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It's been just over two weeks since Brynna left, and I thought that after a while I wouldn't miss her as much, but it's just the opposite. The longer she's away the worse I feel. I've only been in three rooms for the past 15 days, my room, the kitchen, and the bathroom. I've seen my parents about twice, but ignored my dad. He's the one who made her leave. I'm still mad at everyone and everything. The only good thing right now is that Mum is pregnant. I'm sitting on my bed reading when my Dad comes into the room. I don't even look at him, even though he knows that I know he's in here.
"Brooke." I turn my head slowly to glare at him.
"What?" I say with an icy tone.
"Something has happened. There's this Wendigo that's terrorizing these gardeners who unknowingly planted on its sacred ground and I need your help to fix it. It's in the 1400's if that helps."
"Umm... No."
"Brooke please. I really need your help."
"I don't really have a choice do I?"
"No. Now get ready we're leaving." I groan and put a bookmark in between the pages and throw on some random shoes. The people will think I'm crazy for wearing sweats and a Beatles t shirt, but I couldn't care less. He does a weird half dance half skip thing to the console room, with me dragging behind. Normally his antics would make me laugh, but now they have me rolling my eyes. He looks like baby giraffe. He starts flipping switches. "By the way," he calls over. "Your Mum isn't coming. She did not have a good morning, pregnancy wise." I groan. Great. Who knows how long I'll be forced to spend with the man who forced my best friend away. We land with a solid thud, and I step outside. We're in the middle of a forest. I silently bet the tardis that we're going to forget where she is.
Brynna wrapped her arms around her knees and gazed up at Rose. She could tell that Rose...Mum... Wanted her to lean on her, to but Brynna was still afraid of human contact. She smiled at the next picture Rose was showing her. They were sitting on the couch together looking at pictures of John... Dad... and telling stories. Brynna had heard a few from Jackie and Pete. But that was before they had moved to America. They had given the company to Rose and gone into an early retirement. Rose grinned when she suddenly turned to a picture of John looking up at the camera, a beaming grin on his face. He was holding a little bundle of blankets, and peeping out of that bundle of blankets was the face of a little girl. Brynna. Brynna was glad to see her Mum smiling. She rarely did that anymore. Not since John died. Seeing the picture of John made Brynna wonder once again, what was the doctors name? Rose knew of course. He had told her when they married. But Rose wouldn't tell her. Brynna wondered if Brooke knew. The thought of Brooke made her sad. She missed her so much. She missed River too. And the Doctor, but not as much for some reason. He made her leave. Rose snapped the book shut and half-heartedly smiled at Brynna.
"Well, I think it's time you get to bed." Brynna winced inwardly, but pasted on a smile and kissed her Mother's forehead. Then she wandered out of the room, leaving Rose hugging the book and staring into the fire.
Brynna was lying down in her bed, staring at the ceiling. Her eyes slowly drifted down.
There was and arm above her, holding a whip. Madame Kovarian's disembodied voice boomed out.
"Hello girl." It purred. "Did you have a nice nightmare? I made a good one for you." The whip cracked down and there was a flash of white light.
Brynna shot up. Gasping for air, her hand resting on the spot on her face where that whip had landed back then. That had hap
need when she was twelve. Madame Kovarian had made a device that old create dreams or nightmares. She used it for nightmares frequently. Brynna sat back against the headboard and glanced at the clock. 1:13. Brynna got out if bed to check on Rose. She was still on the couch, clutching the book. She was alseep, but their were tear stains on her face. Brynna sighed and covered her with a blanket, then went back to her nightmares.
I hang suspended from a rope off of a mossy, slimy castle. I'm hanging over the wendigo and my Dad. He's talking to the wendigo. "Doing something clever." Was his description, but I know that really means talking to the wendigo and hoping it doesn't try to kill him. I'm the back up plan. If the wendigo decides to kill my Dad I'm here to save him. I'll jump down and wrestle the wendigo. I'm actually really great at wrestling. I sigh and lean down a little bit.
"This is so stupid." I mutter to myself. I look down at my dad. He's making lots of hand gestures. Why does he do that? I roll my eyes and start studying the knotting of the rope. In my distraction I didn't notice my feet slipping, and my hand holding me up too. All of the sudden, I slipped of the castle, landing five feet below in a rocky castle ledge with a crash. "Owww." I moan. Good thing I'm a time lord. That really would have hurt a regular human. I peek over the ledge at the wendigo, he's looking around. Crap. He heard me. I gasp as he starts climbing the castle to my ledge. With adrenaline pumping through my veins I grab the rope and run up the castle wall. I land up at the top. How did I do that? I see the wendigo sniffing around up on the ledge. My heart skips a beat as the wendigo suddenly looks up and sees me. He readies himself to jump at me. I squeeze my eyes shut, not knowing any possible way to escape this one. After maybe thirty seconds I open my eyes and immediately room my eyes. Dad. I guess he was making some sort of throwing net behind his back as he was talking. He's talking to the wendigo heatedly. Normally I would go over and listen but I really don't care right now. Dad finishes, releases the wendigo and climbs down as it scampers into the forest. Dad looks up at me,
"Climb down carefully alright?" I glare at him and grab the rope. Ignoring my dad's advice, I jump off and do a front flip, stopping myself at the last second. I slide down the moss in my heels, getting major rope burn. I land on the dewey grass. "Be careful!" My dad says, "you could have gotten hurt." I walk past.
Roughly an hour later, we're still walking through the forest. My Dad looks around.
"Um, I think we're lost." I smirk. Sexy owes me a candy bar.

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