Chapter 5

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~6 months Later~

The guys asked if you wanted to go finish out their tour with them since you wanted to be a singer one day, they were able to show you what it was all about. You and Ashley have been going strong ever since he asked you to be his girlfriend. Since you two were exclusive now, even his fans are asking for your autograph. It's been crazy but super fun. Andy has a new girlfriend; her name is Juliet. You don't know how you feel about her yet. She's been a bitch since you've met her. And she's always around Andy like a little lost puppy. CC also started talking to someone and you like her, you two became friends the first day you met.

At the moment you're at Warped Tour with a bunch of other bands like Pierce the Veil, Falling in Reverse, and Sleeping with Sirens. You were really excited because you were fans of most of these bands. Since it was held outside, you decided to wear a black and white checkered bralette and paired it with matching black and white skirt and accessorized with a studded necklace and studded black boots and a black jacket just in case it got cold.

You were currently at Black Veil Brides' tent helping out with the merch when you started to get thirsty. "Hey Margo, I'm gonna go and get a drink you want something?" You asked the girl you were at the merch stand with. "No, I'm good." "Alright, I'll see you in a bit." You waved goodbye to her. As you were walking around the park after you got your drink, you decided to text Ashley to see where he was.

Y/N: hey babe wya

A: sorry babe got caught up with the band at the moment. See you later tonight?

Y/N: yeah babe that's fine. Have fun.

A sigh escaped your lips. You've been wandering around the park now for about 20 minutes trying to find something to do. You look around to and see someone walking towards you in a hurry. As the figure gets closer, you see that it's Ronnie Radke; lead singer of Falling in Reverse. "Hey?" You ask confused as to why he's walking up to you like he knows you. "Hey so um, you're Ashley's girlfriend, right? Like exclusively?" You look at him even more confused than you already were. "Yeah, I am. Is there something you want to tell me?" And with that, Ronnie grabs your hand and you're forced to follow wherever he's taking you. "Hey, where are you taking me?! Let go of me!" You shout at him. "Shh!" He yells at you. You look at him astonished. He turns back around as to look for something and points to a tour bus. "Go in there." He says to you and with that, he leaves you there to wonder on your own. As you walk up closer to the tour bus, you can hear laughing from a girl and man talking. You peak in the window and see no one is in the main room so they might be in the back. You quietly open the door and close it back behind you. You start to hear moans from the back room which you've learned usually holds beds. As you get closer to the door, you take a deep breath and slide it open. You gasp at what you see in front of you, your heart breaking completely. 

Ashley had some random toothpick looking hooker on top of him kissing and touching him. She was about to take off his pants, but you stopped it. "Ashley?" You ask quietly. He shoots up out of the bed and pushes the girl off of him. At this point, you couldn't breathe nor think. Your hand that was holding your drink was shaking uncontrollably. You threw your beer at him. "How could you?!" You yell at him tears brimming your eyes. "Y/N, baby it's not what looks like. I love you and only you." You laugh at his response. "Really? You love me? So, you show me you love me by hooking up with some scrawny rando in a random tour bus??! Really Ashley?! How stupid do you think I am?!" At this point you're livid. Ashley jumps out of the bed and runs over to you trying to console you. "Don't touch me!" You scream backing away from him. "Baby please, listen to me." You turn your back on him and run out of there. You ran as fast as you could. You could hear Ashley calling after you, but you kept running. You ran to where no one else would be.

At the back of the venue, you finally stop running and collapsed crying your heart out. You couldn't hold anything inside anymore. "Ahhhh!!!" You screamed as loud as you could, trying to release all of the anger and hurt that you felt inside. But it didn't help. Memories started to flood back again. When Derek would cheat on you and laugh about it. Then he'd drug you up and give you to one or all of his friends. You reach inside of your boot and grab your backup razor. You always had backups for everything. You clean up your face and head to the bathrooms they have backstage. You go in and lock the door. You slide down the door and raise up your sleeve. 

