Chapter 7

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As you're driving away from the bar, you have to pass an alley. As you come to a stop at a red light right beside the alley, you look over to your right to see Juliet up close with someone. Someone who definitely was not Andy. Because Andy was with you. "What are you looking at?" He asks you as he starts to turn around but before he could see what you were looking at, you did something. You pulled his face to yours and kissed him passionately. When you pull away you still have your eyes behind him. His brows furrowed as he finally sees what you've been trying to keep hidden from him. Juliet was taking it from the back from some random guy. "Andy..." "Just drive."

When you get back to the house you open the door for you and Andy and he just walks past you and goes straight to the kitchen, grabbed a 6 pack and goes to his room which was also your room and slams the door shut. Amy comes out of her bedroom and walks up to you. "Was that Andrew? What's wrong with him?" She asks concerned. "Um, he witnessed Juliet....opening her back door for some random guy in an alley." You say trying to make it sound less horrible than it was. "OH....Oh...." Amy says as she looks at you. "Do me a favor dear, don't leave him alone by any means. When this happened with Scout, it was rough. We thought we'd lost him. He needs someone right now." She says placing a hand on your shoulder. "Ok, I'll go and comfort him the best I can."

You open the door to your room and see Andy on the floor drinking a beer and scrolling on his phone. You close the door quietly behind you and sit next to him on the floor. "Can you please leave me alone?" Andy asks still looking at his phone. "Andy.." "Don't please just don't. I'd rather be alone right now." "Well considering I know exactly what your going through, I'd beg to differ. I wish I had someone by my side when I caught Derek cheating on me. I wish I had a shoulder to cry on." You take Andys hand in yours and squeeze it. "Why'd you kiss me? Was it so I wouldn't see her? Was it so that I'd still be with her, even though you knew what she was doing behind my back?" He finally looks at you. His eyes were swollen and red. "No. Honestly, I did it necessarily because I needed to know it; if I still loved you after what happened at Warped. Andy, you told me you loved me and then you went to her." You say with tears in your eyes. "I've always loved you Y/N. From the first time I saw you, I felt something. But I was scared, then when I saw you and Ashley together it just pissed me off. I wanted you; I needed you. Seeing him make you smile and laugh just rubbed me the wrong way. That was supposed to be my job." By now Andy has downed 3 beers "And then you wrote that song about us? I mean Ashley deserves that, but me?! I didn't deserve that from you." "Yes, you did. You broke me. How can you tell someone you love them then leave to be with someone else." "I didn't know what to do." "You Tell Her It's Over!" You scream at him. By now, you're standing up yelling at him. Andy stands up and throws his half empty beer bottle at the wall and it shatters all over the wall and floors. "You think I haven't tried?! Every time I brought you up, she'd cut me off and bring up something else that didn't matter at the time. She got pissed that I was talking to you. Even thinking about you. We had a huge fight because I was writing a song about us. You and me. Y/N, I love you! I mean it." He says in your face. You scoff at him, "You wouldn't know love if it was tattooed on your face." You say to him and turn to walk out of the room. You feel a hand grab your wrist and turn you around and you feel lips pressed against yours. Andy puts his hands behind your thighs and lifts you up walking you over to the bed and gently places you down on it. You push him away "Andy.."

"Shh, let me show you how much I love you. Let me make love to you." "Andy, you're drunk." You say pushing him off of you. "No, I'm not Y/N. Come on, I've been wanting to do this for so long. Please." He begs. You push him further away from you. "Dammit Andy, I said no!" You say forcefully. "You're just pissed because YOU chose to be with that cheating skank instead of me." "Well, I can say the same for you!" "Fuck you!" "Fuck you!" Andy then grabs your face roughly and kisses you. You couldn't help yourself, so you kissed him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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