Chapter 3

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After work, Andrew drove you both home. As you enter the house, you try to go upstairs but Andrew stopped you before you could. "Hey! We need to talk!" He shouts at you. You cower at his loud voice. You turn around and head for the living room couch. You sit down waiting for him to say something. "What were you doing there? And dressed like that? Where were your clothes?!" He yelled at you. "I was working." You said blankly.

"Working??? You're a stripper!?" "Yep. And I'm damn good at it. Just ask your friend. Ashley, is it? He seemed to have lots of fun with me." You said getting up and walking towards Andrew. You got the guy's name later on in the night. He clenched his jaw and his fists. "Aww, is someone jealous? You want me all to youself; is that it?" You say walking towards him taking off your jacket revealing the outfit you had on tonight. You keep walking towards him until he fell back into a chair. You chuckle at him. You climb on top of him and do exactly what you did to Ashley at the club. "You like what you see? You want me? You wanna touch me?" You say as you grab his hand and place it on your boob. You start to grind on him. You lean in looking into his eyes. "I know you want me; it's ok I want you too." You whisper. Our lips were so close to touching. They brushed against each other. That's when he grabbed you and swiftly got up and put you in the chair, you just had him in. "No. No. Stop it, Y/N. You're drunk." He says pointing at you. You laugh in his face. "Baby, I don't get drunk. If anything, I'm high." You say with a smirk getting up and going to your room. Making sure you left the jacket downstairs so that he'll get a good look of your ass. 

Once you get to your room, you close the door. You needed some more fairy dust, so you poured some on your hand and sniffed it. Some time passed and you didn't feel anything. It was really disappointing. So, you did the next best thing. You got your best friend, razor blade and made some new cuts. You're good at covering them up for work. 10 cuts and still nothing. Maybe if you make more. Or better yet, make them deeper. Yeah, that should do it. You took another sniff of your fairy dust and turned on some music to get my mind going after this fucked up night. You sit down on the floor and start making cuts just listening to the music. You're finally starting to feel something. Eyes closed listening to the music making slits, you smile to yourself. 

That is until you felt your body get jerked up like a rag doll. You open your eyes to see Andrew looking at you with a certain look in his eyes... pain? "Y/N!" He shouts at you holding your shoulders and shaking you. Oh no. Derek.








You're useless!!!!



No one will ever love a stupid whore like you.



You'll never be anything in life.



You should just go kill yourself, no one would miss you.

"I'm begging you, please stop."


I swear if you leave me, I'll find you and I'll kill you.

"Ahhhhh!!!" You screamed. You screamed as loud as you could. Andrew was shaking you, trying to get out of this state, but he was only making it much worse. "Please don't hurt me!!! I'm sorry, I'll never try to leave again! Please, no I love you wait. No please stop!!!! No don't.!!! Please!!!" Flashbacks of Derek abusing you kept flooding your mind, I couldn't get rid of him. "Y/N, what the hell are you talking about?!" Andrew shouted at you. All of a sudden, he picks you up bridal style and takes you to the shower. He puts you both in the tub and turns on the cold water. He holds you and rocks you until you calm down whispering that he's right here with you. Somehow that calms you down.

"Please, please Derek. I promise... I promise I won't leave you...I" That's all you whispered before you blacked out.

Andrew took you out of the shower and got you some new clothes and some bandages for your cuts. Considering what you were wearing, he kind of had to see you naked to give you his clothes to wear so you wouldn't get a cold. He laid you back in the bed and put the covers over you, he was about to leave when something came over him. He let out a sigh, turned back around and laid in bed with you, he held you tight making sure nothing happened to you.

~the next day~

You wake up the next day with the sun beaming in your face. You groan out trying to put the blanket over your face, but something was preventing it. When you look over, you see a shirtless Andrew in bed with you. You screamed and fell out of the bed. Andrew woke up hearing you scream. "What?! What? What's wrong?" He says sleepily looking around. "Why are you in my bed?!" You shouted at him. He looks at you apologetically. "Come sit down." He pats the empty side of the bed you were just on. You hesitantly get back in bed with him and he tells you what happened last night. "How long?" You looked at him confused. "How long what?" You asked him. "How long have you been using and cutting?" You looked at your arms and they were both bandaged up, but how did he know you were using? "I found your cocaine under the bed when I was cleaning up the blood." You looked down ashamed of yourself. "I'm sorry." Was all you could muster. "You still haven't answered my question." "Using for 3 years, cutting for 15." You blurted out. "God Y/N." He says as he pulls you into a hug. "I'm sorry." You said again. "What makes you do this?" That's when you told him about your past. 

"So basically, me shaking you, yelling at you makes you do this because, it gives you flashbacks of your abuse?" He asked you. "Yes." You said quietly. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. Did he get you on drugs?" "Yes." "Did he hit you?" "Yes." Did he-... did he rape you?" "Yes." Andrew was fuming at this point. He was as red as a tomato. "What's his last name." He didn't even ask; it was more of a demand. "Andrew, I'm not telling you that, I left him and my old life behind for a reason." Andrew sighed he took your hand in his. "Well, the guys are coming over sometime today just so you know." Andrew told me. "Ok." "Get some rest, Y/N." He says rubbing your bright red hair. "Alright goodnight, Andrew." "Call me Andy." He says and kisses your forehead.

~A couple hours later~

You wake up to the sunlight hitting your face and birds chirping. You sit up in bed and stretch. You go downstairs and get some cereal. Andy was already down there eating his breakfast. "Morning Andy." You say yawning. "Morning." He says with a mouthful of food. "When will the guys be here?" You ask. "In about 20 minutes. So, get dressed." You looked at him confused. "Why?" "We're taking you shopping. I saw what was in my room and you have nothing. Do you even have a phone?" "I was saving up for one. I can only do so much as a stripper." "Well, we're gonna take you shopping today, plus we need more food in the house." You sigh and agree to going with them. "Ok, let me go shower and I'll be down in a bit."

As you walk downstairs, you make sure everything is in order. Your red hair is in a semi high pony that you straightened and layered. You wore a black crop top sweater with holes in it and a plaid mini skirt accessorized with chains with my black doc martins. You paired it with my fishnet knee high socks. Once you reach the bottom of the stairs, you see 4 somewhat familiar faces. But one you know all too well. Ashley. "Well, well, well, if it isn't 'Prada' herself." Ashley says with a smile getting up from off the couch walking over towards you. "Well, if it isn't daddy himself." You say with a smirk. Ashley takes his hands and caress your cheeks looking at me from head to toe. "You're so beautiful." He says and then kisses you. You were caught off guard but decided to kiss him back wrapping your arms around his neck. Andy then walks in from the kitchen. He clears his throat loudly making you and Ashley separate. You look towards Andy and blush. "Y/N, these are my bandmates. Jinxx, CC, Jake, and you already know Ashley." He says glaring at him. "Oh, I'm sorry, it's very nice to meet you all." You say shaking each of their hands. "Andy why didn't you tell us you had a beautiful houseguest staying with you." Ashley says putting a stray hair behind your ear looking at you in your eyes. You turn and blush. "Because she's my parents' problem, not mine." Andy says harshly. "Well, if you get tired of her, I'll definitely take her off your hands." Ashley says kissing the back of your hand. "Let's just go." Andy says grabbing his keys and walking out of the door. 

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