'NEVER ENOUGH' was cut into your skin. Still couldn't release the pain. "Fuck!!!" You yell and throw your razor. It bounced off the wall and slid underneath the door. "Fuck." You sigh to yourself. You stand up and unlock the door so that you can go retrieve your bloody razor on the other side and when you do, you run into a big chest. You stumble back a little. As you look up to see who it was, you roll your eyes. "Fuck..." You whispered; you wished you didn't open the door. As you look back, you see Andy standing there with the razor in between his fingers. With a 'really' look on his face. "Something you wanna tell me?" "Ugh, not that you'd care." You say trying to reach for your razor, but he held his hand higher. 'Damn my short stature.' You thought. "Just forget it." You say walking past him and going outside. "Show me." "No." "Y/N, so help me I will flush the shit down the toilet." "Then do it! I'll just get another one!" You yell back at Andy. He then turns you around and rips off your jacket completely. "Dude what the fuck?!" He doesn't say anything as he reads what's written in your arm. "Why?" He whispers to me. You yank your arm back from him and walk away. You didn't want to talk about what you just witnessed. "Y/N, please talk to me!" Andy begs. "Baby?" You look to your right to see Ashley running towards you. You start to run away from him, you didn't know where you were going but you were just running. All of a sudden, you feel someone tackle you and bring you to the ground. "Ugh." You groan in pain. The person turns you over so you can see them. 

Fucking Ashley. 

"Get off of me." Is all you said. "No baby we need to talk-" He lifts his hand and sees blood on it. He then takes your arm to see the damage. "Oh, baby." He says softly as he caresses your cheek "I'm not gonna tell you again, Ashley. Get the fuck off of me." You grit through your teeth. Suddenly, he's pulled off of you by Andy. "What's going on here?" You get up off the ground and cross your arms over your chest since it was starting to get a little chilly out. Ashley just looks at the blood on his hands. "Did you do this because of me?" He asks in a whisper. "Y/N, what is he talking about?" "Y/N, baby please I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen." Ashley softly cries. He tries to walk up to you and hold you but you back away from him. "Ashley what did you do?" Andy asks him. "He cheated on me." Was all you said before you walked away from the both of them. Andy follows behind you. He turns you around and engulfs you in a much-needed hug. Thats when you really broke down. "Come on, let's get you somewhere where you can have some privacy." He says leading you to their tour bus.

"I caught him. With some random hooker, in a random tour bus." You told Andy as you two sat on the couch of the tour bus. He cleaned you up and bandaged up your arm. "Y/N I'm so sorry." He whispers to you. "Why do you suddenly care? This whole entire trip I've been here, since I've been with Ashley, you've been nothing but a complete asshole to me. And now you sit here and wanna act like you care?" You asked him looking into his eyes. "Y/N-" "No don't 'Y/N' me. The damage has been done." You get up off the couch and walk back and forth in front of him telling him off. 

"You could've been there from the jump, from when we first met but no, you wanted to go and be asshole. And why I don't know maybe it's because-" You get cut off by his lips pressing against yours. You don't know what came over you but you fell into the kiss deeper. You two fell back onto the couch. You on top, straddling him. "Mmm, Y/N, I have to tell you something." "Mmhmm?" "I..... I.... Mmm fuck." "Just tell me Andy." "I love you." He says about to kiss me again until we hear voices outside the door. You hop off of Andy and sit next to him on the couch. You couldn't help yourself, so you kiss Andy again hoping he knows that's you saying that you loved him too without actually saying it. "Yeah, I know." Ashley then opens up the door as you and Andy pull away from the kiss. You two hear a girl laughing. Your heart breaks all over again. "Really Ashley, after what you just put her through you bring another bitch?" Andy says holding your hand, yelling at Ashley. Ashley sees the both of you holding hands and he chuckles. "Nah man this one's not for me. She's for you." He says with a smirk. Andy looks confused but Ashley steps aside to let the girl in. "ANDY BABY!!!" She shrieks. "Juliet?"

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