Chapter 1

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You sit outside of the church, not knowing what you're doing here or what led you here. For the past couple months, you've been struggling. No where to go, no family that gives a shit about you. You're all alone but, maybe you being at this church will change but then again, maybe not.

As you sit at the church entrance, fiddling with your fingers a lady comes up to you and puts her hand on your shoulder. You gasp at the sudden touch, scared that you'd get taken advantage of again. You looked up at her and she had the sweetest smile. She had curly red hair and glasses. "Hello dear. Are you ok?" She asked with so much concern in her voice, you don't know what came over you, but you just cried. You couldn't hold it in any longer. She dropped her purse and held onto you rubbing your back. "It's going to be okay honey I'm here." She said. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a bother I was just looking for... something..." You said looking down at the ground. "Here, take my hand. Let's go in." She says standing up and reaching her hand out to you. You hesitate for a second. "I don't think they want me in there... I'm not really 'dressed' for church, and I don't want to give you a bad name and-" She cuts me off. "Oh nonsense, come on." She said to you. You finally grab her hand, and she leads you inside the church. When you walk in there's two big doors leading into the sanctuary. It was a big white room with pews, and everyone looked so nice while you're well... not.

You were wearing a torn up black sweater with black ripped skinny jeans and black vans. Your hair was a bright red, and you had a black beanie on with it. It felt weird being in a church after so many years but when someone has a life like yours. You tend to give up everything you've ever known and loved.

~After Service~

The woman who's name you learned was Amy Biersack, took you out for some lunch after church. Her church wasn't really that bad. Everyone seemed so nice and welcoming. Something you're definitely not used to. "So, what's your story?" Amy asked you. She seemed like a nice person, so you told her the truth.

"Well, I ran away from an abusive household. Stayed with my now ex-boyfriend for about 3 months but that was the worst 3 months of my life. He'd abuse me in any way shape or form he could. I wanted to leave him, but I couldn't. He'd always find me in the end. I didn't have anywhere else to go. Plus, he said if I ever tried to leave him, he'd find me torture me and then kill me when he's bored of me. When I finally got the courage to leave while he was out, I never looked back. I moved to a different state where no one knew me or him. And here I am. Alone on the streets. Finding anything that'll help me feel better and yes even drugs. But I've been assaulted so many times since I've ran, I don't know how to cope anymore." You told her playing with the food on your plate. Amy took your hand and you looked at her in the eyes. "Do you need a place to stay until you get back on your feet? A safe place?" She asked you like it was nothing. "W-what?? No. I can't go to a shelter... that's much worse than being on the streets." You told her. "If you need a place to stay, I have an extra room in my house. Well it's actually my sons room but he's on tour right now with his band so he won't be back for awhile."

She said smiling at me. "Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden.." "Honey, I'm looking in your eyes right now and I can tell your hurting. And I can tell you have a good heart. I trust you." A tear fell down my face because I've never felt someone care for me so much to help me before. "O-okay..." I said as a whisper. She smiled at me and let go of my hand. "Well, let's go get you some new clothes yeah?" Amy says getting up from the booth and paying the bill.

~Back at her house from shopping~

Amy showed me to my- well her sons room to get settled in. I put my clothes in drawers and hung up the 'nice' clothes like dresses and blouses and whatnot. After I'm done putting everything away, I look around the room. It looked like a typical boys room but with band posters and cds everywhere. I left the door open but there's a knock on the door and it's Amy.

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