stand by the door, horrified expressions adorning their faces as they look on the scene. The puddles of blood on the floor and chairs, the girl moaning any time she moved in her sleep, and the strange familiarity.
"Doctor. Who is this girl?" Rose finally asks. Nobody answers. "Doctor! Answer me!" She tried again with tears threatening to fall. He slowly turns with darkness in his eyes.
"Your daughter, Brynna. This is your daughter." He slowly says, trying to be gentle. Rose bites her lip and clenches her fists, looking down at her daughter with a mixture of joy and anger. Joy because she had her daughter once more, and anger at whoever had done this. The clone gives a noise somewhere between a laugh and a whimper, then he swears under his breath before helping grabbing Rose' hand and leaving the room. To shocked to stay. Minutes later River and the Doctor came out of the sick bay and stop in front of the still in shocked couple.
"She's improving. When she wakes up she'll be able to sit up and we have a wheelchair for her to use." River reassures the two. They relax a bit. River then turns to her husband to speak to him. "Sweetie. I need to talk to you," she glanced over at Rose, "alone." He nodded and let her lead him to their bedroom and sit on the bed. "I- I just wanted to make sure you were okay. A lot has happened recently."
"I'm fine, River. You know I am. Will you and Rose be okay? You won't shoot her or anything?"
"We're fine. Well... I'm fine. I don't know if she is."
"Okay. Good talk." The Doctor says as he stands up. River gently pulls him back down.
"There is something else." She says looking down. The Doctor looks at her with concern. "Sweetie... I'm pregnant."
"You're... Pregnant?"
"Yes?" She grins.
"But we- we made a thing? Again?" He points at her belly. All River can do is grin and nod. He kisses her, quite passionately. "I love you Melody Pond." He whispers. River doesn't know what to do. He rarely says it, but he doesn't need to. He shows it in every way possible, but he actually says it. So she kisses him again. They head out to find Rose and Clone. Once they see them talking on the captains chair in the console room Rose stands up and motions for the Doctor to follow her into a random library just off the console room. "Before you say anything, are you and River going to be okay? You aren't jealous?" The Doctor stares at his hands.
"I'm fine. I was jealous, but I'm glad you found someone. Really." Rose says harshly. "Doctor," she starts again, "I'm pregnant." He gapes at her.
"You're- but- does the other me know?"
"Not exactly, I'm scared, what if it happens again." She starts to tear up.
"Hey hey hey. Don't cry. I think you should tell other me. He'll be happy."
"Absolutely." He smiles down at her. She grins back and rushes to find her husband. The Doctor begins walking unsure of his destination until he feels a warm familiar hand on his shoulder. He jumps and finds that it's only River.
"Is something wrong sweetie?"
"I must've just gotten lost in my thoughts again."
"I'll say. You walked right past me."
"Sorry," he mumbled, "I just have a lot on my mind right now."
"I do too," she takes a step closer and lays her hands on his chest. He puts his hands over hers, grabs them and kisses both of them before setting them back where they were, "what if the baby doesn't make it? My body barely handled Brooke and this baby will probably be even closer to being a full Timelord."
"Stop thinking about 'what ifs' and think about how amazing it'll be having another baby around the tardis." River nods in response. River replies with;
"Anyway we have to find a way to explain all of this to Brooke and Brynna. Then we can focus on other things." Now the Doctor nods his response. They go back to the sick bay, but stop before opening the door when they see a room with a dark wooden door that has circular Gallifreyan carved into it. River traces the door before turning the knob and pushing it open. Her hand immediately goes down to her gun as she surveys the room from outside it. It's a bedroom with blue walls and a fairly large bed with a white bedspread draped across it. There's a huge bookcase leaning against the far wall,There are a few grey and white couches in the corner of the room along with a plush rug the same color and swirling pattern. The ceiling is a painted mural of a galaxy. "It looks like the tardis made Brynna a room." River says matter of factly. The Doctor gives a half smile and goes into the sick bay with River following. She checks some more scans while her husband rolls in a wheelchair to present to the barely woken up Brynna. Her looks over to River who gives him a nod and he helps her sit up then lifts her into the chair. She smiles up at the two.
"I want to see Brooke." She says determinedly. The doctor smiles and wheels her into Brooke's room down the hall and stops right in front of her.
I'm woken up by someone softly shaking my shoulder several hours later. I groggily rub my eyes and turn over to see who it is. I sharply sit up when my best friend is in a wheelchair beaming at me.
"Brynna! Oh my gosh I've missed you!" I shout while hugging her gently.
"I've missed you, too." I can't see her, but I can tell she's crying. I am too, but didn't realize until now. Happy tears. I pull away and look up at my parents. My Mum is trying not to cry as well while my Dad is holding her close, smiling at the scene. Then Mum and Dad look at each other and give slight nod.
"I think it's time we told you everything." Mum says, "meet us in the new room by the library, about three doors up from the sick bay. They leave the room, and I grab Brynna's wheelchair and start jogging down the hall. Brynna laughs at this new burst of speed. We finally find the room and walk in.
