Wendigo (again)

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It's been one month since Brynna left, and now my sadness has turned more into anger and more sarcasm than usual. Dad is taking us on another trip. I'm going to lose it if he keeps pretending like nothing happened. I'm knocked out of my dark thoughts by the Tardis doing a final roll and thumping to the ground. Dad flings open the doors of the tardis. "Here we are!" He says grandly, "planet conflagration! The planet of fire." He stops suddenly when he realizes Mum and I are smirking at him. "What?" He says. I sigh.
"Dad. Turn around. We're in a forest. This isn't conflagration." Dad spins around, surveying the area.
"Oh." He says. Mum steps past us.
"Well," she says "let's go explore, shall we?" Dad follows. And I trudge after them. After about twelve minutes of squishing through the wet grass, we come across a cave. My Dad steps inside to look around, Mum and I hang back, Mum because of the baby, me because... just because...
"Woah." Dad speaks. A little awestruck. I can't resist anymore, I go over to the cave and peek in. What I see makes my jaw drop. The inside looks like something out of Star Trek! I half expect to see Jordy in the corner. Every inch of the walls is covered in glowing... Things. Dials, switches, knobs. Every thing you can imagine. It looks almost like a- "a spaceship." Dad says softly. Mum comes over and looks.
"Hmmm." She sighs. "Okay." I walk in to look around. I turn a corner and crinkle up my nose.
"Ew." I say piled up are at least twenty dead humans, their skeletons piled up in the center. Alongside them, is a pile of animal carcasses. Mum and Dad come over and stare open-mouthed at the piles.
"Ew is right." Mum murmurs. All the sudden, we hear a deep growl behind us. We turn around and see the wendigo! Mum immediately steps into action, getting into a fighting position and getting ready to strike. I just mange to duck behind a rock as he grabs my Mum and Dad. Thirty minutes later, I'm still sitting there, watching As the creature finishes tying my Mum and Dad up. He leaves and I get up to walk around. I gaze at the advanced technology all over, sticking out of the medieval background. I start randomly flipping switches that don't seep to do anything. Finally, I get to a big red button. Dad and I get the same thought at the same time.
"Brooke, don't press that button." He warns with an edge in his voice. I turn around and stare at him, with my hand still hovering over the button. "Really, don't it could blow up the universe for all we know." I roll my eyes. For real Dad? This is like that scene from Finding Nemo. I wave my hand up and down over the button. "Brooke. Really. Come untie us!" All of the sudden, The Wendigo scampers in. Freezing when he sees me by the button. My dad tries one more time to get me to leave.
"Brooke, no." I give him one last glare, and slam my had down on the button. All at once, the Wendigo glows white, and after the light fades, in it place is a small, wormish thing, and my parents are untied. My Dad looks down at the repulsive thing. "Well," he says looking down at me, " if that hadn't worked perfectly, you would be in big trouble young lady." I smirk at him and flounce out.
I meet them later in the tardis, my Mum holding the thing in a jar.
"So, what is it?" I ask her.
"Just a thing trying to look more spectacular than it was in order to get home." She replies. "It was trying to use the bodies to power it's ship." I glance at it.
"Weird." I say. Then we fly off to return the thing home.
Rose looked down to the ground two stories below get. She used to always love days like these. Warm, sunny, slight breeze, everyone quiet and content. Everything is different now, though. She's felt cut off from everything. Her emotions, her thoughts, everything. She stood up on the edge of the roof and took it all in just one last time.
"Hello John" she whispered to herself before feeling that warm summer breeze fly past her as the familiar ground in the back of her home grew closer. She thought of nothing and everything at the same time until her mind became still and there was nothing left of the Bad Wolf.
Brynna stood just on the other side of the wall of raspberry bushes wearing a long sleeve shirt and long pants despite the warm weather. She was just quietly humming to herself when she saw Rose, her mother, step up to the edge of the roof. She dropped the basket full of raspberries and tried to yell out to her, but she was in too much shock. She saw her fall, but never saw her land. She heard it though. She tried to run to her and yell for help, but nothing worked. She stood there, lips parted, shaking legs, tears streaming down her still face for what seemed like and eternity before running away from it all. She couldn't stay there. How could she? She ran until she couldn't breathe and collapsed on the ground. Brynna then realized that she was in the woods somewhere. She dragged herself up and didn't brush off the dirt now coating her clothes. She didn't even blink an eye when she saw that her pant leg below her knee had ripped off completely. She walked until she was out of the woods and ended up by a park no where in her city or the next one over. People gave her strange looks when they saw her dirty clothes, scars where she had no pant leg, and scraped up face and hands. The few families that were spending time there left shortly after she arrived. It quickly became dark and Brynna fell into a dreamless sleep onto a nearby bench with nothing to keep her warm.

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