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Brynna rubbed her scarred arms to keep the cold away as she nonchalantly followed the last tour group into Big Ben. She had learned over the past two months that as long as she acted like she knew what she was doing and did it confidently, she could get away with most things. That was how she had gotten most of her food lately. Even though she hated it, she actually had thanked Madame Kovarian mentally for starving her. It meant she didn't need as much food. Warmth washed over her as she entered the building. She had been spending the nights here lately, now that it was November and freezing. Most kids her age would have been caught by now, but Brynna had gained keen survival skills over her life time. She mouthed the words along with the tour guide, rolling her eyes as the guide told the exact corny joke that they all told every day. Finally the your ended and Brynna quietly ducked out of line, hiding behind a random box of tools. She watched and they walked away and then ran down the ladder, stopping roughly halfway down and jumping on top of a small, extra walkway she had found. It was just her size, and there were no cameras or security guards there. She leaned back against the wall and pulled some chips from her hoodie pocket. Unlike most of her food, she had actually bought these instead of stealing them. She had gotten the money from a strange man in a long black overcoat who gave her money to follow this seedy-looking guy for a while. She laid down, and was about to fall asleep when her eyes snapped open and her heart soared when she heard a very familiar sound.

*about 7.5 minutes earlier*

   I'm walking past my Mum and Dad's room with my favorite animal, my dog, whom I've named Killian, when I hear my name, spoken by my Mum's voice.
   "I'm worried about Brooke" she says quietly. "She's still torn up about us sending Brynna away, I thought she's be over it by now." I hear Dad's gentle voice,
   "Relax, How long has Brynna been gone? A week? A week and a half?" She's allowed to be sad for a little while." I hear a short silence, followed by a small sigh from Mum.
   "...Sweetie, it's been three months."
I scoff and continue on, shaking my head. As I sit in the kitchen, nibbling on a piece of corn, a sudden rage fills me, piercing me to my very core, as I storm down the hallway, seeing red, Killian snaps along at my heels, sensing my wrath. I smash into the control room and start flipping switches and turning dials, smashing buttons and punching random coordinates into the screen. I fall to the ground as the tardis lurches violently. I grab my puppy and hug him to my chest and we are shaken around, with a nasty screetch, the entire console room flips upside-down and I slam into the ceiling. As we tip again, I smash into the console, squishing some more buttons. My parents run in.
   "BROOKE! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?" My Mum yells over the chaos. I ignore her. I couldn't have answered anyways, seeing as the tardis flipped again, my parents were holding  onto the railing, but I, protecting Killian, was sent flying into the wall. The tardis suddenly comes to a standstill. Leaving me curled up, all bruised and battered against the corner, Dad runs over, and after chancing to make sure I was okay (which I was... Timelord blood.) he spoke,
   "Brooke. Are you mad!? You might have brought us anywhere! A whale's stomach, the middle of a black hole!.." He continues listing things as I zone him out and walk to the door, he follows me.
   "Or... Big Ben?" He finishes awkwardly. "But, then why was that such a violent ride?" He runs over to the console and starts staring at things. "That doesn't make any sense..." He mumbles. I stare out the door in shock, a huge grin on my face, and Mum joins me, her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide.
   "Sweetie," she says, "get over here, now." Dad walks over and joins us in our staring fest, as we watch a very dirty and worse for the wear Brynna step slowly out from a corner, as soon as her brain connected what was going on, a huge smile replaced her look of shock, and she ran over to us arms held out. I cry out and do the same thing, we slam into each other, both of is laughing, holding to each other tightly. Mum follows, embracing Brynna as well. We pull apart and Brynna walks over to Dad, who is smiling. As she stretches her arms out for a hug, I can see Dad's expression change. He goes to...sad. Just as Brynna came close enough he roughly grabs her hands and very unceremoniously twists them so that her wrists are facing upward, towards him. As I get closer I can see sorrow in his eyes, and something else. Anger.
"Oh, Brynna, no. No! You didn't!" He looks up and meets Brynna's eyes, her expression mirrors his. He opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by a terrible earthquake,
   "Get in the tardis!" Mum calls over the noise. "If we stay here much longer both universes will collapse!" We run inside the tardis and watch my Dad at work, and my Mum silently making a few adjustments behind him. I have my arm linked around Brynna's afraid that if I let go, she'll disappear again. I glance down at her wrists, as I see Scars running up and down her wrists... Fresh scars. My heart drops. As we land in silence, my Dad doesn't turn around. Mum leaves to go to another room. My best friend and I start to head out to, when my Dad's voice stops us.
   "Brynna, why?" Brynna opens her mouth to speak, but no sound comes out. Dad turns around, his face filled with dismay and fury. "I thought yOu would be HAPPY!" His voice gets louder at the last word. Brynna steps back, fear flickering on her face. "WHY CAN'T YOU GET THIS RIGHT?!" What? This isn't her fault- "THIS" he grabs her wrist and shakes it. "IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!" Brynna pulls away. "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!" At his last word, he steps forward again throwing his arms in a "Y" shape. When that happened Brynna cried out in fear throwing her arms over her head and curling up in fetal position on the ground. Dad, realizing what he was doing quickly stepped back, at the same time I jumped in front of Brynna yelling,
   "DAD STOP!" Dad stared down at her.
   "I'm sorry." He whispers "I'm sorry." As Brynna gets up she watches Dad's retreating back with a certain...Coldness... In her eyes, it stays there as I lead her away.

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