"Wow." Brynna whispers to me, gazing at the galaxy mural.
"No kidding." I reply, looking out of a huge picture window at the stunning waterfall of Brazil, which is where were landed. Our attention snaps to the corner of the room as we hear a tall, thin man with spiky hair clear his throat. He is sitting on a couch in the corner next to a blonde woman. They're holding hands. On the other couch is my Mum and Dad. I wheel Brynna forward and stop next to a big bean bag chair, which I flop down into. Dad decides to make some introductions.
"Brooke, Brynna, this is the meta-crisis doctor, whom we're calling John Smith for the time being, and... Rose. Rose Tyler.
"Rose Tyler Smith, you mean." She says laughing and gesturing to an engagement ring on her left hand. Brynna and I turn to look at each other then gawk at Rose. So this is Rose.
"They're from one of the parallel universes we talked about, remember? We both nod
"Okay," Brynna says, "explain everything." John Smith starts.
"A little over fourteen years ago, Rose and I had a baby. She was perfect, we were so happy."
"But then," Rose continues, "one day, when we were out taking a walk, and someone knocked us out, and when we woke up, she was gone.someone had taken our sweet little angel."
"Wait," I interrupt "what does this have to do with us?" John gazes at us.
"Because," he says quietly, "that baby was Brynna." I hear a strangled little noise next to me, and turn to see Brynna, her face is pale and she's staring wide eyed between Rose and John. Dad breaks through the silence.
"The person who stole you, Brynna, is called Madame Kovarian, and we don't know how she did it." Both Mum and Brynna flinch at Madame Kovarian's name, and I gasp. Madame Kovarian?!
"But why?" I ask, "Why did Kovarian take her?"
"I think," Dad replies, "that she figured that since Brynna's Dad is half timelord, Brynna would be able to kill me. She used similar methods as she did to River, but more frequently and much more violently"
"Her favorite methods included starvation, kicking and throme into walls, and hitting get me with barbells." Brynna cut in, staring at her hands. "But she definitely didn't limit herself to that though." Brynna gives a small, spiteful laugh, as if trying to lighten the mood for me. It doesn't work. I cringe, Brynna has been through so much more than I thought. I glance over to Rose, to see how she's reacting to all this. She's staring at Brynna with a horrified look on her face and tears streaming down her face. Which makes sense, after all, it can't be easy finding out that your baby who was stolen from you has been abused and tortured her whole life.
"So, why didn't it work?" I ask "why didn't Brynna want to kill you?"
"I think, Brooke," Mum says, "because of you." You see, the first time we found Brynna, it was when she was four years old, she was roaming around in the dark, it was raining, and she was crying. We accidentally materialized by her, and brought her in the tardis, it was then we found out one of her eyes was swollen closed and and she was bleeding out of a long cut down her arm. We calmed her down, cleaned her up and introduced her to you. It didn't take long to figure out what was going on, but we had to send her back, because Madame Kovarian is smart. And we knew she'd figure it out of we had her to long, even if we used time travel. But before she left, your Father gave her a communicator, and told her to call if things got too bad. Since then, your father, and you became beacon of hope to her, so the brainwashing didn't serve its purpose very much.
"But why didn't you tell me?" I finally say. Brynna spoke up.
"I didn't let them. You're a mix of your parents, you would have just immediately stormed off and tried to take on madame Kovarian. Then she would have taken you too.
"Why didn't she take me? And what about Bella? You know, Brynna's little sister?" I ask
"Madame Kovarian didn't get you because she couldn't." My Dad responds. "Your mother and I were on high guard, she couldn't get to you. And Bella is Brynna's neighbor. I don't know what Kovarian did but we check on Bella a lot and Kovarian has never touched her,
"One final question." I say, turning to John and Rose. Who are sitting still, stunned and silent. "Why do you look like my dad's last regeneration?"
"When he regenerated into me, his hand got cut off, Jack took it an- you know Jack, right?" I nod. "Well, Jack took it, saved it, and your dad filled it with his regeneration energy at one point, Donna touched it, and it turned into me."
"Okay..." Brynna says. "So, you're my Dad." She points at John, "and this Donna lady is technically my Grandma, and if he's you," she points from John to my Dad." Then he's technically my dad too, 'cause you're technically the same person, but if John was made from the Doctors hand, then the doctor is technically you're Dad too. So the Doctor is technically both my Dad and my grandpa. "
"...yes." is Johns reply. My Dad says one more thing with a determined look on his face.
"One thing is for certain. You are never going back to Kovarian. We are finding a way to stop her, her attacks are going to kill you, they're getting increasingly worse. You're never going back." We all sit in silence for a while. Then Rose gets up and hugs Brynna tightly in her wheelchair. Brynna winces slightly but doesn't pull away. John joins in too. Brynna starts crying. But not from pain. She's crying happy tears. She's crying because she finally has her family.

*well, that ending was quite fluffy. I posted picture of Brynna's family tree as the chapter head my be it will help clear things up?*

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