Chapter 4

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~At the mall~

For a majority of the time, it's just been you and Ashley hanging out and flirting with each other. CC was also flirting with you saying that if you ever needed him to, that he could teach you how to play the drums. Jinxx and Jake were very respectful to you. They'd tell Ashley if he was going too far with something he was doing like touching your ass and stuff like that. Andy has been distant and rude ever since we left the house. 

Right now, you and Ashley were holding hands walking throughout the mall. He spots 'Spencer's Gift Shop', and he drags you in there finding you more outfits for work and he insists it wasn't for his own special needs. As you two were walking out of Spencer's laughing together, Andy grabs you away from Ashley. "Y/N and I need to go get food for the house. We'll meet you guys back at the house later." Andy says pulling you away from the guys. "Aw come on Andy, does she have to go we can take her back to the house with us and we'll see you when you get back." Ashley says trying to get you back from Andy. "No. I don't know what she likes so she needs to go with me." He says aggressively. "Well, that's easy. She likes cowboys and kisses." Ashley says coming up to you trying to kiss you. You would've kissed him back if Andy didn't pull you away from him. Ugh what is his problem? "No. We'll see you guys later." Andy says pulling you away. You look back at the guys with an apologetic look. As you two walked out of the mall and to the car you took separately, you yank your hand away from Andy and stop walking with him. Andy walks up to you and takes your hand again and you yank it away again. "Y/N, come on we have to go to the store." He says trying not to sound too mean. "What's your problem?" "I don't have one." "Andy." "Y/N." You walk to the car without Andy and get in waiting for him.

~At the store~

You get your own cart and go shopping for what you want in the house. As your walking through the aisles, you notice you were being followed. You didn't know by who, but you kept seeing the same black hood a couple of times. You go to the checkout line and pay for your things, then go to the car and put the groceries in the trunk. As you put the cart back to its designated place because you're not the type of asshole who leave the cart anywhere, you walk back to the car only to have someone grab you from behind and put their hand over your mouth. You tried to scream but nothing came out. You were kicking trying to get out of the person's grip. Tears forming in your eyes. As the person had their hand over your mouth, the sweater they wore rose up a little bit and you could see a tattoo. A very familiar tattoo. A dragon. Your eyes grew wider, and you started to scream more and frantically kick more trying to get out of this person's grip. As you're kicking and screaming, you felt the person get yanked off of you. As you turn around, you see Andy throwing the guy on the ground, punching and kicking him. You walk up to them and see the guy that attacked you, had a mask on. You pull Andy off of him and rip the guy's mask off his face. You gasp at who you see.


Your brother.

"What are you doing here?" You ask as tears filled your eyes. "Derek wants me to deliver a message." "What..?" Ryan laughs, "He knew you would leave when he left you at the house by yourself. We were always watching you. We know where you work, where you hang out, where you've been staying. I've been following you this entire time." He evilly laughs. You step back away from him when someone grabs your hand. You jump at the sudden action and realize it's Andy. "So, Derek sent you here." You say in disbelief. "You have nowhere to go." Ryan says to me. "Is it just you?" You asked him. "Yeah why?" And with that, you stomp on his face knocking him out instantly. "Y/N. Come on, we gotta get out of here." Andy says holding your hand and bringing you to the car. When you get in, Andy calls Jinxx. "Hey, I need you to get everything we would need for being on the run. And meet me at 'the place'." Andy says into the phone.

When you two make it back to the house, he tells you to pack everything you need. You do as he says and go to your room and pack all of your necessities while he grabs food and whatnot.

~in the car~

You're hyperventilating about what just happened and Andy tries to calm you down, but nothing seems to be working. He then pulls over, takes your face in his hands and kisses you. Your eyes widen at the sudden gesture of what he just did. But it calmed you down. He looks into your eyes as you stare back at him with a confused look on your face. "Everything is going to be ok." You just nod and turn to look out of the window.

You two pull up to an abandoned house in the middle of the woods. Andy tells you to follow him and you do. When you get in the house the other guys are there waiting for you both. "Oh my God Y/N, baby, are you ok?" Ashley asks while hugging you lovingly. "She's fine." Andy answers for you. "Y/N, who was that?" Andy finally asked you. "My "so called brother". Derek, I guess hired him to follow me. I should've known this was going to happen. It was way too easy to leave. He always finds me. I can't escape him. The only way I can is...- " You were cut off by Andy. "Don't you dare say it." Andy says looking directly into your eyes. "Andy, it's the only way he'll stop. I have to die." "Ok hold on, what I'm hearing is, the only way this Derek guy is going to leave Y/N alone is if she's dead right?" Jake asked. You all nod. "Ok then, let's kill her." "What?!" You all say in unison. 

Andy drags you by your hair to Derek's house. He kicks open the door and throws you inside. "What is all of this noise, I'm working here!!!" You hear Derek say as he enters the room. He looks at Andy then finally at you on the ground. "Oh, we'll look who came crawling back." Derek says with a smirk on his face. "Look, this bitch here is annoying, I don't want her around me anymore." Andy says. "Fuck you!" You spit at him. "Aw, did he get tired of my little slut?" Derek says walking over to you and crouching down to your level, slapping you once he looks at your face. "You stupid girl. I teach you everything you need to know and give you multiple guys at once I might add and you can't even pleasure one fucking man?" "Fuck you, I'd rather die than to be back here with you, getting beaten and raped every day." "That can be arranged." Andy says.


Your body falls limp on the ground as blood pours out of you. "What the fuck did you do?!" Derek asks angrily. "I gave her what he wanted. Now she's out of my life and yours. You're welcome." Andy says putting the gun back in the back of his pants. "Ugh I have no use for her now. Take her whore ass away from me, she's bleeding everywhere!" "No problem. I'll leave her in a dumpster somewhere no one will ever find her." "Good, now leave." And with that Andy drags your body out of Derek's house and into the back of his van.

Once the door closes, you open your eyes seeing all of the guys there with you. "Did it work?" "Hell yeah it worked!" They all start cheering as you all pull away from the house. Ashley pulls you onto his lap and you wrap your arms around his neck. "I was so worried about you baby. I didn't want things to go south." Ashley says rubbing your cheek with this thumb.

"It's ok daddy. I'm fine. He won't be bothering me or you guys ever again." You say tapping his nose with your finger. "Be my girlfriend." Ashley said looking deep into your eyes. "Ok." You say with a smile, and he brings you into a kiss. "Ooohhhh, Ashley's got a girlfriend." Jake says. "Awww, I wanted to ask her out." CC says. As you pull away from the kiss, you lay your forehead on Ashley's and look at the front where Andy is. You see him look in the rear-view mirror and see his hand tighten around the steering wheel. His knuckles turning white. 

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